
56 minutes ago
56 minutes ago
Daniel chapter 5 contains the downward spiritual journey of the last king (Belshazzar) of the ancient Babylonian Empire - it is also a microcosmic, prophetic picture of the downward spiritual journey of the whole anti-God, Israeli-oppressive world system. As the proud young king rejected the testimony of his grandfather (Nebuchadnezzar) about the truth of Daniel's Most High God and had not sought wisdom from God's true "wise man," Daniel during all the years of his rule - preferring to trust in his false "gods" and the flattering false counsel of his foolish young peers, so has gone world history. As Belshazzar, his lords and their women fulfilled the lust of their flesh and deceived themselves into thinking that "peace and safety" prevailed within their Babylonian fortress, the fact was that their enemies were in the very process of infiltrating the city!
Since Babylon's fall the night of Belshazzar's foolish feast, the world's nations and people groups have likewise foolishly neglected to keep out the great thief, Satan. They have fallen prey to his many "alluring tricks" that numb their minds from the truth of the perilous condition without God. Every ruler, nation, and individual without Him in, like Belshazzar, "one hour" from sudden destruction.

3 days ago
3 days ago
The arrogant, degenerate young King Belshazzar of Babylon had directly challenged God by using the holy vessels stolen from God's House (the Temple in Jerusalem) to praise his worthless chunks of metal, wood, and stone that his pagan culture called "gods". Putting his ridiculous "gods" against the all-powerful Supreme God was extremely foolish and met with an immediate, very frightening response! Supernatural fingers appeared from out of nowhere to write a cryptic message on the candlestick illuminated plaster wall near the king's throne! Belshazzar's drunken red face instantly turned deathly white. His knees knocked together in total fear. Not a single idol-worshipper in his kingdom could interpret the message. So, finally the king met Daniel, whose Babylonian name was Belteshazzar.
Learn the mysteries of "The Handwriting on the Wall," for they are fascinating and rich in meaning. Remember this: God not only numbers our days, He weighs our lives!

5 days ago
Daniel Lesson 20: A Bankrupt Banquet
5 days ago
5 days ago
In Daniel chapter 25, which is the record of events that took place 25 years after King Nebuchadnezzar's public testimony to the greatness of the Most High God (see 4:2, 37), we meet Nebuchadnezzar's grandson, Belshazzar. He turned out to be the final king of the ancient Babylonian Empire. He was a degenerate, drunken fool, who learned nothing from the experience of his grandfather. He brazenly desecrated the Temple vessels of God in drunken toasts made to his false "gods" with all his young and equally foolish and immoral peers. It marked the end of him and the end of the Babylonian Empire. Everything ended abruptly in one night, just as Mystery Babylon the Great and the king of the final Gentile world empire will come crashing down in one day (Revelation 14:8; 18:8).

6 days ago
Daniel Lesson 19: A Dream Come True!
6 days ago
6 days ago
Will post a blurb on this lesson on Daniel 4:28-37 at a later time.
This lesson is about King Nebuchadnezzar's great humiliation, as he lived like an ox in the field for seven years, after he claimed for himself glory that belongs only to God. It is also on the king's great humiliation, when he lived like an ox in the field for 7 years after having claimed for himself the glory that belongs only to God.

Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Daniel Lesson 18: Choice: Grace or Graze {The Humbling of a King}
Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Daniel 4:19-27
Telling the most powerful man on earth he is about to be "cut down" is not the most desirable aspect of the "job description" of a prophet, who doubled as a prime minister, but that was exactly what God required of Daniel. As soon as Daniel heard Nebuchadnezzar's second God-given dream, his God-given gift of dream interpretation "kicked in," for he knew what it meant. It predicted great shame and disgrace for the king, and Daniel had come to love the king - as chapter 4 shows us.
Learn about the meaning of the great tree of Nebuchadnezzar's dream and the significance of it being cut down and trimmed, but leaving the stump with the roots in the ground. Find out the judgment, purpose, and hope of the dream and listen to Daniel give personal counsel to the king; that counsel was essentially this: "King, you have one of two choices. You can either humble yourself before the Most High God and accept His grace, or you can experience great humbling for 7 years".
What did the mighty king decide to do? Listen and find out.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Daniel Lesson 17: Timber! {How the Mighty are Fallen!}
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Daniel 4:1-18. It will surprise many to find that Daniel chapter 4 is one of the great love stories of Scripture! How in the world can the account of the fall of a mighty king be considered a love story? The answer is simple, for this is the record of God demonstrating His merciful, unconditional love on an arrogant king until that man was humbled and became a true believer in Him (YHWH)! This is the climax of King Nebuchadnezzar's spiritual journey. The first four chapters of Daniel present (along with other great truths) the workings of Sovereign God in the heart of a lost man, who happened to be the most powerful man on earth at that time. You will love this love story!

Monday Feb 17, 2025
The Book of 1st John - Part I NEW STUDY
Monday Feb 17, 2025
Monday Feb 17, 2025
To explain up-front, this is not an exegetical (verse-by-verse) look at the Apostle John's first epistle; rather, it is an overview of the main purposes of the book (full-joy fellowship, holiness, discernment, salvation assurance). This study was done in a setting that was inter-active - meaning with questions and answers from the attendee/participants. Since their readings of Bible passages, answers to my questions, and other comments could not be heard on our audio recording, we had to make some "cuts" and "pastes," which accounts for the rougher places in this audio. Sorry,
We discuss many interesting subjects, including why John was called both a "Son of Thunder" and "The Apostle of Love," and why boldness for truth and compassionate love need to go "hand-in-hand" in every believer's life and testimony for Christ.
We took a brief review-look at John's life before, during, and after his physical time spent with "the Word of life" - Jesus. We discussed the prophetic reason why John outlived the other Apostles - as well as how each of those other men was so horrifically martyred for their rock-solid faith in the Gospel Truth of Christ's sin-atoning death, His burial, and third-day bodily resurrection!
We spend time explaining the various lies the false teachers had begun infiltrating into the Early Church, and why John was so intense in his warnings against such "antichrists". Included, also, is our discussion about having full-joy fellowship with God, His Son, and one another in spite of difficult circumstances.

Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Daniel Lesson 16: Fiery Furnace Tests of Life {No Burning!}
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
Sunday Feb 16, 2025
The grande finale! You DO NOT want to miss this exciting end to the account of Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael, who were cast into the fiery furnace for their steadfast obedience to God's command to not bow before any other "god". Lo and behold, they were not instantly "turned to toast"! In fact, they were so completely protected and preserved from the flames of great tribulation, there was not even the smell of smoke upon them! Their greatest blessing, however, was that they enjoyed fellowship with none other than the preincarnate Son of God, Who was in the furnace with them!
Did you know those three Hebrews are picture-types of the 144,000 sealed, believing Jews of the "fiery furnace" Tribulation days? Where was Daniel in this story? Why wasn't he among the three who would not bow to an idol (the Antichrist will also set up an idol of himself and force the world to bow to it)? For sure, if Daniel had been there, he would not have bowed or budged - and then, like his friends, he would not have burned. Daniel was not present because he pictured believing Jews of the Church, and the Church will not be thrown into the fiery furnace of the Tribulation Period on earth (see our podcast on the Rapture, under the tag "Revelation and End Times").

Friday Feb 14, 2025
Daniel Lesson 15: Fiery Furnace Tests of Life {No Budging!I}
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
This is the continuing account of the three brave, bold, and purposed-to-stand for the True God young men King Nebuchadnezzar tried to force to bow before the golden image (of himself). Although literally thousands obeyed the king's command and bowed low before the colossal idol, those three alone stood tall. Even when given a second opportunity to avoid the horrible consequence for disobedience to the king's decree, they refused to budge.
Nebuchadnezzar went into a wild rage! How could anyone dare to refuse his command - and do so in the face of being instantly turned into a crispy critter in a fiery furnace! How could they possibly be so confident in their God that they could say to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king" (Daniel 3:16b, 17)? There would be "No Budging" with these guys!

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Daniel Lesson 14: Fiery Furnace Tests of Life {No Bowing}!
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
This is the first of three messages on three VERY brave and VERY committed believers in Almighty God, and we like to use their godly Hebrew names: Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael. How often are our decisions, attitudes, and behavior determined by either external or internal pressures? We do what we do and we say what we say based either on inner convictions or external pressures. Most people yield to external pressures in order to "fit in" with their prevalent culture or their peers. But these Hebrew young men functioned entirely on internal principle! They did not care what external pressures were used to get them to compromise their convictions, they refused to cave (and the pressure was death in a fiery furnace - talk about extreme pressure).
Thus, this first lesson on the true account of the three Hebrews in "The Fiery Furnace Test" is entitled, "No Bowing!". The lesson to follow (Lesson 15) is called, "No Budging!" and the third in this series (Lesson 16) is called, "No Burning!" They are informative and very convicting lessons, and you will absolutely admire these great examples of Christlikeness in times of crisis.

Sunday Feb 09, 2025
Daniel Lesson 13: Dream Interpreted {One Future Godly Kingdom} Part III
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
In concluding his interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's God-given dream prophecy, Daniel spoke of the Stone cut out without human hands that came from the sky and smashed the colossal image on its feet and toes. The entire statue, representing the whole godless world system, came crashing down, broken into pieces that became like chaff which the wind carried away. The Stone then became a great mountain that filled the whole earth.
The Stone is the Lord Jesus at His Second Coming. The great mountain is His Kingdom on earth, known as the Millennial Kingdom.
Nebuchadnezzar, a pagan, was overwhelmed with all he heard from Daniel, and he fell on his face before him! He even acknowledged that the God of the Hebrews was greater than "the gods" of Babylon, who were unable to help their "wise men" at all when it came to revealing and interpreting the dream. Daniel was given the position of chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon! It was the equivalent of being made Prime Minister! Thus, at a young age, and a recent stranger to and captive of the great golden Babylonian Empire, Daniel was exalted to the highest position of honor that could be conferred on a subject of the king. He was going to have a tremendous influence on the king.

Saturday Feb 08, 2025
Daniel Lesson 12: Dream Interpreted {One Yet-Future Gentile Kingdom} - Part II
Saturday Feb 08, 2025
Saturday Feb 08, 2025
nKing Nebuchadnezzar learned from Daniel that his God-sent dream of a huge image represented successive kingdoms, beginning with him (Babylon, the head of gold). The various body parts and metallic substances perfectly symbolized each of the four Gentile kingdoms directly involved with Israel in the period of time known as "The Times of the Gentiles". From Daniel's time in the Sixth Century B.C., all the kingdoms of the image except Babylon were yet-future; from our time in history, there is only one kingdom represented on the statue (by the feet and toes) that yet awaits fulfillment - that final Gentile kingdom is the subject of this lesson on Daniel 2:41-44.
We discuss some very interesting things in this lesson, such as the connection between the ancient Roman Empire and a Revived form of it in the days of the Antichrist (the most dreadful beast this world will have ever seen). We discuss the push today for A New World Order (by such global think-tanks as the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Committee of 300, the Bilderberg Group, the European Union), which is why there is such a demand for globalism and a growing disdain for nationalism (nations with border).

Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Daniel Lesson 11: Dream Interpreted {Four Past Gentile Kingdoms} - Part I
Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Thursday Feb 06, 2025
This is the beginning of Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's God-given prophetic dream. The colossal image of the dream corporately represents the whole, anti-God world system; the various parts of the image represent four successive now-past Gentile Kingdoms - which were yet-future (except for the head of gold, representing Babylon) at the time of Daniel. The four Gentile kingdoms are: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. The feet and toes of the image represent the yet-future kingdom of the Antichrist.
The image represents what is called "The Times of the Gentiles"; the timeline of this amazing dream-prophecy is from the Babylonian Captivity to the Return of Christ at the end of the Tribulation! This prophecy perfectly aligns with the Book of Revelation, which is yet another proof of the Divine Authorship of the entire Scripture.
If you want God's perspective on history, you really need to have a good understanding of this very important prophetic dream! History comes alive when it is seen from God's eyes!

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Daniel Lesson 10: Dream - A Statue and A Stone!
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Daniel reveals the content of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, which presents the blueprint for all Biblical eschatology! Concisely stated, the dream is about "A Statue and A Stone"! In this lesson, we look at the statue's description, the statue's devolution, the statue's destruction, and the Stone's dominion!
Learn how the giant colossus of Nebuchadnezzar's God-sent dream disavows (refutes) the evolutionist's worldview of science and history!

Monday Feb 03, 2025
Daniel Lesson 9: Christlike in a Crisis
Monday Feb 03, 2025
Monday Feb 03, 2025
In this lesson on the Prophet Daniel and his providential intervention the night King Nebuchadnezzar had a (God-given) disturbing dream, which nobody could interpret (because he did not tell them what it was), we learn incredibly important lessons on being "Christlike in a Crisis". It truly was a crisis; Nebuchadnezzar threatened to cut into pieces all his "wisemen" and turn their homes into dunghills if they could not interpret his dream. Daniel and his 3 Hebrew friends were included among those to be "diced" and "dunged".
What do we learn from Daniel? Well, we learn about having honorable courage in a time of crisis. We learn to face a crisis with not only courage, but prayer! Before going boldly, but reverentially, before the raging king, Daniel and his fellow believers communicated their dilemma to Almighty God.
Daniel kept close to the Lord even in a foreign land, separated from family, and saturated in a pagan culture. He kept close to the Lord in the face of grave danger, and the result was God gave him wisdom, discernment, peace, godly abilities, and courage in the midst of a crisis. He will do so for us, too, when we live by faith. Remember, God's best works are revealed in impossible situations because then He alone gets the glory!

Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Daniel Lesson 8: The Dream Test
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
The questions answered in Daniel chapter 2 (which we discuss from this lesson through lesson 13) are questions mankind in general asks: What does the future of the world look like? Will there ever be a day of peace, harmony, and prosperity among the nations? Will lawlessness, immorality, violence, wars, envies, and injustices always dominate the world scene? Will there ever be a day when righteousness and a true spirit of brotherhood among men prevail? Will peace on earth, good will toward men ever be a reality?
In Daniel chapters 2 through 7, the future and destiny of the nations are foretold. In chapter 2, God revealed - through a dream He sent to King Nebuchadnezzar - that the Gentile nations will rise and fall, seeking always to dominate one another economically and militarily. This will continue through the time of the Antichrist, who will dominate the entire world for a few years, until his global reign is abruptly ended by the Return of Christ to establish God's Kingdom on earth.
Learn of the dreamy insomnia of Babylon's king, the impossible demand he made of his "wise men" as a result of a disturbing dream, the defense those "wise men" tried to make to the irrational king as to how impossible his request was (tell him his dream and interpret it), and the incensed decree he then issued - that they would all be "cut in pieces" if they did not come through for him!

Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Daniel Lesson 7: A Healthy Pulse (A Bold Request by a Bold Young Man)
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Lesson from Daniel 1:8-21, in which we discuss Daniel's daring proposal to have the king's "meat and wine" replaced (for him and his three friends) with "pulse and water" for ten days. Daniel was so determined not to disobey God's dietary laws, he risked offending the king himself with his request. He was confident the Lord would bless their obedience by making them healthier in appearance than all the other young captives who compromised by eating the Babylonian delicacies - and He did!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Daniel Lesson 6: Dare to be a Daniel in Difficult Days
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
If there is one thing this world (caught up in pandemic panic and fear of death and/or financial ruin) desperately needs, it is men, women, and young people like Daniel, the servant of the Most High God! For centuries, Daniel has stood as an extraordinary example of solid faith, uncompromising spirit, steadfast conviction (based on God's Holy Word), boldness for his God, yet with kindness and compassion to all, even his enemies. He remains an extraordinary example of Christlikeness to us today. This study reminds us to stand tall for God, to speak out for God, and to absolutely trust God as we, too, "Dare to be a Daniel in Difficult Days"!
It may be hard to believe, but this entire lesson is on half of one verse in Scripture (Daniel 1:8a)! Tune-in and learn how there could be so much to say about Daniel's "Purposed Heart". Hopefully, you will also purpose in your heart to do that which is right in God's eyes, regardless of the popular trends or the potential danger doing so may bring! The world needs a lot more "Daniels"!!

Sunday Jan 26, 2025
Daniel Lesson 5: The Babylonian Brainwashing Academy
Sunday Jan 26, 2025
Sunday Jan 26, 2025
There are consequences to disobeying God's commandments, which is what Israel encountered in the Babylonian Captivity for having turned to the worship of idols, embracing "the queen of heaven cult," and disobeying the Law of the Sabbatic year. The captivity was used to purge His people, and Babylon certainly had a way of sifting "the tares" from "the wheat" and causing the godly "wheat" to grow stronger in their faith!
In this lesson, we discuss the clever indoctrination program of King Nebuchadnezzar concerning the teen-aged young men of Judah's royal family taken in the First Exile to Babylon. His plan was to mold the youth of conquered nations into full-fledged Babylonian citizens, who would be loyal and dedicated servants to him and his kingdom. Those who exhibited extra leadership and character skills were given special training in what we have called "The Babylonian Brainwashing Academy". Among those selected for this 3-year school to melt-down and remold the captive, royal youth into palace administrators for the king were Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael. The plan was to get the roughly 60 Hebrew lads to join the Babylonian lifestyle, because it is a huge step toward then succumbing to the Babylonian philosophy and religion.
As we proceed in our study of the Book of Daniel, we will see how Daniel and his three friends "scored" in the Brainwashing Academy and in God's much more important Character/Compromise Test!

Friday Jan 24, 2025
Daniel Lesson 4: The Captivity Begins
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Friday Jan 24, 2025
The Book of Daniel begins in the year 605 B.C. with the First Exile of Jews from Judah to Babylon, ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar. Included in the first group of captives snatched from their families, homeland, and culture was the young teen, Daniel. In this lesson, we discuss Daniel's Personal History. We also again address an issue the critics of the Book of Daniel make regarding a seeming contradiction in the dating of the reign of King Jehoiakim's reign between Jeremiah and Daniel. The matter is easily resolved!
We also take a look at Nebuchadnezzar, the Conquering King used by God to carry out His chastisement on Judah. Then, we will also look at the Cultural Contrasts between Jerusalem and Babylon. Concluding, we look at the Captives' Qualities (the characteristics of the young men, like Daniel, who were taken in the First Exile - and why they were chosen by the Babylonian king).

Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Daniel Lesson 3: Jet-tour of HIS-story (also Why Fallen Angels Not Redeemable}
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
We continue (from Lesson 2) to look at the setting for the Book of Daniel, and, to do so, we present a jet tour of history back to the very beginning! This is a very, very, very informative lesson!
In this lesson, we discuss the free-will test of the angelic host in the FALL OF LUCIFER; we discuss WHY THE FALLEN ANGELS ARE NOT REDEEMALBE, HOW GOD PROTECTED THE HUMAN RACE FRom LIKEWISE BEING NON-REDEEMABLE, God's KINGDOM PROGRAM, and His REDEMPTIVE PROGRAM, and a quick, fascinating look at ISRAEL'S HISTORY from Abraham to the days of Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar!

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Daniel Lesson 2: Introduction {An Attacked Book } - Part II
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
If something is meaningful to the heart of God, you can be guaranteed Satan will attack it. Thus, he attacks both the truthfulness of Scripture and the Deity of Christ! Satan has launched an incredible attack specifically against the Book of Daniel because it so strongly upholds the truthfulness of God's Word! How is that? It is because no other book of the Bible contains as many already fulfilled prophecies as Daniel!!
For over 100 years, the Book of Daniel has become the main target of the Bible critics. They think it is Scripture's "Achilles' heel". They think that, if they can discredit Daniel, then the entire "colossus" of the Bible will come crashing to the ground, turn to dust, and be blown away by the winds of "progressive" liberalism (like King Nebuchadnezzar's dream-image of chapter two).
In this lesson, we ANSWER THE SKEPTICS (as we continue to do throughout the entire 12 chapters of Daniel)!!

Monday Jan 20, 2025
Daniel Lesson 1: Introduction {An Extraordinary Book} - Part I
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
This is the first lesson on what is easily one of the most fascinating and intriguing books of Scripture. Daniel is one very appropriate book for the extraordinary times in which we live. At a time in history when humanism dominates the decision processes of both government and its citizenry, and when hostility toward Christians and Israel is increasingly overt, the Book of Daniel reminds us the Sovereign of the universe still reigns from His throne! The omnipotent God has not deviated from His plan for the culmination of history. Everything He prophetically revealed through the Prophet and Statesman Daniel is taking place right on schedule! We must remember, it is God Who appoints the rulers of the world to their positions of power. He also removes them and brings those who are evil to their ruin.
The Book of Daniel is a perpetual warning to leaders, nations, and the empires of the world, in every age, that every leader and governing body will one day be held accountable before the one and only Living God for the privileged responsibility they were given.
In this first lesson, we take a look at the history of Israel at the time of Daniel. We take a look at the extraordinary man Daniel, of whom not a single negative word in Scripture is recorded! From a teen to an elderly man, the one criticism of Daniel came from jealous, ungodly men who accused him of his fanatical devotion to his God! That was actually a tremendous commendation!

Sunday Jan 19, 2025
Sunday Jan 19, 2025
NEW STUDY - The "grand finale" of the Lord's seven cross-sayings is full of electrifying power and will give you spiritual heartburn for sure! We not only discuss the Lord's great, "It is finished" declaration and all that was included in His declaration, but we point out the four times when God declared - or yet will declare - the completion of His various works (i.e., His creative work, His redemptive work, His judgment work, and His re-creative work)! We also talk about how Jesus Himself was not finished at all - in fact, part of the joy set before Him while He endured the pain and shame of the cross was the anticipation of the many "new beginnings" He had before Him!
In His seventh and final cross-saying, which was again a prayer (and one that showed He was again united spiritually with His Father), was filled with both Human submission and faith and Divine authority! No one took His life from Him - He dismissed His own spirit into His Father's care as a King would dismiss a servant! Again, His death (like everything in His life) proved He was Who He claimed to be - the very Son of the Living God! The fantastic series of miracles that accompanied the moment of His death - and the resurrection of dead saints from their graves on Resurrection Sunday (after Christ's bodily resurrection) - all again served the purpose of testifying to the truth that "Surely, He IS the Son of God" (did the Roman centurion get saved? It certainly seems so)!
By the way, you don't want to miss hearing about the significance of the Temple veil renting in two right as Christ royally bowed His head and gave up His own spirit.

Friday Jan 17, 2025
Friday Jan 17, 2025
Was the 3-hour crucifixion-darkness merely a sun eclipse? No; that would be impossible (find out why). Was it just over "Skull Hill" or over Jerusalem or perhaps the entire nation of Israel - or did it extend even further? Are there extra-biblical, historical records to confirm that eerie darkness? Yes - and from some surprising sources! What was God saying by way of that darkness? Listen and find out!
To fully pay the wages of sin for mankind, the Lord Jesus had to die both physically and spiritually. We know from the gospel records and many New Testament passages that He did indeed die physically, but how do we know He also died spiritually - that His soul was separated from His Heavenly Father? We know from His middle (4th of 7) cross-saying! He did not cry out (in a loud voice), "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" because He did not know the answer! (He already answered it, through King David, in Psalm 22:3.) He cried it out loud so we can rest assured that He died spiritually and the wages of our sin is therefore paid in full.
Discover, also, the reason Jesus cried out (again in an unusually loud voice for someone just minutes from death), "I thirst" (His fifth cross-saying). There is a lot more in that statement than just the evidence of His Human suffering! His mind was so incredibly alert - as demonstrated by the reason He spoke of His thirst - that there can be no doubt He is omniscient God! MUCH TO DISCOVER IN THIS GREAT FOUR-PART STUDY!

Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
In this second part of our look at the Lord's Seven Cross-sayings (and the miracles that accompanied His atonement work on "Skull Hill"), we discuss His second and third sayings - plus the first miracle!
There is something significantly special about a dying person’s final words, but this is particularly important when it comes to the final pre-resurrection words of Jesus Christ. They give us insight (a peek inside) His mind and spirit and as we look at them, it will become quite evident He was absolutely in control over the entire ordeal – from Gethsemane to Golgotha to a Garden Tomb (not the Romans, not the Jews, not the spectators, and certainly not Satan)! Jesus proved to be both our Saviour and our Sovereign, from beginning to end – from when He was being horrifically nailed to the cross to the moment He majestically bowed His head and regally, as a King, dismissed His spirit into His Father’s hands.
As with everything regarding Christ, His 7 cross-sayings serve as further proof of His Person as the God/Man. He was dying as a Man (shedding real blood, in horrific agony, thirsting), but His composure, control, character, compassion, and selfless concern – revealed both by His words and the miracles that accompanied His cross-atonement work – testify to the truth spoken by an impartial witness of everything – Truly this is the Son of God.
The salvation of the penitent thief was actually fulfillment of a prophecy found in Isaiah 53! He also symbolically represents all of us! Learn new and exciting truths in this lesson. Also, find out more about the women who were with Christ at the foot of His cross - and why the Lord addressed His mother as "woman," not "mother".

Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
In this message, the stage is set for a wonderful four-part, in depth study entitled, "The Seven Sayings and Seven Miracles in Six Hours". The title, of course, is about Christ's seven utterances during the six hours of His crucifixion, as well as the seven miracles that accompanied His redemptive work and helped (again) prove His Deity (2 were "Conversion Calvary Miracles" and 5 were "Creative Calvary Miracles"). A primary focus in this discussion is the absolute sovereign control displayed by the Lord Jesus during His entire "ordeal" - from Gethsemane to Golgotha to the Garden Tomb!
In this first lesson, we discuss some interesting comparative facts about three men saved during the Lord's crucifixion, and how they represent all people. We also take a look at His first cross-saying, which was a prayer, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". Three of His seven last "words"from the cross were prayers, which was so very much "in character" for the One Who spent His entire life in communion with His heavenly Father. THERE IS A LOT COMPACTED IN THIS STUDY and YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS IT (plus the three follow-up lessons)! (For example, did you know all donkeys have a cross on their backs (why is that appropriate concerning Christ)? And did you know that, just like Israel's high priest sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat seven times on the Day of Atonement, so Christ, our Great High Priest, shed His blood 7 times? The Bible is limitless in its riches. Truly.

Monday Jan 13, 2025
Monday Jan 13, 2025
Are there "hidden" messages in the Tabernacle? Yes! It is full of wonderful secrets and treasures - such that even Indiana Jones would be shocked to discover (and, hopefully) become a believer in Christ)!
See "the Way," and "the Truth," and "the Life" in the three Tabernacle "entrances"! See Christ in the gold-covered Acacia wood of the Tabernacle Proper! See the Trinity in the three main parts of the Tabernacle Proper and find out where Their three crowns are located within that Holy Place! Discover the interesting connection with the "pathway" of the Tabernacle (from the Eastern Gate entrance to the Holy of Holies) and the "path" of salvation.
Find out the sigificance of the names of Moses' two God-chosen, God-giften construction forement and how they together pictured Christ Jesus. Learn why, for the first and only time in the long wilderness journey of Israel, we don't hear her murmuring and complaining! In fact (other than the shocking golden calf incident), she was unusually obedient, generous, and united! It was a good time for Israel as she worked together in building "God's House"!

Sunday Jan 12, 2025
Sunday Jan 12, 2025
This is a continuation of our Old Testament look at finding the Lord Jesus Christ in the Book of Exodus! Do NOT think to yourself that Exodus is not a very interesting book of Scripture - or that it is not relevant to us today. Why? Because you would be 100% wrong! There is so much "of us" in the Israelites wandering in the wilderness of this world that a look at them is like a look in the "mirror"! Also, there is so much of our Saviour on every page - and in every aspect of of God's "Masterpiece Type" of His Eternal Son, the Tabernacle, you will truly be both surprised and super-blessed. This study is what you call "rich meat"!

Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Why is it important for believers in Christ today to learn about the ancient dwelling place of God's Holy Presence with Israel? How many different earthly dwelling places (tabernacles; temples) are there if we begin with Eden and end with the Heavenly "Eden"? How did both Eden and Mount Sinai connect with the Tabernacle? What clues are found in the Ark of the Covenant to help us know how God could be merciful on law-breakers? Why is it that Adam was innocent, but not righteous even before the Fall? What was AMAZINGLY significant about the Israeli encampment around the Tabernacle? How many times did Moses go up and down Sinai (at 80 years old)? How long did it take to build the Tabernacle and how does that fact possibly relate to the true birth date of Jesus Christ (for this, you'll need to listen to all three messages)!
There are 50 chapters in Scripture regarding the Tabernacle, its priesthood, its furnishings, its sacrifices, and its significance in regard to Christ and His atonement work on the cross of Calvary. There are only 2 chapters on the Creation account. So, do you think the Tabernacle is important to God?
You will be enriched by this study - EVEN IF you have studied the Tabernacle many times before!

Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Christ in Exodus Lesson 17: Civil Law Overview
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Why did God give the Mosaic Law (beginning with the Ten Commandments) to Israel? There were some very important reasons given in this study. What exactly does it mean that Christ brought an end to the Mosaic Law? What is "the law of Christ"? Was there law before "The Law"? Does being free from "The Law" mean a Christian is lawless?
Did you know Exodus chapters 21 to 23 are full of "case laws" about all manner of subjects, such as the treatment of servants and their rights, about murder and non-lethal violence, about harming pregnant women, about sorcery, sexual perversions, idolatry, false religious practices; restitution, property rights, usury, speaking ill of judges and rulers, giving false testimony, mob rule, partiality, mistreatment of foreigners, widows, and orphans - to name a few.
Don't judge this study by its title; it is packed with good stuff.

Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Christ in Exodus Lesson 16: Christ; Prophet like unto Moses
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
After beholding the magnificent manifestation of Almighty God through both natural and supernatural phenomena on Mount Sinai, while also hearing His thundering, trumpet-blasting voice declare a summation of His moral laws in "The Ten Commandments," the trembling Israelites begged Moses to continue to be their mediator with God so they never had to hear Him speak directly to them again. God was pleased with their reverential respect for Him, and it was on this very occasion that He gave Moses the famous prophecy of Deuteronomy 18:15-18. The Prophet/Messiah Who would come from among them (the Jewish people) and through Whom God would speak would be like unto Moses.
So, in this lesson from our study on finding types of Christ in the Book of Exodus, we take an in-depth look at all the many ways in which Moses served as the greatest person-type of Jesus in the Bible (even more so than Joseph, who is likewise a strong prophetic-type of the Lord). You will be utterly surprised, so get your pen to take notes, because you will want to remember what you hear.

Friday Jan 03, 2025
Christ in Exodus Lesson 15: The Ten Commandments
Friday Jan 03, 2025
Friday Jan 03, 2025
"The Ten Commandments" (also known as "The Decalogue," meaning "The Ten Words") is a legal code written simply and concisely, but completely, for they address every moral aspect for human conduct concerning: (1) true faith, (2) true worship, (3) reverence of God, (4) time for God, (5) reverence for authority, (6) reverence for life, (7) purity, (8) property, (9) the tongue, and (10) contentment. They are conspicuously absent of local or national peculiarities or prejudices, and are as appropriate today as when they were given some 3,500 years ago.
What is the difference between the Code of Hammurabi and "The Ten Commandments"? Do you know how the famous "Ten Commandments" were first presented to Israel? Do you know what Israel's initial response to God's presentation of them to her was? Find the answers to these and many other questions on this subject in this study - you may very well learn new truths about an old subject!

Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Christ in Exodus Lesson 14: Israel‘s Pentecost {Happy Birthday, Israel!}
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
For all Caldwell Commentary study books go to
scripturetruth.com or Amazon.com
FASCINATING STUDY!! Learn how each of Israel's four God-given "Spring Feasts" (Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and the Feast of Weeks, aka "Pentecost") presented a prophetic type of a very significant event concerning the First Coming of Christ. Learn why this lesson is entitled, "Israel's Pentecost"! Find out the amazing parallels between the great event at Mount Sinai when God "came down" to give Israel the Law (which rabbis declare to be the "birth" of the nation of Israel) and the Day of Pentecost, when God the Holy Spirit "came down" to fill believers in Jesus, and the Church was born. Did you know both events were accompanied by wind, fire, smoke, and "voices" ("languages")? Did you know it was 50 days after Israel's Exodus from her bondage in Egypt that she received "The Mosaic Covenant" from God, and it was 50 days after Christ's "Exit from death" (His resurrection) that believers (the new-born Church) received "The New Covenant" from God?
This is a lesson to hear several times - and then share with your family and friends! God's Word is perfect!

Monday Dec 30, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 13: Jethro’s Counsel and Jehovah’s Covenant
Monday Dec 30, 2024
Monday Dec 30, 2024
A very good PRACTICAL LESSON for those who are in leadership positions and need to delegate! Learn a lot about Moses and his relationship with his father-in-law, who was a wise man.

Friday Dec 27, 2024
Friday Dec 27, 2024
This is the account of the amazing miracle that occurred near Rephadim at the Rock of Horeb, when God told Moses to use his rod and strike the Rock. When he obeyed, water came gushing out to save the people of death by thirst. This is such a beautiful picture type of the Lord Jesus, the Rock, being stricken by the rod of God's wrath against sin for us. When He was stricken, the Living Water of His Spirit came gushing out for the spiritual benefit of all who accept His free invitation to drink of Him!
Learn some fascinating similarities and differences between the two occasions when Moses got water out of Rocks. Learn why he was severely punished for his disobedience in striking the second Rock instead of speaking to it! Why was that Rock business so very serious to God?! Find out what was discovered by a Bible-believing American couple in the early 1990s in Saudi Arabia (northwest of Jabal Magla)!
Included in this lesson is the account of Israel's first victory in warfare (Moses' arms upheld by Aaron and Hur), but the victory did not belong to her; the victory was the Lord's!

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 11b: Christ, the True Manna - Part II
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
The most important question about manna is how it so beautifully pictured the Lord Jesus, Who outright declared Himself to be the True Manna from Heaven following His miraculous feeding of the 5,000. He gave a number of reasons why the miracle of Manna in the wilderness, although great, was inferior to His far greater offer to feast eternally on Him, the True Bread of Life. Manna was the shadow; He is the Substance. In this lesson, we dip into a quick study of the Lord's "Bread of Life Sermon" of John 6.
". . . Taste and see that the Lord is good"!

Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 11a: Christ, the True Manna - Part I
Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Saturday Dec 21, 2024
The Lord purposedly led Israel to places of need so she would learn to lean, in faith, on Him to supply her needs. He does the same with us! He leads us to places of "want" to develop and stretch our faith in His grace, which is sufficient no matter what the need is. In times of humanly insolvable problems, we can respond in one of two ways: (1) we can grumble and mumble and play the "blame-game," or (2) we can go to the Lord and ask Him to resolve the situation, resting in the fact that He will do what is best for His children.
In this lesson (and lesson 10b of this series), learn all about "Manna" (also called "the corn of heaven" and "angel's food"). What does the word "manna" mean? What did manna taste like and look like? How long did it last? What was Israel's "Sixth Day Test"? Why was a pot of it preserved in the Ark of the Covenant - what did it symbolize? How much fell in order to feed some 2,000,000 people? What happened to it when the sun rose? When did it cease to fall in relation to Israel's wilderness journey? Why did God arrange matters so that the people had to daily and individually stoop down to gather their "omer" of manna. How much is an "omer"?
What did the Lord do when Israel grumbled about the quail He graciously sent them in the wilderness? When you find out, you will realize we have a sense of humor because we are made in His image, and He definitely has a sense of humor (even, sometimes, in His chastening)!

Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 10: Wilderness Bitterness
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
A great and practical study from the Book of Exodus and the bitterness of Israel in her early wilderness journey - and God's REMEDY, which is STILL the REMEDY today for bitterness (and every other negative attitude)!

Monday Dec 16, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 9: Passage and Praise! {The First Passover!}
Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
The ten plagues on Egypt were over. The tenth one, which was the death of all firstborns without lamb's blood brushed on the doorposts of their homes, was "the straw that broke the camel's back". Pharaoh finally consented to let Israel, God's firstborn "son" (Exodus 4:22), depart from his land to service the Lord.
Israel heard how they were to henceforth commemorate the original Passover experience with an annual Feast of Passover, as well as a Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 13). They were never to forget what the Lord did for them in delivering them from their bondage in Egypt! It was ALL a prophetic picture of the One Who would literally BE the Passover Lamb and Who would literally BE unleavened (without sin) so He could save ALL firstborns who willingly applied His blood to "the doorposts" of their hearts (and, thus, become "second borns" - born again).
Powerful lesson on PASSAGE and PRAISE!

Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 8: Plague on Firstborns {Full of Typology!}
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
SO MUCH TYPOLOGY in this lesson regarding the tenth plague on Egypt, which was the death of the firstborns not "covered" by the blood of the Passover lambs. The tenth and final plague is the apex of Egypt's plagues, for it succeeded in compelling Pharaoh to let Israel go.
Who exactly was "the destroyer," who swept over Egypt, taking the firstborns without "the blood" of the Passover lamb on their doorposts? You might be surprised!

Thursday Dec 12, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 7: The First Nine Plagues
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
Even after witnessing the incredible miracle of Aaron's rod/serpent swallowing the rod/serpents of Egypt's wise men, magicians, and sorcerers, Pharaoh did not change his mind about God or His command to let the Hebrew slaves leave Egypt. Tragically, his sinful pride would bring great sorrow to himself, his people, and his land. It was time for Almighty God to supernaturally intervene in Egypt's history to make Himself known to her. In this lesson, we discuss God's first nine plague-judgments on Egypt: (1) water-to-blood, (2) massive frog invasion, (3) dust-to-lice, (4) swarms of flies, (5) a grievous disease on Egypt's livestock, (6) boils on men and beasts, (7) hail and fire, (8) locusts, and (9) a three-day darkness. A primary purpose for the plagues was divine judgment on Egypt's false "gods". Although the Egyptians were taught a strong spiritual lesson by the True God, the real beneficiaries of the plague-lessons were the Israelites. Through them, the Lord demonstrated He is the God of creation!

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 6: The Good Serpent (Yes, there really is one!}
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
The title for this lesson, "The Good Serpent," may catch you thinking that is an oxymoron, but there was a good serpent in the Scripture (and it sure wasn't Satan). This is a fantastic study - one guaranteed to get you realizing how wonderful the Word of God truly is - on so many levels. This will be an hour worth your time.

Monday Dec 09, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 5: The Last Straw!
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Find out why this lesson is given the title, "The Last Straw" (and so much more).

Saturday Dec 07, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 4: The Bloody Bridegroom {Moses’ Wife Saves His Life!}
Saturday Dec 07, 2024
Saturday Dec 07, 2024
In this lesson, we discuss the "holy ground" event of Moses' burning bush encounter with "I AM THAT AM I" and his commission to return to Egypt and reassure Israel's elders that the God of their forefathers remembered His covenant promises. He heard their cries and had come down to deliver them from their bondage.
Very interestingly, there were at least seven specifics presented in the burning bush episode that portray the redemption work of Christ on the cross, and you will be amazed to hear about them.
Also in this study is the really strange account of when the preincarnate Lord held in a death grip that was only released when Moses' wife Zipporah came to the rescue with a flint knife and circumcised her son (and Moses' son)! This is one of the most avoided passages of Scripture! Find out more about why this episode is referred to as "The Bloody Bridegroom"! It is mysterious and bizarre, but you will certainly learn how seriously the Lord takes His covenants!
Here is truth to ponder: what the burning bush did not accomplish in Moses, the bloody bridegroom experience did!

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 3: Moses at the Burning Bush
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Oh my! Take off your shoes, for you will enter holy ground with this study! You will likely also learn a whole lot more about Moses than you knew before . . . better than that, however, will be what you learn about the One Who spoke from the midst of the burning, yet unconsumed bush!

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Christ in Exodus Lesson 2: The Preparation of Moses
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
For all Caldwell Commentary study books go to
scripturetruth.com or Amazon.com
You have heard the account of young Moses - Pharaoh's infanticide decree for all Hebrew infants to be thrown into the crocodile-infested Nile River, the providential arrival of Pharaoh's own daughter to draw young Moses from that river to raise him as her own, etc., but this presentation will bring the story to life more than any Bible picture book!
This study of the Living Word Ministry (2019-2020), is one of Katherine's favorite! There is much more in the Book of Exodus than "the surface" story. There are deep, rich, exciting pictures of Christ throughout the book. We think you will be amazed what you learn!

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
First lesson from our study on finding the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus in the great second book of the Pentateuch - and He is (as in Genesis) present throughout Exodus! This first lesson is full of exciting history about how God prepared Israel for her deliverance from bondage in Egypt.

Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Fascinating Details of the Christmas Account! {You‘ll Want to Share!}
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
In-depth commentary/study books to ACCOMPANY EVERY STUDY on our podcast are available through Amazon.comuand scripturetruth.com Search under Katherine Caldwell Commentaries)
From the well-known account of the circumstances surrounding the conception and birth of the Lord Jesus, we discuss interesting truths not usually included in the re-telling of "The Christmas Account". It is important for everyone to know about "The Jeconian Curse" (Jeremiah 22:30) and how the Lord Jesus ALONE qualifies to be Israel's rightful King. It is also important to know the announcement that broke 400 years of inter-Testimental silence and how the two people directly involved in that announcement have Hebrew names which together remind the world that the Lord remembers His covenant promises!
We discuss how important it was that Herod chose the Roman method of taxation rather than the Jewish method, for otherwise Jesus would not have fulfilled the Messianic prophecy of Micah 5:2. The virgin birth; the significance of the glad tidings being given to Bethlehem shepherds; the two elderly witnesses of Christ, Simeon and Anna; the interesting details about the Magi from the East and their knowledge regarding the curious "star" that appeared in the sky, disappeared, and then reappeared again and how it is connected to Balaam; the fascinating dual-fulfillment prophecy of Isaiah 60:3, 6 - these are all subjects discussed in this lesson. You will have something NEW to teach this year at Christmas!

Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Christ in Exodus: Jet Tour of Genesis
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
Sunday Dec 01, 2024
In preparing for our study of "Christ in Exodus," we present a jet tour through the Book of Genesis. Hold onto your hat!