
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 101b: Five Warnings - Part II {Parable of the Rich Fool}
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Luke 12:1-59
This is the continuation of Part I of this three-part study entitled, "Five Warnings". The warnings came from the Lord Jesus Christ and are to be taken by His followers, then and today, very seriously. What are they? (1) Beware of Hypocrisy, (2) Beware of Covetousness, (3) Beware of Worry, (4) Be Watchful, and (5) Be Discerning. In this lesson, "The Parable of the Rich Fool" is discussed - a very convicting, powerful parable. Make sure that, unlike the rich fool of the parable, you are NOT a "fool" in the eyes of God, for it is the worst possible place you want to be when it is your appointed time to die!

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Luke 12:1-59
This is the first of a three-part study on Christ's five basic and very serious warnings! They are:
- Beware of Hypocrisy
- Beware of Covetousness
- Beware of Worry
- Be Watchful
- Be Discerning
Included in this study on Luke chapter 12 are "The Parable of the Rich Fool" and "The Parable of the Faithful Servants". There is also another occasion of Christ predicting His upcoming crucifixion and death (12:50).

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Luke 11:1-54
There is a lot found in this lesson besides the Lord's "Six Woes," such as:
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Parable of the Importunate Friend
- Precepts on being Persistent
- Parable of the Divided Kingdom
- Parable of Subduing the Strong Man
- Parable of the Empty House
- Pronouncements of Blessing and of Judgment
- Three Woes Against the Pharisees
- Three Woes Against the Scribes (Lawyers)
- The Healing of a dumb (mute) demoniac
- Blasphemous accusation that Christ was in league with Satan

Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 99: Choosing the Good Part {Martha and Mary}
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
In-depth commentary/study books to ACCOMPANY EVERY STUDY on our podcast are available through Amazon.com and scripturetruth.com
This is a personal all-time favorite Bible lesson! So much to learn about priorities and "Choosing the Good Part," as did Mary! Duty and devotion are both needful in the service of Christ, but of the two, spending time with Christ, learning of Him and learning from Him (at His feet) is the most important! Martha is like so many of us - a busy beaver wanting to serve to her very best ability, but finding fault with her sister who wanted to learn from Jesus while she could.
A very convicting lesson in many ways! Don't miss hearing it!

Friday Sep 08, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 98: The Good Samaritan {Who is Your Neighbor?}
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Luke 10:25-37
One of the GREATEST parables of Scripture, told by none other than the One Who is represented by "The Good Samaritan"! In answer to a lawyer's two questions, "Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life" and "Who is my neighbor," (given purposely to test the Lord), Christ Jesus answered in His usual way, which was with questions of His own - and, then, with a powerful parable. Not only did the Lord reveal that inheriting eternal life is not a matter of DOING anything, but a matter of the HEART (loving God with all thy heart, soul, strength, and mind and loving thy neighbor as thyself), but He then rips the pious mask off all self-righteous people who harbor prejudice against others based on nationality, race, gender, religion, or anything else. YOUR neighbor is ANYONE who has a need that YOU can fulfill - and you fulfill it because you love God and because you love your neighborn!
This is a powerful lesson for mankind in all ages, including ours today!

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Luke 10:1-24
In Luke chapter 10 (begun with this lesson), we learn that whether Christians are in the harvest field (i.e. the seventy disciples sent forth as Christ's messengers and laborers), or on the highways of life (i.e. "the Good Samaritan" of 10:25-37), or in the home (i.e. Martha and Mary in 10:38-42), our highest and greatest privilege is to be doing the will of God.
Prior to sending forth seventy disciples (not the 12 Apostles), in pairs, to the villages and cities of Judea and Perea, the Lord Jesus commissioned them with what is called His "Ordination Sermon" (Luke 10:1-16). Their task would not be easy; the harvest was great, but the laborers are few, He said, as He also warned them they would be "as lambs among wolves" (10:2, 3). They were to rely on God to supply their provisions. They needed to realize the urgency of their work and not get side-tracked. They were to go forth as ambassadors of peace, bringing the message of how to have peace with God through belief in the Prince of Peach, Jesus Christ.
The Lord gave these men the miraculous power to heal the sick and deliver the demonically possessed. Christ's words to "The Seventy" reveal that there are degrees of punishment in Hell. Listen to hear! He also told them that He had watched as Satan fell out of Heaven! Listen to learn! He warns strongly about the danger of pride, and told them that the thing for which they should most rejoice was not their earthly successes, but that their names were written in Heaven!
In this lesson, we learn of the only time in Scripture where Jesus is said to have "rejoiced"! WHAT caused that rejoicing in His spirit? Hopefully, you want to know so you can be part of that which brings Him the greatest joy! Need to listen, however, to find out what it is!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Life of Christ Lessons 95b/96: The Good Shepherd Sermon - Parts I and II
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
This is the continuation of the Lord's very comforting "Good Shepherd Sermon" of John chapter 7. We discussed Him in the last lesson as "The Scriptural and the Saving Shepherd," and, in this lesson, He presents Himself as "The Sacrificial Shepherd" (giving more predictions of His voluntary death - and resurrection), "The Solitary Shepherd" (who brings both Jew and Gentile into one fold, under one Shepherd), and as "The Submissive Shepherd" (always obedient to His Father's will).
Of all the animals in the world to choose from, why did the Lord choose sheep to symbolize those who belong to Him (believers)? Listen and find out! Also, did you know that in the Old Testament there were five individual shepherds who, by some aspect of their lives, point to (foreshadowed) Jesus Christ, "The Good Shepherd"? Fascinating - find out who there were and what they pictured about Him. Also, there was a sixth shepherd, called "the idol shepherd" (see Zechariah 11:16, 17), which is a prophecy regarding the Antichrist! How appropriate that he is the SIXTH (think of 666)! Christ Jesus is the SEVENTH Shepherd - again very appropriate since SEVEN is the Biblical number for perfection and completion, and He is the Perfectly GOOD Shepherd! A lot is given to think about in this great sermon by Him!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 95a: The Good Shepherd Sermon - Part I
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
John 10:1-10
John chapter 10 is one of the most beloved chapters of the Bible for believers in Christ. This is the first part of the Lord's "Good Shepherd Sermon," which presents Jesus Christ in His tender role as the good, gentle, and caring Shepherd of His flock. There is a deep sense of security to the believer who reads this chapter and realizes he has a Shepherd Who knows him so intimately and loves him so unreservedly, that He was even willing to sacrifice His life for him.
This sermon grew out of the Lord's confrontation with the Jewish religious rulers following the excommunication of the formerly blind beggar (blind from birth), who Jesus healed. Having just spoken about being the Light of the world and telling the Jews they were spiritually blind, He now changed His use of metaphors from that of light and darkness and sight and blindness (John 9) to that of shepherd and sheep. Something very interesting you want to learn from this lesson is who is represented by the sheepfold, the House of Israel or the Church. Also, who is represented by the thieves and robbers? Who is represented by the porter? You may be very surprised at the answers!
We have a five-point outline for this lesson. The first three outline divisions are discussed in this lesson and the last two are in the lesson to follow (Lesson #95b). They are: (1) The Scriptural Shepherd (learn about the two kinds of sheepfolds in Israel at the time of Christ, as well as the three "doors" that are found in verses 1 to 6. Also, does the sheepfold symbolize).

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
This continues our look at the glorious biblical account of the first man to directly suffer for Christ's sake, the beggar who was born blind and healed on a Sabbath by the Lord Jesus. He was callously excommunicated from Judaism by the cold-hearted, anti-Jesus Sanhedrin Council of Israel! However, the Good Shepherd found him after he was "cast out" by Israel's false shepherds, and led him into the eternal fold! That which man meant for evil, God used for good!
The first thing the man did when Christ revealed Himself and the man believed on Him was to fall down and worship Him! And Jesus did NOT stop him! He accepted the worship because He is God!

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
John 9:8-41
The man born blind, healed by Christ in this chapter, represents the spiritual condition of the unsaved person (we give six ways this is true). The Lord's merciful dealings with the poor, blind beggar present a 7-step picture of the work of God in salvation (we present them in this lesson).
To this point in the narrative of Christ's healing of the blind beggar of John chapter 9, the man has received his sight - which was a unprecedented miracle! Nobody had EVER healed a man who was BORN blind! In this second part of this study on "The Light Gives Sight," we look at the process that then led to the far greater miracle, which was the opening of the man's spiritual eyes; the "eyes of his heart".
The religious rulers were (of course) not pleased that the man could see for the first time in his life! They were "upset" that he was healed on the Sabbath! Thus, they begin a ridiculously cruel interrogation of the situation (hoping to discredit Jesus for breaking Sabbath Law). First, they interrogate the former blind beggar, then his neighbors, then his cowardly parents, and then the beggar again! The more they show forth their cold hearts and legalistic foolishness, the stronger the man's faith in Jesus becomes! He goes from being astonished at their unbelief, to making a logical assessment of the situation (9:31), to having assurance in Christ being "of God" (9:32, 33)!
The remainder of this account is found in the next lesson (#94b).

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
John 9:1-7
The Lord often performed a miracle to serve as a living illustration for a message containing spiritual truth. In John chapter 9, His living illustration and confirmation of His "Light of the World Sermon" was a man born blind who He (Christ, the Light of the world) healed! The greatest miracle in this chapter, however, is not the opening of the man's eyes, but the opening of his heart to the light of truth concerning the Person of Jesus Christ!
This is the first of a three-part study on this very moving, dramatic account of the healing of a man born blind! If you are like me, you will really come to admire that man, who serves as a great role model for us regarding standing up for common sense and for TRUTH regarding Christ's Indentity!

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
John 8:48-59
This is the last part of the Lord's "Light of the World Sermon". There are many interesting verses in the last section of what we call the Lord's "True Emancipation Proclamation". Jesus asked the religious rulers if they could point out any sin in His life; their silence speaks volumes, although they resorted to name-calling. They said He was a "Samaritan" (which they considered one of the worst insults) and that He had "a devil". He ignored their first insult, but proceeded to tell them how His words and actions proved He was not demonically controlled. Ever-patient, Jesus then invited them to trust His words so they would be set free from ever experiencing eternal separation from God.
It was at this point the Jews again mentioned Abraham, asking Jesus, "Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead?" Christ had already made a statement that was really a claim of His Lordship over the Tomb (8:51); now He made a claim as to His Lordship over Time! We get into a wonderful detailed study ofHis next words to the Jews, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day: and he saw it, and was glad" (8:56)! We enjoy a quick review of "The Gospel on Moriah" (Abraham's almost sacrifice of Isaac) as we discover how it was that Abraham actually DID SEE (with eyes of faith) Christ's day!
At the end of the Lord's "Emancipation Proclamation," the Jews were boiling with anger and they picked up heavy stones to stone Him to death! But, it was not His hour and, somehow, He miraculously hid Himself from them.

Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 91: True Emancipation Proclamation - Part I
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
John 8:31-47
"The True Emancipation Proclamation" is the title for a two-part study, which continues and completes the Lord's "Light of the World Sermon" given in the Temple Treasury, the day after the Feast of Tabernacles. He spoke about true freedom and how anyone can find "Emancipation from Enslaving Sin" (8:31-41a), "Emancipation from Evil Satan" (8:41b-47), "Emancipation from Eternal Separation" (8:48-59). The first two of these sub-divisions are discussed in this lesson.
Learn what the Lord meant by His words, "If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (8:31b, 32)! IF YOU TRULY WANT FREEDOM, IT COMES FROM KNOWING THE LORD JESUS AND THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM IN SCRIPTURE.

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 90: The Light of the World - Part II
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
John 8:13-30
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, John designed his account of Christ's life so that 3 wilderness pictures of Jesus are presented in sequential order in chapters 6, 7, and 8. In chapter 6, manna was given as a picture of the Lord, the True Bread of Life Who came down from Heaven. In chapter 7, the water from the rock in Horeb was given as a picture of the Living Water (the Spirit), Who only Christ, the Rock can offer. In chapter 8, the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night which led Israel in the wilderness is used to present a picture of the True Light of the world, the Lord Jesus - the Shekinah Glory veiled in Human flesh.
Jesus made a claim to Messiahship and Deity when He said He is the Light of the world. The Jews were set on disproving His claim publicly. The Law said a person's word of testimony with regard to himself was not acceptable in a judicial court unless other witnesses substantiated it. This latest challenge and the Lord's response to it for the subject for this second half of a two-part study on "The Light of the World".
We discuss "The Lord's Witness" (8:13-16), "The Law's Witness" (8:17-20), "The Lord's Way" (8:21-24), and "The Lord's Word" (8:25-30).
Another prediction of His upcoming crucifixion is found in John 8:28, which literally reads, "When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I AM" (the pronoun "He" is not in the original manuscript)!! Another powerful lesson regarding the Person of Jesus Christ, the Lord!

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
John 8:12, 20a
Although this lesson only covers 1 and 1/2 verses, it is packed full of Bible "meat"!
After the adulteress woman episode, in which the religious rulers failed miserably to trap Jesus, they tried another approach. When they heard Him make yet another claim to Deity when He said, "I am the Light of the world," they tried to prove Him false. and the result was "The Light of the World Sermon" (8:12-58) - to be covered through Lesson #92 (and illustrated as being TRUE in Lessons #93 and #94 regarding Christ's healing of a man born blind).
There is simply too much to "spell out" in this brief synopsis; you just need to hear it all for yourself, probably more than once!

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 88: Dilemma After the Feast {The Adulteress Woman}
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
John 8:1-11
In John chapter 8, we find the nation of Israel represented symbolically as God's adulterous wife. This lesson is the well-know account of the adulteress brought before Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees to present Him with a seemingly impossible dilemma. They figured He could not resolve this situation without either publicly disregarding the Mosaic Law (by saying, "Let her go") or by disappointing the people for not demonstrating compassion and mercy (by saying, "Stone her to death").
Incarnate Truth (Christ) cannot set aside the divinely inspired Law; Incarnate Grace (Christ) cannot ignore the hopelessness of the sinner. How could grace flow from Jesus without doing damage to either justice or holiness? Omnipotent Wisdom provided the solution! He had the right to offer the woman grace because He was going to be condemned in her place!

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
John 7:32-53
Jesus stood in the Temple, raising His voice to people who thought He could not possibly be the Messiah because they "knew" His origin (birthplace and parentage), but they were wrong. He gave repeated claims to His Deity (7:28, 29), which enraged the religious rulers, especially when many people did believe Jesus was Who He claimed to be. The Jews felt it was time to send for the Temple guard to arrest Him. In this lesson, the Lord spoke a prophecy to the religious rulers, "Ye shall seek Me and shall not find Me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come" (7:34). They sarcastically said among themselves that he must be going among the Gentiles, for they would not "lower" themselves to associated with Gentiles.
John recorded the events of the last day of the Feast of Taberncaldes. We talk a lot about the rituals and ceremonies involved in celebrating this feast and how Jesus used them to point to Himself as the Fulfillment - for example - of the Rock smitten by Moses in the wilderness out from which flowed life-giving water! He said, "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (7:37, 38).
There were three kinds of responses to His words - some heeded it; some hindered it; and others hated it. Interestingly, the Temple officers sent by the Sanhedrin Council to arrest Jesus did not arrest Him; instead they returned to the Council with this testimony, "Never man spake like this man" (7:46)! Then, too, one of their own Council members spoke up in defense of Jesus! His name was Nicodemus! This is a great lesson! Lots of "meat".

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 86: Debate in the Midst of the Feast
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
John 7:11-31
In this lesson, we discuss the various debates about Jesus taking place in Jerusalem both before His arrival there and following His appearance in the Temple in the midst of the festival week (the Feast of Tabernacles, which lasted 7 days). There are five main divisions to this lesson: (1) Arguments about Christ's Character, (2) Astonishment at Christ's Doctrine, (3) Accusations of Christ's Person, (4) Anger Over Christ's Word, and (5) Ambivalence Over Christ's Origin.
Find out why it is impossible to conclude that Jesus was just a "good man"! Also, learn how you can KNOW if what Jesus taught is true! He gave the answer in John 7:17 and 7:18. Learn how He pointed out yet another hypocrisy in the Jewish religious leaders concerning their supposed "love" for Moses and the Law! Learn what particular "work" and what particular claim Christ did and made that made the Jews (rulers) so indignant that they wanted to kill Him. The Jews could take no more of Christ's claims to Deity, so they sought to lay hands on Him to arrest Him, but they could not. Why? The answer is found in John 7:30, ". . . because His hour was not yet come"! He had six more months of ministry remaining, and nobody could touch Him until it was the divinely appointed time for Him to give His life - willingly! That time was the Passover.

Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Luke 9:51-56; John 7:1-10
The Lord now came to the end of His Galilean ministry. In Luke 9:51, He is headed toward Jerusalem of Judea, and we read these words, "And it came to pass, when the time was come that He should be received up, He stedfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem". It was near to the Feast of Tabernacles with only six months before the Feast of Passover - the one in which Christ would be the Passover Lamb!
Knowing His time was growing short and also knowing what awaited Him when He arrived in Jerusalem, nonetheless, He set His face like flint to complete the work He set out to do. He had put His hand to the plow, and He would NOT turn back! He was "On the Road to Rejection," and it would begin sadly. It began with the rejection of His own half-brothers, which is what we look at first, "Spurned by His Siblings," and as He passed through Samaria, He was also "Spurned by the Samaritans".

Friday Aug 25, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 84: Barriers to Commitment
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Matthew 8:19-22; Luke 9:57-62
The Lord said His yoke is easy and His burden light, but it does not mean He makes easy and light demands of those who would be His followers (disciples). He also said those who follow Him in committed discipleship must be willing to deny self and take up their cross. In this lesson, the Lord encountered three "would-be" disciples - men who claimed they wanted to follow Him. However, by way of these three living illustrations (and their "excuses"), we see just how real the demand of Christian discipleship are and how few people are truly willing to commit completely to Christ's service!
In His conversation with the three "would be" disciples, we learn of the three most common barriers to total Christian commitment: (1) The Barrier of Present Resources, (2) The Barrier of Future Riches, and (3) The Barrier of Past Relationships.

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 83: Key to Family Unity: FORGIVENESS!
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Matthew 18:21-35
The last section of the Lord's "Sermon on Being Children of God" came as a result of a question posed by Peter. After hearing Jesus teach about the necessary steps believers must take in regard to the discipline of an offending brother, Peter became curious about the number of times a sinning brother should be forgiven. Thinking he was being very generous, he then suggested his own number - 7 times. In answer to Peter, the Lord spoke about the importance of forgiveness in the Christian's life. This is the subject of this lesson, forgiveness is the Key to Family Unity!
Included in this lesson is the Lord's "Parable of the Wicked Servant" (Matthew 18:23-34).

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Matthew 17:15-20
This is a difficult lesson (often ignored by many churches and Christians), for it on "Discipline With the Family" (speaking of the family of God). It is the Lord's instructions for how to properly engage in church discipline. He presented the necessary and sequential steps involved in godly, Biblical discipline of believers who have stumbled into sin by offending or despising a "brother or sister" in Christ. These principles for preserving family unity are still applicable today!

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Matthew 18:10-20
This next two-part study entitled "Preserving Family Unity" is a continuation of the Lord's "Sermon on Being the Children of God" (Lesson #81), which was precipitated by the disciples' argument over which of them would be "the greatest" in the Kingdom. He taught them about humility in the section we entitled "Servants, Not Celebrities," and He taught them about true servant-greatness in the section, "Stepping Stones, Not Stumbling Blocks".
In this lesson (and #82b), He rebuked His men for their argument with each other about greatness, for in seeking self-promotion, they were actually pushing the others down. It was a form of "despising" others in the family of God. Learn from Him what some of the ways in which Christ despise each other (18:10a), and why Christians should NOT despise one another (18:10b-14).
In this study, we discuss "The Parable of the Lost Sheep"!

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 81: Stepping Stones, Not Stumbling Blocks
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Matthew 18:5-9; Mark 9:36-50; Luke 9:48-50
Although the Lord Jesus shortly before had predicted His up-coming suffering and death (Matthew 17:22, 23), His disciples were so focused on their own selfish ambitions that they heatedly disputed over who among them was to be the greatest in the Kingdom! This is what prompted the Lord to preach a sermon on being children of God. This sermon, more than any other of His discourses, teaches Christians how to get along with one another!
With a small child in the midst of them (18:2), Christ taught about God's perspective on true greatness, which begins with childlike humility. He also taught about the importance of having a servant-like attitude and spirit.
Among other subjects discussed in this lesson are "The Problem of Sectarianism" (important!), "The Peril of Stumbling Blocks"(we can either influence people for the better and help them live more righteously, or we can influence them for the worse by causing them to stumble into sin), and "The Power of Salt" (Mark 9:49, 50).

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Matthew 17:24-18:4; Mark 9:33-35; Luke 9:46, 47
This lesson covers two major events, one in the form of a miracle ("Simon's Fishy Coin") and the other in the form of an instructional sermon, which we call "Sermon on Being Children of God". The sermon is the Lord's personal instructions about being humble, harmonious, and forgiven children of God! We begin it in this lesson by talking about the importance of being "Servants, Not Celebrities"! In the lesson to follow (#81), the Lord teaches us to be "Stepping Stones, Not Stumbling Blocks"!
There is a lot of Bible teaching in this lesson about the Christian's behavior as a "citizen" of this world! Although our ultimate citizenship is in Heaven and although the governments of this world are all, to one degree or another, corrupt, yet we are under obligation to human government (i.e. to pay our taxes, obey the laws) except when obedience would directly interfere with obedience to God. By divine law, we are to be subject to human laws and government!

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 79: Moving Mountains in the Valley
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Matthew 17:14-23; Mark 9:14-32; Luke 9:37-45
With this lesson, we move into "The Private Ministry of Christ" (the final year of His ministry), when He was focused on preparing His disciples for the work they would carry on once He returned to His Father in Heaven. One of the first principles He taught His men, after He came down from the Mount of Transfiguration, was a principle regarding faith. Coming down back into "the valley of life," the Lord encountered what we call "A Hellish Situation" (a boy demoniac and the utter failure of the nine Apostles to deliver him). The Lord taught a valuable lesson on faith - not only must spiritual life initially be received by faith; it must also continually be lived out by faith! He alone had "A Heavenly Solution". He delivered the boy and not only cultivated the faith of the boy's father, but corrected the failure of His men!

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 78: Messiah’s Metamorphosis {The Transfiguration!!}
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36
For the first time, Jesus had revealed the fact of His Second Coming, something the Jews never understood about the Messiah. He then revealed the reliability of the prophecy (of His Return) by giving a glimpse of His Second Coming "Kingly splendor" to three of His Apostles: Peter, James, and John on what has come to be called "The Mount of Transfiguration". That revelation of His divine nature was a miniature preview of His Second Coming.
Learn about the conversation with two special Old Testament saints Christ had on the Mount! Why is the word "exodus" mentioned as the center of that conversation and why is that term significant for believers? Learn of Peter's suggestion and why it had to be corrected by God from Heaven! Why did Christ only allow three men to witness this unveiling of His glory - and then forbid them from telling the others about it (until after His resurrection).

Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 77: Profiting by Loss
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Matthew 16:21-28; Mark 8:31-9:1; Luke 9:22-27
The Lord was intently concentrated on teaching His twelve disciples the deeper truths concerning the divine plan for man's redemption. They not only needed to hear about His need to die, His resurrection, their own need to suffer for His sake and bear their own crosses, but they needed to know the truth about His glorious Second Coming. These subjects are discussed in the five divisions of this lesson, which are (1) The Sovereign Plan, (2) The Satanic Presumption (oh dear, Peter), (3) The Saviour's Protest, (4) The Sacrificial Paradox (profit in the Christian life only comes through loss, which is primarily the loss of pride and selfishness), and (5) The Sure Promise (of His Second Coming).
Learn what Jesus meant when He said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross".

Friday Aug 11, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 76: Upon this Rock {WHAT is the Rock? Peter?? NOPE!}
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-21
In the first part of this lesson, the Lord Jesus asked His men the question every person must eventually answer, ". . .Whom say ye that I am?". This all-important questions and the response He received from the disciples are the subject matter contained under our heading, "The Choice". This question session ended with Peter's great confession (given on behalf of the other men, as well), "Thou art teh Christ, the Son of the Living God". The Lord accepted it because it is true! He then took them to a new stage of enlightenment; for the first time, He spoke to them about The Church"!
We get into a very important discussion about the Lord's words to Peter, "Thou art Peter, and UPON THIS ROCK I will build My church". Was He stating that Peter is the rock upon which He would build His Church - or does "this rock" refer to something else? This is important, for this is the very verse Roman Catholicism bases its authority for the office of the pope! CRITICAL DOCTRINAL STUDY about this and other matters (i.e. Christ's words to His men about "binding and loosing" in Matthew 16:19).

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 75: Battling Blindness {Physical and Spiritual}
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Matthew 15:39-16:12; Mark 8:10-26
In the next two chronological steps of Christ's earthly ministry, we have a picture of His battle with both complete and cloudy spiritual vision. As He returned to Galilee from the area of Decapolis, He again encountered a battle with the willfully blind Jewish religious leader, who tried to tempt Him so as to discredit Him publicly. They were (1) completely sightless (spiritually speaking). Next, the Lord dealt with His disciples, who received their spiritual sight by their faith in Christ, but still had what we call (2) cloudy sight. There were yet many things about Him, His plan of redemption, His Church, and His Second Coming they did not understand. When He warned them about the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees, they thought he spoke about actual bread.
Finally, in the Lord's healing of a blind man in Bethsaida, we have a picture of (3) cleared sight. The blind man actually pictured the disciples, who spiritual sight would gradually clear (especially after the Lord's resurrection). This is the only miracle Christ ever performed in which "the healing" took place gradually! Learn how that unique miracle illustrates an important spiritual truth for all of us!

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 74: Decapolis Ministry {Feeding the 4,000}
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Matthew 15:29-38; Mark 7:31-37.
In this lesson, we learn the Lord's traveling schedule demonstrated that though He came to reveal and present Himself first to Israel, He also came as the Saviour of the world. His ministry among Gentile people (i.e. Tyre, Sidon, the ten cities of Decapolis) was a "sneak preview" of the extension of His Kingdom to the entire world.
Jesus performed many miracles while in the area of Decapolis (the Gadarene demoniac had spread word in Decapolis about the great thing he did for him), but two specific miracles are recorded and discussed in this lesson. They are the healing of a deaf man (Mark 7:35) and the feeling of the 4,000+ (8:7-9).

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 73: A Faith Called Great [And it is a Gentile Woman!}
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30
This is the account of the Lord's deliverance of a demon from a Syro-phoenician woman's daughter. The woman had a desperate request, which she took to the right Source, the Lord Jesus! He, however, seemed to be against her! He did not speak a word to her pleading request for His mercy. His disciples were rude to her. She did not give up. She overcame all kinds of obstacles (her nationality, her gender, Satan - who had done his part to attack her precious daughter, and the Lord's seeming apathy), but then Jesus said to her these strange words, "It is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs"! YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS LESSON SO YOU RIGHTLY UNDERSTAND HIS WORDS AND WHAT JESUS WAS DOING WITH THIS WOMAN!
Amazingly, the Syrophoenician woman humbly accepted her place in God's providential plan of things (Jew first, then the Gentile). She was fully accepting of the divine order. She willingly accepted God's plan and submitted to it. She put away pride and became an illustration of the millions of Gentiles who have been blessed and saved by the Messiah of Israel. She became the only woman the Lord Jesus is recorded to have commended for her GREAT FAITH!! Her daughter was not only delivered, the woman was saved!

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 72: Defection and Defilement
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
John 6:59-71; Matthew 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23
The Lord Jesus had fed 5,000+ people with only five barley loaves and two fish. It was such an amazing miracle, the people tried to crown Him their King, but their motive was wrong and their understanding of His Kingship and His Kingdom was wrong. In His "Bread of Life Sermon," which He preached to the people the next day, He revealed Himself as the True Bread of Life (spiritual bread that gives eternal life). The response of the people was resentment when they heard Him speak of eating His flesh and drinking His blood to receive everlasting life. He was using metaphoric language to speak of the need to receive Him personally into the core of one's being to experience the New Birth. The Jews murmured when they heard His claims to Deity in the first part of His sermon, but they aggressively began to argue among themselves when they heard His words about eating and drinking His flesh and blood.
Jesus was finished with His message. He said to the people, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life. I am that Bread of life" (6:47, 48). As always, there was division among the people when He finished. Most of the people rejected His words and, subsequently, rejected Him. Only a small minority received His words and determined to remain with Him.

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 71b: Bread of Life Sermon - Part IV
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
This is the fourth lesson on the very important "Bread of Life Sermon" of John chapter 6. It is critical to rightly interpret this discourse. Much of Christendom follows a false interpretation of it, which has led to millions of people participating in a false doctrine called Transubstantiation!

Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 71a: Bread of Life Sermon - Part III
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
From John chapter 6; the Lord's continued teaching on "The Bread of Life Sermon" (Part III). A very important sermon to understand on many levels, particularly when it comes to having correct Bible doctrine (literally multi-millions of people have been led astray about the significance of the ordinance of Communion due to improper interpretation of this critical sermon)!

Friday Aug 04, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 70b: Bread of Life Sermon - Part II
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
John chapter 6, "The Bread of Life Sermon" (Part II - continuing look at verses 26-40). The main point Jesus wanted the people and His disciples to understand through this discourse was that His Kingdom is not a political or even an earthly issue, but a spiritual one. The crowd had wanted to crown Him King after the miraculous feeding, but He evaded their efforts. They needed to understand He did not come to be a political King to free them from Roman bondage, but as a spiritual King (the only King of Heaven and Earth) to set them free from much more serious bondage - to sin and death!
In this lesson, He taught them how He is the True Manna from Heaven and that He is far superior to Moses. Manna was only for Israel and it was temporary. He is the Bread of God Who gave His life for the world, and it is permanent. Moses was merely the human instrument God used to feed the people, as the disciples had been Christ's instruments to distribute the food to the people the previous day. Christ performed the miraculous miracle in His own power. Manna was the shadow; He is the Substance.

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 70a: Bread of Life Sermon - Part I
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
After feeding the 5,000+ people with five barley loaves and two fish (an amazing miracle), the Lord Jesus then presented a powerful message in what has come to be known as His "Bread of Life Sermon" of John chapter 6. We present this very important discourse in four parts (of which this is the first).
This sermon was a defining moment in Christ's life, for after hearing it and misunderstanding what He taught, most of His followers turned and walked no more with Him. It is critical to rightly interpret this sermon, which we do!

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 69: Cresting and Resting the Stormy Sea {Handling Life’s Storms}
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
In this lesson from our 8-year Life of Christ study (through all four gospels), titled "Cresting and Resting the Stormy Sea" in the accompany commentary-book ("Life of Christ Vol. 3), we discuss the Lord's amazing deliverance of His disciples from sure death in a very violent storm. The Lord calmed that storm by simply getting into the ship with His disciples, but there was another miracle that occurred at the very same time!! That simultaneous miracle is mentioned so briefly, it is OFTEN NOT NOTICED AT ALL. It also took place quickly (in the twinkling of an eye), and may very well serve as a beautiful prophetic picture of THE RAPTURE (and/or the individual Christian's "home-going"). The ship and all "on board" were instantly on the shore of safety (i.e. Heaven)!

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 68: Lord Multiplies a Lad’s Lunch!
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
John 6:1-15; Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-40; Luke 9:10-17
The feeding of the 5,000 men (plus women and children, so more likely at least 15,000 people) is the only specific miracle recorded in all four gospel accounts other than Christ's resurrection! It was a spectacular miracle that produced a peak in the peoples' interest in Jesus, even causing them to want to crown Him king, but for the wrong reasons. This is why after we discuss Part I of this lesson, "Jesus Feeds the Multitude," we then look at Part II, "Jesus Flees the Multitude". Many spiritual lessons were taught the disciples of Christ through this miracle; they also apply to us today! A "must" listen message!

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 67: Fears and Follies of Herod
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Matthew 14:1-12. We come in this lesson to the death of one of the most fearless men of God who ever lived, John the Baptist. In this same episode about the godly, fearless Baptist, we learn about a godless man who feared just about everyone except God! His name was Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee and Perea; the man responsible for the beheading of the Baptist. This is a great lesson to illustrate the truth of Proverbs 29:25, "The fear of man brings a snare". It is also a good lesson on the human conscience, as well as on the very serious danger of lust and peer pressure.

Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 66: The Ordination Sermon IV
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
In the final section of the Lord's "Ordination Sermon" to His men, found in Matthew 10:24-42, His words apply to all believers. In fact, in this interesting passage, we find some of His most definitive teaching on the true nature of Christian discipleship in the New Testament. He "pulled no punches". He "painted" no pretentious pictures when it came to revealing what is involved when a person chooses to follow Him. He spoke about the blessings and the bruises; the promises and the persecutions, and the rewards and the rejections.
This is the key passage in Scripture on Christian discipleship, which is the great task of the Church! IMPORTANT LESSON

Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 65: The Ordination Sermon - Part III
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
In this next section of the Lord's "Ordination Sermon" to His Apostles, Matthew 10:16-23, we find that the Lord really had something important to say to all His "helpers" (followers), not only the ones present with Him at that time, but also to those who would serve Him in the future (us and the Tribulation believers).
As we cover the information of the Lord in verses 16 to 23, we will discuss His words of warning about the opposition of the "wolves" His disciples can expect to encounter (then, now, and in the future). He forewarned that the opposition to their message about Him would come from the religionists, the rulers, and their own relatives. So very true!
The persecution the godly believer can expect to encounter will give him or her opportunities to witness. Jesus assured His men (and all future disciples) they need not be concerned what to say in those situations, for the Spirit would speak through them (10:19, 20). We also hear the Lord talk about the disciples' obligation to withstand. We discuss what He meant by His words, ". . . but he that endureth to the end shall be saved" (10:22b) - often misunderstood.

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 64b: The Ordination Sermon- Part II
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
In this lesson, we further discuss the Lord's "Ordination Sermon" to His men. We discuss the men in their groups of four and then in the pairs by which they were sent forth. Also important is why they were to travel in pairs - we talk about the various wise reasons for that. Jesus explains to them what their ministry was to be, as well as the message they were to give and the miracles they would be empowered to perform. So, too, He talked about their "means" (to trust God to provide) and their method(s) they were to use as they went to towns and cities and stayed in homes, etc.
There is a lot of practical information for us today as we go forth in the name of Christ, proclaiming Him to those of our communities and beyond!

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 64a: The Ordination Sermon - Part I
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Matthew 9:35-10:42. This is the record of the very first ordination that ever took place among those who would serve as the foundational, living stones of Church, the lord's Apostles. In the fourth recorded sermon of Christ's ministry, He gave the ordination charge to His men before sending them out, in pairs, on their first mission venture without Him.
To this point in His ministry, Jesus was doing everything (teaching, healing, preaching) on His own. His men were merely observers and learners, but not participators in His works. They needed to learn how to also become directly involved as "laborers" in the ministry of sowing seed and harvesting souls for the Kingdom of God. The Lord's time with them was getting short. They needed to have some "hands-on" training!

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 63: Binding Blindness
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
There are two kinds of blindness that afflict the human race: physical and spiritual. The Lord encountered both types in this lesson, "Binding Blindness". He healed the physically blind eyes of two man whose eyes may have seen nothing, but whose spiritual "eyes" were enlightened to "see" the Light of Christ!
The Lord also encountered the spiritual blindness that abundantly existed in Israel, particularly among the citizens of His hometown of Nazareth (Mark 6:1-6a). Sadly, Jesus encountered far more cases of spiritual blindness than ALL the other types of physical deficiencies and diseases put together!
There are two miracles discussed in this lesson: the miracle of sight to two blind men (Matthew 9:29) and the miracle of healing a dumb demonian (Matthew 9:33).

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Mark 5:22-24, 35:45 (also Matthew 9:18, 19, 23-26; Luke 8:40-42, 49-56). This is the account of the "healing" by Jesus of the third humanly incurable situation in Mark chapter 5 (the first two were the healing of dehumanized demoniacs - Lesson #61 and the healing of the disgraced daughter of Israel - Lesson #62a). The third consecutive healing miracle of the Great Physician (Jesus) in this chapter was the most "incurable" of all. Jairus' dying 12-year old daughter actually died before Jesus made it to the home. After the delay with the woman with issue of blood, the Lord arrived "too late" (it would seem), for the little girl was dead and the professional mourners had already arrived!
If you don't already know this story, you will be richly blessed; if you do already know it, you will also be richly blessed. Why? Because we can never hear enough how our Great Physician Saviour, Who is incarnate God, can "heal" every humanly incurable situation, including the worst of all, death! Halelluiah!

Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 62a: The Great Physician {Touching the Hem} - Part II
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Mark 5:25-34 (also Matthew 9:20-22 and Luke 8:43-48) is the record of the Lord's encounter, as He was on His way to Jairus' house to see his 12-year old daughter, who was dying, with a woman who suffered from an issue of blood for 12 years. Not only did the woman suffer physically (never finding any physician who could help her), but she also emotionally and socially. Her ailment made her ceremonially unclean, so in Jewish society this meant she would be excluded from all social gatherings, including to worship in her local synagogue.
The woman heard about Jesus and His incredible healing powers. Thus, when she found out He was in her hometown of Capernaum, she carefully joined the thronging crowd around Him as He made His way to Jairus' house. She believed that if she could just reach out and slightly touch His clothing (not Him), that she would be made whole! When she managed to touch the hem of the Lord's clothes, the Lord felt power issue forth from Him. He knew someone had reached out to Him in faith, and when the woman came forward to share "all the truth" about her situation and what she had done in secretly touching His garment, the Lord, on the only occasion in the gospel accounts, called her "Daughter". Then He said to her, "Thy faith hath made thee whole" (5:34). It is a beautiful story about our Great Physician!

Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 61: The Great Physician {Delivering Demons} - Part I
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Mark 5:1-20. The fifth chapter of Mark is often referred to as the Bible chapter for "incurables" because it contains the written record of Christ's confrontations with three humanly incurable cases.
First, He had "a divine appointment" with two men who were mentally deranged because of demonic possession. That will be the subject of this first of a three-part study on "The Great Physician".
The Lord's second encounter was with a physically disabled woman who had gone to every doctor she could find, and none could cure her of the issue of blood that plagued her for 12 years. The third situation was the most "incurable" of all, from the human perspective, It was death, in this case it was the death of a 12-year old girl, the daughter of a man named Jairus. Both of these situations will be discussed in the second part of this study (see Lesson #61a and b).
The three humanly incurable situations of Mark 5 picture man's incurable situation regarding sin. Apart from the healing/saving power of the Great Physician (Jesus Christ), men are the hopeless, helpless victims of Satan (first case of this chapter), of disease (second case), and of death (third case).

Friday Jul 21, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 60: Handling Life’s Storms! MUCH NEEDED TODAY!
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
America, and, in fact, the world, is in the midst of a "storm" this very hour. These are unsettling times as we face the potential for World War III or some kind of nuclear or cyber attack, terrible inflation, open borders, high gas prices, continued possibility of another COVID variant, government corruption on every level, and on and on. How are Christians to respond? Well, actually, the same way we should respond to all the rest of life's storms! It is often said if you are not in a storm, it is either because you have just come through one or one is just ahead! Storms are a natural part of living in a sin-cursed world. There is no way to avoid them, but there is a very calm way to "ride them out" free of fear and full of faith - not faith in ourselves (or we will surely sink); not faith in all the resources of government and science (we will still sink, for there are storms greater than mankind's combined intelligence and strength), but faith in the one Person Who is able to guide us safely through any and all storms.
There is no reason to fear the furies and floods of life if you have invited Jesus Christ "on board" to be the Captain of your ship! He will see you safely to your final destination, no matter what is happening in your personal life or in the world today.
This lesson comes in our "Caldwell Commentary" series "Life of Christ Vol. 3" (available through www.scripturetruth.com and Amazon.com

Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 59: Mystery Kingdom Separation
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
From Matthew 13:44-52, the Lord continued to teach what theologians call "The Mystery Parables Discourse". In the next two parables: "The Parable of the Hidden Treasure" and "The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price," He spoke of what God Himself would gain during the intermediate stage of His Kingdom. He would gain a precious treasure an a valuable pearl.
In the seventh parable, "The Parable of the Dragnet" (13:47-50), the Lord spoke of the judgment that would come at the consummation of the mystery form of the Kingdom, when He would return to establish the Messianic form of the Kingdom offered at His First Coming - but postponed because of Israel's rejection of Him, the King. the judgment will be a time of separation (wheat from tares; good fish from bad fish).
Matthew 13 ends with "The Parable of the Householder," by which Christ charged His disciples with personal responsibility to generously distribute both the old and new truths they were so very privileged to have!