
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 158c: The Spirit’s Teaching Ministry
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Learn all about the wonderful teaching ministry of God the Holy Spirit!
We need Him to discern the Truth; to enlighten us as no other teacher can do!

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 12: King’s Confrontation with Satan {Temptation}
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Whereas the baptism of Christ declared His royalty, the temptation of Christ demonstrated His royalty! It was in a desolate and dangerous wilderness that Jesus first demonstrated His power over evil, for it was there He faced the full force of Satan's masterful deception and yet remained untainted from the battle! By His victory over temptation (even in a weakened Human condition), He accredited Himself worthy to both redeem mankind as sinless Saviour and reign over the Kingdom His Father would give Him. He also gave His followers (us) His example on how to be victorious over temptation!
We discuss an important distinction between the doctrine of peccability and the doctrine of impeccability in this lesson. These doctrines address the question, "Could the Son of God be tempted as men are tempted and could He have sinned as men sin? The doctrine of peccability declares He could have sinned, while the doctrine of impeccability says no, He could NOT have sinned. Did you know a very extensive and heated controversy about this issue took place in Church history during the Middle Ages? Yet, most people today have never heard of this debate, nor can they support which one of the two doctrines they believe! LEARN about this issue and a lot more very rich information in this study!

Monday May 29, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 158b: The Spirit’s Convicting Ministry - Part II
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
John 16:8-11
This is a continuation of the Lord's teaching about the reproving ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who He promised to send to indwell believers of the Church Age. The Spirit would not only comfort believers, who would great need comforting as the face a hostile world, but He would convict/convince the lost through the Gospel message proclaimed by the Church. His reproving ministry involves convicting people that there is indeed a problem with the human condition, and it is called sin. But, He not only convicts people of their unholiness, He also shows them how the righteousness of Christ is freely available for them! When a person put his or her faith in Jesus Christ, His righteousness is imputed to them! "God made Him Who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him" (II Corinthians 5:21)! It is A WONDERFUL EXCHANGE - we trade our sin for His righteousness!
A third reproving aspect of the Spirit's ministry is to convince men of judgment. He works to convince me of the great sin of rejecting the One Way to obtain forgiveness and receive righteousness, which is by faith in Christ. True preaching, teaching, and witnessing will never condone sin, it will always exalt the righteousness of Christ, and it will forewarn of the inevitability of eternal judgment.

Monday May 29, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 158a: The Spirit’s Convicting Ministry- Part I
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
John 16:8-11
The Lord's greatest gift-promise to His men given during the course of His "Farewell Discourse" (the night of His arrest) was to send them the Holy Spirit. In Lesson 157, we discuss the Spirit's role to the Church as Comforter. However, the Spirit's ministry after Christ's ascension was not merely to comfort believers as they passed through the world; He was also sent in mercy by the Lord to convict the world so many people come come to saving faith in Christ. The Spirit not only has a defensive ministry for believers, but He has an offensive (meaning aggressive) ministry to the world! He was sent to convict the lost; to awaken a person's conscience to three basic truths: (1) the actuality of sin, (2) the availability of righteousness, and (3) the inevitability of judgment.

Monday May 29, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 11: King’s Coronation for Service {Baptism}
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
This is the lesson in which we come to the event that launched the Lord's earthly ministry - His water baptism. He was 30 years old. He had supported His widowed mother as the son of His earthly, step-father until His brothers were able to assume responsibility and His sisters were likely married. He was ready to fulfill His obligations to the whole world as the Son of His heavenly Father! After thousands of years of anticipation, the Redeemer-King appeared before His faithful forerunner, John the Baptist, for His "coronation" or "commissioning" service.
Why did the Baptist protest baptising Jesus? Why, in fact, did Jesus need to baptised at all? Wasn't John's baptism a baptism of repentance and confession of sin? Jesus was sinless! Does this indicate a "consciousness of sin" on Jesus' part, as liberal theologians proclaim?
What are the various types of baptisms mentioned in Scripture? You may be surpsied how many there are! We discuss the one time in Scripture the Holy Spirit was represented as a dove, and what it signified. We also discuss the first of three times in the New Testament God the Father spoke from Heaven His approval of His Beloved Son. All three Members of the Trinity were involved in this important event!

Sunday May 28, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 157: Holy Spirit’s Comforting Ministry!
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
John 15:26-16:7
There is much confusion today in this world about the third Member of the Triune Godhead, so the lessons on the Holy Spirit, given to His disciples on the night of His arrest as part of His "Farewell Discourse," are critical for our proper understanding the ministry and the function (role) of the Spirit.
In the previous lesson (#156), the Lord's subject dealt with the hateful opposition of the world toward the Church (Christians). His next subject was "The Ministries of the Holy Spirit" both to and through the Church in the world.
Christ spoke of three particular functions (roles) of the Spirit: as Comforter (this lesson), as Reprover, and as Teacher. This lesson is about His role, to the Church, as Comforter - a very important role for believers today as we face increasing persecution worldwide!

Sunday May 28, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 10b: A Fearless Voice! {The Bold Baptist}
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
In this second part of a two-part study entitled, we look at a "sermon" given by the fearless, faithful, Spirit-filled John the Baptist in which he denounced the self-righteous, hypocritical religious rulers who came to the Jordan River to "check him out". He immediately confronted them for the fake religionists they were, calling them a "generation of vipers"! He did not pull any punches. He did not fear powerful men; he feared all-powerful God! He demanded their true repentance, which would be evidenced if they would actually produce some good "fruit," and he seriously cautioned them about their foolish reliance on salvation simply because they were descendents of Abraham.
Thousands of people (like those First Century religious rulers) have lived and died under similar, blind delusion, thinking because they are connected with some particular religion, church denomination, nationality, or godly heritage they are guaranteed a place in Heaven. This is why it absolutely critical for a person to understand that salvation is solely based on one's personal (individual) relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ - and not to anything or anyone else. "Ye must be born again" (John 3:3)!!

Saturday May 27, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 10a: The Generation of Vipers
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
Before getting into a discussion of the bold Baptist, we discuss those he confronted and described as "fruitless vipers". We learn of the various religious and political sects of Israel at the time of Christ. That may sound "boring" to some, but it is actually quite interesting, as well as needful to know because it helps us better understand their various interactions with Christ, Rome, and with one another. The two political sects were the Herodians and the Zealots (at least one of the Lord's Apostles was a former Zealot).
We also discuss the three main religious sects: Sadducess, Pharisees, and Essenes. This is not just about the past, for there is a world full of religious people just like them today! A third collective group we look at in this study is the judicial "branch" of Jewish government (under Rome, of course), the powerful Sanhedrin Council.
Just think of this fact: if the Romans allowed the Sanhedrin to have jurisdiction over the death penalty, Jesus would not have been crucified. He would have been stoned to death. If that was the case, He would not have fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and types about the manner of suffering and death the Messiah would face (being pierced; lifted up like the brazen serpent on the pole in the wilderness, etc.). If Jesus did not fulfill even one Messianic prophecy dealing with His First Coming, He would have disqualified to be the Saviour of the world. But, don't worry. He fulfilled every one of them, literally - to the very jot and tittle.

Friday May 26, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 9: A Desert Voice
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
In ancient times, it was common for a herald to precede the arrival of a reigning king. Along with a contingent of royal servants, the herald would make sure the roadways were smooth and as straight as possible, that obstacles were removed, and roads were safe from highway robbers and wild animals. As the herald inspected the roads, he was also busy proclaiming to the people of the land that king was soon coming, and all the preparations should be made ready for him. Thus, the royal herald's duty was twofold: (1) to proclaim the coming king, and (2) to prepare his way. This was the twofold duty of John the Baptist, who "paved the way" spiritually for the King of kings, Jesus Christ, by attempting to remove obstructions of sin in the peoples' hearts.
Why was the Baptist the greatest Old Testament person born of a woman (eliminates Adam) to ever live, according the Christ? What was about him that earned that accolade?
In this lesson, we learn about Biblical repentence; we learn about the difference between a baptism of righeousness and a baptism of repentance; we learn about the personality and humility of John, his clothing, his diet, his dedication to his commission, and his Nazarite vow - much to learn about the voice crying in the desert to prepare the way for the Sovereign Saviour.

Thursday May 25, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 8: The Silent Years
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
When we consider how little is found in the Bible about the childhood and the pre-ministerial life of the Lord Jesus, we discover how true is the statement that God did not write Scripture to satisfy man's curiosity; He wrote it to sancify his conduct! Though there is a lot of speculation (and a great deal of misinformation) about the years between Christ's infancy and the beginning of His public ministry "about thirty years of age" (Luke 3:23), the Bible is almost completely silent.
In this lesson, we will discuss - from the few verses of God' Word about each stage of Christ's early life (1) Jesus the Child, (2) Jesus the Adolescent, (3) Jesus the Young Man, and (4) Jesus the Carpenter.
Although Jesus was God and could have easily by-passed all normal growth processes, He willingly subjected Himself to live in a human body so as to empathize with the whole human experience. He did not simply appear in the world as an infant with an adult mind. He did not come physically as a grown man He was the very Word of God, but He had to learn to speak like we all do. His wisdom and knowledge came to Him by degrees (though greatly accelerated because of His sinless nature).
Who were Jesus' brothers? Did He have sisters? How does the fact that He had half-siblings disprove the perpetual virginity theory about Mary? When do we first know that Jesus knew His mission? What kind of father was Joseph and when did he disappear from the scene? How appropriate is it that the Creator-Carpenter of the Universe chose to be a Carpenter is His pre-ministerial life?
We note that Jesus did not fall victim to fleshly impatience by striving to obtain honor and glory on His own or for His own glory. He waited on His heavenly Father's timing as He spent 30 preperation years laboring diligently at His trade (building things) and in the Word (of which He is both Author and Finisher)! Great, very informative lesson about a lot of things Christians don't normally think about with regard to our Saviour.

Thursday May 25, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 7: Prewritten Pathways of the Young Christ Child
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Find how some additional Old Testament prophecies came to light and came to fulfillment as the young Christ Child wa moved around by the divine hand of His heavenly Father. In this lesson, "Prewritten Pathways," we discuss two journeys made by Joseph and Mary during the early childhood years of Jesus. First, there was their journey from Bethlehem to Egypt (at the direction of a God through a messenger angel to escape the wrath of Herod), and then there was their journey (again at God's direction after the death of Herod) from Egypt to Nazareth.
Learn how these divinely orchestrated movements of Jesus fulfilled three Old Testament propecies: Hosea 11:1 (out of Egypt God would call His Son), Jeremiah 31:15 (Rachel would weep over a massacre of infants, which occurred with Herod's "Slaughter of the Innocents"), and Isaiah 11:1 (the coming Messiah would be called a Nazarene).
It always perlexed the Old Testament scholars how one Messiah could fulfill all three Messianic prophecies concerning His "origin"! How could He be born in Bethlehem Ephrata (Micah 5:2), be called by God "out of Egypt" (Hosea 11:1), and be called a Nazarene, meaning from Nazareth (Isaiah 11:1)? Well, in Jesus Christ all three prophecies were fulfilled! What other possible "would-be" Messianic candidate would ever be able to fulfill them? Yet, the Jews still await a messiah other than Jesus.

Wednesday May 24, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 6b: Three Responses to Jesus (Wise Men, Herod, Chief Priests)
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
This second half of Lesson 6 is on "Three Responses to Jesus" at the time He was about 2 years of age. Those responses were from the Wise Men, Herod the Great, and Israel's chief priests. The Wise Men, who were not even Jewish, traveled a very long distance (likely from the area of ancient Southern Babylonia), carrying gifts fit for a King in order to adore the young Christ Child. Herod, the wicked, murderous, usurper Idumean "king" of Israel, was heavily agitated when he heard the news of the Christ's arrival. Israel's chief priests, who should have been very excited to learn about the star out of Jacob that led the elite Gentile Magi to seek out the Christ, were so utterly apathetic they didn't even travel a few miles to Bethlehem to check it out!
Did you know that 700 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah (60:3, 6, 9) predicted the arrival of Gentiles on camels coming to the light of the Lord, bearing gifts of gold and frankincense? Learn in this study why there is no mention of myrrh in that prophecy! Find out how Balaam, the "prophet for profit," is part of the narrative regarding the Wise Men. Find out how the extraordinary Daniel was also involved in the story of the Magi from the East!
Listen to this message, and you will have much additional information to share with your family this Christmas about the early life of Christ (of course, you don't have to wait for Christmas, but you may have to rearrange your Nativity sets - the Wise Men weren't there at His birth).

Saturday May 20, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 6a: Three Infanthood Events About Jesus
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
In this lesson, we discuss three events in the life of the Lord that took place shortly after His birth: 1. His circumcision at 8 days of age, 2. His presentation in the Temple at 40 days of age (His first visit there) for the ritual of cleansing Mary and redeeming Him, her firstborn son, from priestly service (although the Bible never says Mary and Joseph paid the five shekels to redeem Baby Jesus from the priesthood - fascinating!). 3. The third event of Jesus' Infanthood discussed in this lesson is the public recognition He was given by the lips of two extremely godly and very elderly servants of God - one a man (Simeon),the other a woman (Anna). This lesson is worth listening to just to learn about these two amazing people who were part of the small, but faithful remnant of true Israel. Out of the mouths of two witnesses, the young Jesus was proclaimed in the Temple to be "the Lord's Christ," "the Consolation of Israel," and the long awaited Messiah!

Saturday May 20, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 5: The Lamb is Born! {LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRUTH OF CHRISTMAS}
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
This lesson is about the births of two of the greatest men ever born: John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Of course, the first man rightly understood he was not worthy to loosen the shoe latches of the Second. Nonetheless, John was an extraordinary man; the bold forerunner to the long-awaited Messiah; the voice crying in the wilderness to introduce Israel to the Lamb of God Who came to take away the sins of the world. Learn the details about John's birth and of his priestly father's inspired praises and prophecies (once he was "unmuted").
In this important lesson, we also discuss the birth of "the Lamb of God"! Perhaps you think there is not much new you could hear about "the Christmas Story," but have you ever considered how divinely orchestrated all the various circumstances had to be for Christ's birth to be in Bethlehem (not Nazareth)? To bring about just that one fulfillment, God set "the whole world" in motion! For one thing, He "inspired" Herod the Great to choose the Roman method of taxation rather than the Jewish method. That one decision, if different, would have disqualified to be the True Messiah!

Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
Mankind has aways desired to have a "god" who is both visible and tangible, which is why idolatry has been expressed by men of all cultures throughout history. Even devout Job expressed a desire to see the One he worshipped (Job 23:8, 9). The Divine answer to this universal longing is the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Godhead, Christ Jesus.
In this lesson, we look at the the divine announcements regarding the marvelous event of the great Creator entering the very world He created to dwell among us as a Man! The first two divine announcements were made to a Jewish priest named Zacharias (see Lesson 3) and a virgin Jewish girl named Mary (in the direct bloodline of King David). The mysterious "Seed" of Genesis 3:15 was finally to be understood, as were Isaiah 7:14 ("a virgin shall conceive") and Jeremiah 31:22 ("a woman shall compass a Man")!
The third announcement was to Joseph (in the direct royal-line of David), betrothed to Mary. Learn about this wonderful man God chose to be the human step-father of His Eternal Son (talk about a privilege and heavy-duty responsibility)!

Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
Among other fascinating truths, find why the two genealogical records of Christ (Matthew and Luke) demonstrate He is the only Messianic Candidate Who circumvented the Jeconian Curse of Jeremiah 22:30. Learn of the five women in His ancestral lineage, as well as the God-given announcement that broke a 400-year silence from Heaven!

Saturday May 20, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 2b: A Life Worth Knowing - Part II
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
John's gospel prologue (1:1-5) aimed at refuting Gnosticism (the denial of Christ's deity). These first five verses are a literary gem and the best capsule statement of Christ's eternal Deity found anywhere. Misunderstanding the doctrinal truths of these verses results in a flawed, deficient understanding of Who Jesus is, which affects one's eternal destiny. Serious!
Christ's life is more worth knowing than your own!

Saturday May 20, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 2a: A Life Worth Knowing - Part I
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
Luke's gospel begins with the Greek physician and meticulous historian giving Theophilus (and all "lovers of God") the eye-witness sources he used for his God-inspired account of Christ's life. Luke traveled extensively with Paul and Silas; he spent time with Mark, who was very close to Peter. He associated with Barnabas, Philip the evangelist, Agabus the prophet, Mnason the disciple, and he likely received his famous birth account (chapter 2) directly from the Lord's mother, Mary! You can be confident that Luke did his research in preparing his account of Christ's life. You can also be confident that it is accurate because the Holy Spirit guided Luke's every word.
If there is one Person Who has ever lived Whose life is well worth knowing - intellectually AND internally (mind and heart), it is the pre-life (Eternity Past), the earthly life (Incarnation), and the post-life (Resurrection/Ascension/Eternal Reign) of the Lord Jesus.

Friday May 19, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 1: A Life Worth Studying
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
This first lesson of an 8-volumed, harmonized (chronological) study of Christ through all 4 gospels explains WHY His life is well worth studying! In short, He is Who He claimed to be, the Creator and Redeemer of man! Included in this lesson: Jewish, Roman, and Christian documentation that proves the historicity of the God-man. There is no other chronological study of all 4 gospel accounts as in-depth as this one!

Thursday May 18, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 21: Life of Joseph {Forgetting and Fruitful Years} - Part V
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
This is one lesson you do not want to miss! Joseph, in immense emotion, revealed himself to his brothers, and it is one of the most precious, kleenex-on-hand episodes in Scripture! Not only is there the beautiful scene of Joseph's Christlike forgiveness of the very brothers who threw him in a pit after stripping him of his robe and selling him for pieces of silver (sound familiar), but there is the heart wrenching, tearful reuinion with his younger brother Benjamin and the even more emotional scene when he is reunited with his father Jacob (Israel), who thought his dearly beloved son was long dead!
This lesson includes the amazing death-bed prophecies Jacob proclaimed to his 12 sons, the most critical of which is the prophecy to Judah, for it concerned the coming Messiah, called "Shiloh" ("He to Whom the scepter belongs").
Find out five ways in which Judah served as a type of Christ, and 9 more ways (a total of 82) Joseph was an extraordinary propetic-type of the Lord Jesus.

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
One day, in the divinely planned parallel to the marvelous true story of Joseph's emotional reunion with his brothers, there will be another scene like it - except infinitely more wonderful and emotional. That coming scene will involve the Fulfiller of all Joseph typified, the spiritual Saviour of Israel and the world, the Source of the True Bread of Life; the One Who went the great distance to call His wandering brothers back to the Father! Although despised, envied, mocked, sold for mere pieces of silver, stripped of His robe, and thrown into a pit of death by His own, the Lord Jesus (like Joseph) will reveal His identity at His Second Coming. At last, Israel will repent, bow before Him, and there will be reconciliation and forgiveness between Christ and His brethren, the Jews!

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
The life of Joseph expands over 14 chapters of the first book of Scripture, which means God must have serious reasons for devoting so much space and detail to one man's life. He does, and one reason is to highlight divine providence, which is abundantly manifested in Joseph's life, from beginning to end. Another purpose is God's use of Joseph as a prophetic type of the Lord Jesus and His two advents. Joseph's early years of "toil and affliction" picture the sufferings and rejection of Christ at His First Coming. Joseph's later years of "forgetting and fruitfulness" (which we begin to look at in this lesson) picture the exaltation and glory of Christ at His Second Coming.
One thing we learn from Joseph (among so many) is that a key word for a believer in the midst of suffering is not escape, but endurance! Timing is in the hands of Almighty God! It was the Lord Who predetermined and orchestrated both the day Joseph's brothers cast him in a pit and the day the butler finally remembered him, and he went straight from the prison to the palace!
Remember, joy cometh in the morning!

Thursday May 11, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 18: Life of Joseph {Toil and Affliction Years} - Part II
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
This is the account of Joseph's years in Potiphar's house and, then, because of a false accusation by the flirtatious Mrs. Potiphar, his years in prison (and his acquaintance with a butler and baker). For no fault of his own, Joseph lost everything he worked so hard to gain all those years by his conscientious stewardship, dedicated service, and loyalty to his boss, Potiphar. Yet, we never hear a word of complaint from his lips. The same is true of his time in prison, as well as his extended time in prison because the butler's apathy to remember him!
Unknown to Joseph, God's providential hand was working everything together for good for Joseph. He was developing and maturing him for the very important task ahead when he would serve as the highest official in the land of Egypt under Pharaoh. In that royal position, Joseph would be used of God to save his family and Egypt (picture of the world) from perishing by providing them with "the Bread of Life"! Thirteen more (out of 82) ways Joseph pictured Jesus are presented!

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 17: The Life of Joseph {Toil and Affliction Years} - Part I
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Joseph is the first God-chosen deliverer of His people (also Moses, Joshua, some judges and prophets) to serve as a prophetic type of the Great Deliverer, Jesus Christ. Joseph's life pattern was that of Christ's: rejection before reigning; suffering before splendor; gloom before glory; humiliation before honor; the lowest pit before the highest pinnacle! This is the first of 5 lessons on Joseph's dramatic life in which we discuss 82 ways He pictured Jesus! Joseph just may become one of your favorite Bible characters after you hear these messages (if he isn't already)!
For one of the greatest Bible examples on FORGIVENESS (other than Christ), you must look closely at the life of the amazing Joseph.

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 16: Jacob’s Surrender {Christ, Conflict, and Clinging}
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
This lesson is about Jacob's wrestling match with the preincarnate Christ at the Jabbok River. From the womb, Jacob had wrestled with those around him. He grabbed Esau's heel as they were emerging from their mother's womb; he grabbed both the firstborn birthright and firstborn blessing (though he was the second-born), even deceiving his father to gain the blessing. After a two-decade struggle with his conniving Uncle Laban, Jacob still tended to rely more on "self" than on the Lord. What he had really been doing, all along, was wrestling his own sin nature! However, he met his match when Jesus became his wrestling Opponent. The match was initiated by the Lord. Why? To bring Jacob to the end of his self-reliance (something we all struggle with). Jacob needed to surrender! When he did, his walk with God and others was never the same again (he limped), as he went from being Jacob the deceiver to Israel, the prince of God!

Monday May 08, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 15: Jacob Gets Old Laban’s Goat
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
The humerous subtitle for this lesson is "Jacob Gets Old Laban's Goat," and when you read the end of Genesid 30, you will understan. Jacob finally out-maneuvered his Uncle Laban, who had certainly tricked and deceived his double son-in-law (yes, I said that right) on numerous, far more serious matters (i.e. switching brides on him; wageless service for 14 years). This lesson is about both the "wrestling match" between Jacob and Laban and the "wrestling match" between two sisters, Leah and Rachel (whose on-going competition for Jacob's attention finally ended on a good note).
A very interesting truth to discover in this lesson is how the burdens, strivings, jealousies, desires, joys, and praises of Jacob's wives and concubines . . . expressed in the names they gave their sons . . . "spell out" (in their Hebrew meanings) a prophetic message concerning God's plan of salvation through His Redeemer, Christ! ONLY the all-knowing, all-powerful, infinitely wise Eternal God could reveal such a profound message 2,000 years before the Gospel was accomplished by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus! Absolutely amazing.

Sunday May 07, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 14: The Ladder Lord {Jacob’s Dream}
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Although Jacob did not understand the full significance of his "Ladder Dream," he knew the main message: there is divine provision for access to Heaven! The prophetic picture of Jacob's ladder dream is that there is a way (just one ladder) to Heaven. It is so interesting to find that the Identity of Jacob's Ladder was "unveiled" centuries later by none other than the incarnate Ladder-Lord Himself. In fact, it was one of the first Old Testament types of Himself He revealed in earthly ministry! And guess what? He revealed it to a descendant of Jacob in whom there was no deceptive nature ("guile")! His name? Nathanael. Everything in Scripture is inter-connected.

Saturday May 06, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 13: The First Shall Be Last
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
The struggle between the twin sons of Isaac, Esau and Jacob, continues to this day with their descendents! It is fascinating to find how history helps us understand the present! There are a number of critical lessons to be learned through this long ago account of sibling rivalry.
One thing to note is that the Lord called the babies in Rebekah's womb "people" and knew about their character traits!

Friday May 05, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 12: The Divine Matchmaker {Great Love Story}
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
This lesson centers on the account of a father (Abraham) giving his trusted servant (Eliezer, whose name means "God's Helper" or "Comforter") the critical mission of finding a bride (Rebekah) for his son (Isaac)! This love story of a marriage made in Heaven is beautiful, but it is "deeper and wider" than just the surface level account of how Isaac met Rebekah! In fact, that love story is so typologically and theologically deep, it takes the 27 books of the New Testament to map it all out! You will not be disappointed if you take the time to hear this account in light of all its significance concerning God the Father sending the Holy Spirit to call out a Bride (the Church) for His Son.

Thursday May 04, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 11: Amazing! The Gospel at Moriah
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Abraham's almost sacrifice of Isaac in the land of Moriah (which means "Clear Vision") is the "mountain peak" of prophetic person-types of the redemptive work (the actual Sacrifice) of God's only begotten Son, which also occurred in the land of Moriah! If you want to be genuinely confident about the Truth of Scripture, listen to this study on "The Gospel of Moriah," and think about the amazing prophetic truth spoken by Abraham when asked by Isaac, "... where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" He said, "My SON, God will provide HIMSELF a Lamb" (Genesis 22:8)! If you like Old Testament typology - WHICH YOU SHOULD and WHICH YOU SHOULD TEACH TO OTHERS - you will love this study!

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 10: Laughter At Last!
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
The title for this lesson comes from the Hebrew meaning of the name Isaac - "laughter". It was a time of laughter when the "miracle boy" was conceived in the womb of a barren and post-menopausal woman. His birth foreshadowed the even greater miracle conception of Christ (born of a virgin). In this presentation, we discuss the life-transforming experience of Hagar (Egyptian handmaid of Sarah) when she met the pre-incarnate Christ at a wilderness well. We also discuss the contextual circumstances of God's first use of His name, "El Shaddai". Then, there is the young lad, Ishmael (son of Abraham's relationship with Hagar), who mocked and persecuted his younger half-brother Isaac. What happened with him? Why are Ishmael's descendents not included in the Abrahamic Covenant? What does this mean about the land of Israel today and to whom it rightfully belongs (per God's decree)?

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 9: Ten-King War and Mysterious Melchizedek
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
This lesson concerns the first written account of war in NOT JUST the Bible, but in all ancient literature! Interestingly, this first recorded war in history involved an attack on five kings of the Dead Sea area of ancient Canaan (Israel) by a coalition of four kings from territories that, to this day, remain hostile to Israel! The invading kings were led by a man from Elam (part of modern-day Iraq). He was called the "Ravager of the West". 85-year old Abraham was the hero of this story! (This war prophetically pictures mankind's last war called "The Battle of Armeggedon," which will be an all-out attack to annihilate Israel by another "Ravager" (the Antichrist).
In Genesis 14, a tenth, very mysterious king suddenly appeared on the scene! His name, Melchizedek means "King of Righteousness". He was a Priest of the Most High God, and King of Salem or "King of Peace"!! He is definitely a prophetic type of the Lord Jesus (and some even think he was the preincarnate Christ - an interesting debate discussed in this lesson). Our Great High Priest Christ, Who is also the King of Righteousness and the King of Peace, will likewise appear out of seemingly no where at His Second Coming to save Abraham's descendants (through Isaac) from extinction! There is SO MUCH TYPOLOGY in this lesson!

Monday May 01, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 8: Abram and the Critical Covenant
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
It would be difficult to imagine the resurrected Lord not mentioning Abraham or the covenant God made with him in His "Unrecorded Emmaus Road Sermon". He very likely taught His two despondent disciples how the promises, blessings, and fulfillment of that covenant center on Himself (although His identity was not yet revealed to the two). The Lord's initial call to Abram of Ur of the Chaldees (a Gentile!) was analogous in importance to the divine summons to Moses at the burning bush and to Saul on the Damascus Road. It was a call of grace for the entire world, for the message of salvation is at the heart of that unconditional covenant, and the world's Saviour (and written Word of God) was to come from Abraham's loins!
For a solid understanding of the Abrahamic Covenant, this is a "must listen" message.

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 7: A Tyrant and A Tower
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Babel was the first "global" attempt to elevate man to God's level by way of the religion of self-effort. It was the first experiment of man to have a world government and a one-world religion. Disobeying God's way of salvation, which was to believe on His Promised Saviour, the Seed of the woman of Genesis 3:15, the Tyrant Nimrod (a picture type of the future Antichrist) introduced the world to Cain's alternate "works' approach" to Heaven and even replaced God as the Object of worship and Source of salvation. Babel was only the beginning of things men would try to do in their effort to replace God. All false religions and cults find their origin in Babel, which is MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT of the end-times.
Where did the nations and languages of this world originate? Although profoundly ridiculed by Bible critics for centuries, the truth of "The Table of Nations" in Genesis chapter 10 (the 70 nation groups which resulted from the divine dispersion of families from Babel) has been abundantly supported by findings in anthropology, archeology, and linguistic studies on the origins of languages. You can trust Scripture 100%. Good TRUE history lesson all young people should be taught! They would have a much better understanding of life if they knew the early chapters of Genesis. Amen.

Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 6: Christ-Centered ARKiology
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Learn truths about the Noahic Flood and the Ark you likely never knew before! Not only do we mention 15 ways Noah served as a prophetic type of Christ, but we include 16 ways the Ark was a also a picture of Him!
Did you know the Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat on the very day Christ, centuries later, would resurrect from "the waters of death"? Did you know the Gospel message is hidden in the Hebrew meaning of the first 10 men of Christ's lineage (Adam to Noah)?
Don't miss the boat! Hear this message and tell others to listen to Christ-centered ARKiology!

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Why did God accept Abel's sacrifice and not Cain's? This lesson explains, and it is vital to understand the answer! Cain's problem is the problem of religious people all over the world who attempt to approach God "the way of Cain" (Jude 11), which is by their own works (fruit). What made Abel's offering "a more excellent sacrifice"? It pointed to Christ.
Isn't it interesting that Cain, who was too "dignified" to offer a blood sacrifice, quickly and angrily shed the blood of his own brother? Cain's life should be a strong lesson about the danger in trusting human "reason" rather than divine revelation; of continuing in human willfulness opposed to divine will; of human pride versus Christlike humility; of sinking to hatred rather than rising to love; of presenting fleshly excuses instead of seeking divine grace. Wrong choices end in human loneliness instead of enjoying divine fellowship. To be without God is the worst thing in this life, but it is worse in the life to come.

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 4: The Gospel Seed {First Proclamation of Christ’s Birth!}
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
God's first proclamation of the Gospel message is recorded in Genesis 3:15, called by theologians, "The Protoevangelium". It is a foundational matter to understand this amazing prophecy about a coming Saviour Who would defeat Satan. That Promised Victor would be born of a woman's "Seed," and since women do not have "seed," this was a long ago "clue" as to Christ's virgin conception!
The two despondent Emmaus Road disciples were upset because the One in Whom they had placed their faith and hope was gone. He had been horrifically crucified. Their despair was their own fault for not having correctly understood "The Gospel Seed" message of Genesis 3:15. They should have known the Messiah/Saviour would indeed first suffer Satan's crushing, but not permanently fatal, blow before coming into His glory!
This is a critical message for Christians and for non-Christians! Everything in Scripture stems from and circles back to the divine declaration of Genesis 3:15.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 3: Christ in Adam
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Have you ever thought about the fact that although God created man sinless and innocent, he was not righteous? That may sound strange, but think it through. Righteousness is innocence maintained in the presence of temptation! Adam failed to maintain his innocence in the face of indirect temptation (he was not directly tempted by Satan; Eve was Adam's temptation - Eve herself, not the fruit in her hand). The Last Adam, the Lord Jesus, fully resisted all Satan's direct temptations. totally maintaining His sinlessness, even in a human body. He proved His eternal, divine righteousness, as well. Although that is a major difference between the two Adams, this lesson also presents some interesting ways in which Adam was a "type" of Christ. There are many fascinating comparisons between the Edenic Tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the Calvary "Tree" (the cross) presented in this lesson, as well.
This is a deep study, presented in clear, understandable terms. It is foundational for a proper understanding of why God allowed evil into His perfect creation. Knowing beginnings is vital to understand the present and to prepare rightly for the future.

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 2: Christ in Creation
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
"WOW!" is what the response has repeatedly been to those who listen to this very first lesson on finding Christ in the Old Testament, beginning with the Creation account! Learn about the abundant "tri-une" evidence of the Tri-une Godhead throughout His creation! Enlighten yourself about fascinating subjects the majority of Christians have never heard about: the Jewish Targums, the "Memra," and the hidden "aleph's" and "tav's" in the Scripture! Evidence to refute evolution? This is it.

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Christ in Genesis Lesson 1: Christology and the Emmaus Road Sermon
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
This is the introductory lesson for an in-depth study of Old Testament Christology (finding Christ in the Old Testament). The "springboard" for this study comes from the Lord's unrecorded teaching in "The Emmaus Road Sermon". To two disheartened disciples, returning from Jerusalem to their former, pre-Jesus lives, the "incognito" resurrected Lord cheered them up to the point of "spiritual heartburn" (Luke 24:32) by teaching why "the Christ" HAD to suffer (and die) before entering into His glory. ". . . Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself" (24:26, 27).
This is a superb one-hour "lesson" emphasizing the truth that Scripture is a divinely-inspired cohesive whole, with Christ and His redemptive work on the cross its central theme. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; the New Testament is the Old revealed. Amen. Learn about TYPOLOGY in this and the lessons to follow in this spiritual heartburn study, "CHRIST in GENESIS".

Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Passover Seder {The Gospel in Living Illustration!}
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
The original Passover was the Gospel in living illustration! God's primary purpose of the Passover in Egypt was to prophesy of the True Lamb of God" to be slain on Passover day. It is the oldest, continuously observed holiday in human history, having been celebrated for some 3,500 years by Jewish people the world over in obedience to God's command of Exodus 12:14.
The Passover celebration has a distinct "order" to it; the Hebrew word for "order' is "seder". In this lesson, we procede through "The Passover Seder" and explain the historical reasons for the various items on the Seder Plate (i.e. matzo, bitter herbs, a roasted shank bone of a lamb, charoseth paste, an egg), what each of four cups of wine symbolize, why there are pillows on the chairs around the table, and an empty chair and place setting, etc.
But the Passover is so much more than a memorial celebration of Israel's physical deliverance from bondage in Egypt. It is an absolutely INCREDIBLE typological prophecy of Christ and the spiritual deliverance from mankind's bondage to sin. If you have never experienced a Seder from the Messianic perspective, you are in for "an eye-opener"! The unity plate with its three wafers of unleavened bread - the middle one of which is BROKEN and WRAPPED IN A WHITE LINEN NAPKIN, HIDDEN from view, and then FOUND amidst great rejoicing and reward for the finder - amazingly pictures Christ's death, burial, and resurrection!
In fact, the Jews call that broken, wrapped, hidden, and then rejoicefully-found piece of unleavened matzo, the "Afikomen" (a mysterious Greek word in an otherwise Hebrew Seder). Non-Messianic Jews use this term, but do not realize its significance! Find out what the word "Afikomen" means in this study! Share this message with Jewish friends and pray they realize their Messiah has already come!!

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Daniel Lesson 38: Hope for Tomorrow
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Daniel chapter 12 is both the crowning and the concluding chapter of the book. After a three-chapter long "vision" (series of revelations) that presented a lot of "gloom and doom" to the old prophet about his beloved Israel and a long line of egotistical, fighting Gentile kings, the last part of his fourth and final God-sent revelation told him (and Israel) there is light at the end of the tunnel! There is "Hope for Tomorrow"! There is the sure hope of resurrection and everlasting life in God's holy presence for those whose faith is in Him and His Saviour, Jesus Christ!
In this prologue to Daniel's final vision, we discuss the Tribulation of the last days, the resurrection and glorification of the saints. We also discuss the various bodily resurrections of Scripture and when they took place or will yet take place. Also discussed is the command to seal-up the Book of Daniel until the end times, and God's promise to preserve it. The pre-incarnate Christ again appeared to Daniel and gave him some additional time frames regarding the last days (30 plus 45 days between Christ's Second Coming and the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom). Find out what those extra days are "all about"!

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Daniel Lesson 37: Antiochus to Antichrist
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Daniel 11:32-45 Learn about the vile Syrian king named Antiochus Epiphances, who committed an abomination of desolation in Israel, on her Temple and God's Holy of Holies in the Second Century B.C., and how that event led to the rise of the Maccabees and the Maccabean Revolt (and, subsequently, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah).
The reason Scripture presents so much about Antiochus Epiphanes is because he served as a prophetic type of the future Antichrist. Because so much of the Book of Daniel either foreshadows or reveals the Antichrist of the last days, it has often been called "The Revelation of the Antichrist".
Verses 36 to 39 contain prophecies about the final "fighting king," who is the most vicious king of any in history. In this lesson, we discuss his character, his conquests, and his conclusion (meaning his "end" - how he will die). Will the Antichrist be Jewish? Gentile? Islamic? Roman? Homosexual? Listen and hear what Scripture says.

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Daniel Lesson 36: Historical Warfare {Parade of Fighting Kings!}
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
The Babylonian Captivity of Israel in the days of the Prophet Daniel was only the beginning of Israel's chastening process. As a nation, even after 70 years in captivity, she had not genuinely repented of her continual disobedience of God. It would be a long time before her ultimate "Time of Restoration" in the Millennial Kingdom would occur. In Daniel chapter 11, Daniel receives a very long and detailed prophecy about a "parade of fighting kings" (Persian kings, Greek kings, Selucid and ptolemaic kings, and a horribly vile king name Antiochus Epiphanes, who is a type of the final Antichrist).
Daniel chapter 11 is one of the most extensive prophetic sections of the Bible. In just the first 35 verses of the chapter, there are over 135 prophecies given! Every single one of them we now know came to pass precisely as predicted! Fulfilled prophecy is one of the greatest proofs of the divine inspiration of Scripture, which is why Daniel chapter 11 is at the heart of the attacks against the entire book.

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
For all Caldwell Commentary study books go to
scripturetruth.com or Amazon.com
This important lesson, from Daniel 10:1 to 11:1 presents the prelude to Daniel's final vision, which sweeps over the time in history from Daniel's day to the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation.
Daniel received a special visit from the pre-incarnate Christ, which tells us that the prophetic vision Daniel would receive is of great importance. The appearance of the Lord caused Daniel to be so stunned, he had no strength in him and collapsed in a faint. The hand that reached down to lift him up belonged to an angel (possibly Gabriel), who then proceded to tell Daniel about the 21 days of spiritual warfare he had in the heavenlies with "the prince of the kingdom of Persia" until "Michael, one of the chief princes" came to help him (10:10-13).
This is a very interesting lesson on the warfare that takes place in the atmospheric heavens, where Satan is "the prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2), between the fallen angels and the holy angels. Learn about the hierarchy that exists among the angelic host (i.e. principalities, powers, thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities) and why Ephesians 6:12 is definitely true, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Daniel Lesson 34: The Great 70 Week‘s Prophecy - Part II
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
The saddest tragedy to ever occur for Israel was when she missed the prophetically foretold day of her long awaited Messiah's arrival. It was not the day of His birth in Bethlehem. It was not the day of His baptism in the Jordan. It was not even the day He officially began His public ministry by suddenly appearing in Jerusalem, going straight to the Temple, and single-handedly cleansing it (another clear fulfillment of Messianic prophecy). None of those events were specifically predicted to the very day of their occurrence by God through one of His prophets. No, the super-tragic day for Israel was when she failed to "do the math" with Daniel's "Great 70 Weeks' Prophecy" and, therefore, missed the proof of His Identity as "Messiah the Prince" which He presented to her on Palm Sunday. Because of her failure to receive Him as her spiritual King on Palm Sunday, she ended up crucifying Him on Passover Thursday (see our podcast on why Christ died on Passion week Thursday).
Not only does this great prophecy predict Messiah's arrival, but also His death, and Jerusalem's coming destruction following His death (which did, indeed, occur in A.D. 70). Furthermore, we discuss the one remaining "week" of seven years for God's overall redemptive program for Israel. That last "week" is the seven-year Tribulation Period (Revelation 6 to 19)! Daniel's prophecy, given in the Fifth Century B.C., also predicted the horrific covenant agreement Israel will make with the Antichrist, the abomination of desolation he will commit in the Tribulation Temple, and, also, the destruction of the Antichrist (yeah!).
This is the most important Old Testament prophecy for you to know - not only to strengthen your confidence concerning Christ's identity as we look back in history, but to strengthen your confidence concerning His plan for the future, which He will fulfill as assuredly and as literally as He assuredly and literally fulfilled all the prophecies relative to His First Coming. Amen.

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Daniel Lesson 33: The Great 70 Weeks‘ Prophecy - Part I
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Did you know Jewish rabbis do not want their people reading "The Great 70 Weeks' Prophecy" of Daniel 9:24-27? Listen to the words of an ancient rabbinic curse (Talmudic Law p. 987, Section 2, Line 28; also Talmud Sanhedrin 97b, Soncino ed, p. 659), "May the bones of the hands and the bones of the fingers decay and decompose, of him who turns the pages of the book of Daniel, to find out the time of Daniel 9:24-27, and may his memory rot from off the face of the earth forever". Pretty harsh words of warning NOT to study this passage of Scripture! Why? Because "The Great 70 Weeks' Prophecy" is the GREATEST PROPHETIC PROOF that JESUS IS THE PROMISED MESSIAH of Israel . . . and Saviour of mankind.
In this lesson, we set the stage for this amazing prophecy. Hang in there and listen attentively (and then procede to listen to Lesson #34). This prophecy is so very crucial to a proper comprehension of eschatology (a study of end times). A person should always "have a handle" on this prophecy before studying the Book of Revelation! A proper understanding of this all-important prophecy refutes the prevalent teaching of Replacement Theology (that God has replaced Israel with the Church; also called "Supersessionism")! A proper understanding of this fantastic prophecy gives STRONG evidence for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church! Furthermore, as stated above, this marvelous prophecy, given to one of the godliest prophets who ever lived (Daniel), provides irrefutible evidence as to the identity of the True Messiah, and He is the One Who presented Himself to Israel on Palm Sunday, which was the very day predicted in this INCREDIBLE PROPHECY (see also our 3 lessons on "The King's Triumphant Entry" on this podcast).
This study is from our "Caldwell Commentary" series. "Daniel; An Extra-ordinary Servant of God in Extra-Ordinary Times, Extra-ordinary Prophecies" (available at www.scripturetruth.com).

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Daniel Lesson 32: A Super-Powerful Prayer - Part II
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Prayer is the believer's amazing privilege to get involved in God's program for man and history. In Daniel's powerful prayer of chapter 9, he teaches by his example great truths about effectual, fervent prayer. Learn how Daniel's entire prayer - his confessions, his praises, and his petitions - were all in complete harmony with Who God is. He did not express any opinions or bring up any issues or needs that contradicted God's Person or purposes.
God's messenger angel, Gabriel, told Daniel he was "greatly beloved". It is well worth the time to study the man Daniel - his person, passion, purposed-heart, and prayer life - for who among us would not love to hear the Lord call us His "greatly beloved"?

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Daniel Lesson 31: A Super-Powerful Prayer - Part I
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
One of the greatest men of prayer in Biblical history was Daniel. We can learn much about fervent, effectual prayer - as well as being a righteous "man" - from him. He prayed faithfully three times daily, even when doing so meant a lions' den! Daniel studied Scripture (e.g. the scrolls of Jeremiah) to align his prayers with the Lord's revealed will. An interesting fact about the super-powerful prayer of Daniel (9:1-19) is 72% of it was confessional. In contrast, we spend about 72% of our prayers in making requests!
Daniel knew he and his people had no one to blame but themselves for their shameful state as captives in Babylon. He repeatedly acknowledged Israel at fault for turning from God and ignoring His many warnings of impending judgment if she didn't repent and turn from her wicked ways. Her sins were worse because she knew better!
Learn why Daniel's prayer received immediate results, though God's messenger was delayed by a spiritual battle in the heavenlies! The amazing answer to Daniel's prayer was the most extensive prophetic prophecy in the Old Testament - one you must study: "The Great Seventy Weeks' Prophecy" (see this podcast for Daniel lessons 33 and 34 on that amazing prophecy).

Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Daniel Lesson 30: Signposts to Antichrist
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
This lesson on Daniel 8:15-27.
IMPORTANT LESSON on the last fierce king of the last Gentile Kingdom, the Antichrist.