
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Daniel Lesson 29: Little Horn and Hanukkah
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Learn what Hanukkah is all about - very fascinating!
Who is the "Little Horn"? Find out.
This lesson is on Daniel 8:11-14.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Daniel Lesson 28: The Ram and Goat Vision
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
This lesson is on Daniel 8:1-10. With chapter 8, we begin to look at the third section of Daniel which we have entitled, "Daniel Prophetic History of Israel". The prophetic vision of Daniel 8 begins with the conflict of the two world powers that would sequentially follow Babylon (Medo-Persia and Greece), but the focus then narrows down to the specific persecution to occur in a small place on the map called Judah. In Daniel 7, we learn about the coming "little horn" of the last days - the Antichrist, who will arise from a revived form of Ancient Rome. In Daniel 8, we learn much about another "little horn" who came out of the Greek Empire to serve as a prophetic type of evil character and actions of the end-times' Antichrist.

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Daniel Lesson 27: Seeking Truth
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
This lesson is on Daniel 7:15-28 and it deals with the divine interpretation of Daniel's God-given dream about the prophetic history of the Gentile nations (from the time of the ancient Babylonian Empire to the Revived Roman Empire of the Antichrist). Daniel received the dream, but wanted to know more about it from the Lord! When a person genuinely seeks to know and understand more about God and His plans and purposes, and when he sincerely wants to know Bible prophecy, the Lord honors that seeking soul. The title for this lesson, "Seeking Truth" is on that very subject.
We look at Daniel's piercing reaction to the prophetic visions of his dream (7:15), his probing requests for further understanding of the dream (7:16-27), and his pensive response to the interpretive answers (from a heavenly sent messenger) he received (7:28).
Learn about the fourth beast and the ten kings who arise from his head - and the eleventh king (also called "the little horn").

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Daniel Lesson 26: The Final Dominion Transition {A Benevolent Theocracy}
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
The God-given dream of Daniel chapter 7 presents progressive revelation about that great day of transition from the kingdoms of men on earth to the Kingdom of God on earth. That final Kingdom will differ from all others for it will be ruled by the perfect love, justice, righteousness, and grace of the KING of Kings. It will be a benevolent Theocracy.
In Lesson 25, we discussed Daniel's introduction to his own dream (7:1-3) and then we looked at the dreadful invasion of the various beast of the dream, which represented the successive Gentile kingdoms from ancient Babylon to the final kingdom of the Antichrist. In this lesson, we discuss what Daniel's dream prophesied about the future time of Divine intervention on the entire anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Israel, anti-Christian world system (represented by all the beasts).
There will be justice at last!

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Daniel Lesson 25: Lions, Leopards and Bears, Oh My!
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Daniel 7:1-8 Another God-sent, very important prophetic dream, which was this time given to Daniel. It corresponded to King Nebuchadnezzar's God-sent dream of chapter 2, but rather than the Gentile world empires being pictured in the sequence downward of the body parts on a giant statue, they are portrayed as four successive beasts. The primary difference in the two dreams is that the pagan king (Nebuchadnezzar) was shown the course of the Gentile kingdoms as the world sees them - almost godlike in their power (with their massive armiess, glorious monuments, impressive cities, and dazzling riches). To the world, these mighty powers are titanic "idols" to be placed on pedastals and worshipped (which Nebuchadnezzar did in chapter 3 and as the Antichrist will do during the final Gentile world power). So, Daniel chapter 2 saw the world powers from the humanistic view.
Daniel chapter 7, however, views these same world powers from God's perspective, and, to Him, they are like a procession of increasingly blood-thirsty beasts of prey, dreadful to behold in their immoral appetites, wilfull blindness to the truth, carnal, callous brutality toward their fellow man, and cruel animosity toward the Jewish people.

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Daniel Lesson 24: Divine Preservation in the Den
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
The greatest "test" of Daniel's life was "The Lions' Den Test" - but perhaps the greater miracle of that true account was not his preservation from the lions, but his perseverence in prayer! Knowing the consequence he would face (lion food) if he persisted in his daily routine of praying to El Elyon, the Most High God, yet he flung open his window, faced East toward Jerusalem, got on his knees, and prayed knowing his jealous enemies could see him. How's that for a non-compromising, stedfast, courageous faith?
In a very real sense, Israel's destiny (as with America today) was decided in the prayer rooms of Daniel and the other faithful Jews in Babylon. Human responsibility mysteriously works together with God's Sovereign will. The great spiritual battle for Daniel took place and was won on his knees before an open window - not in the lions' den! Daniel was willing to yield his body in the den, but, before an open window, he yielded his will (much like Christ in Gethsemane).
Remember: God sometimes chooses to keep us safe in the lions' den, but not safe from the lions' den! We, today, could substitute the words "Corona Virus" for "lions' den". It brings the Lord more glory when He saves us in our troubles than when He saves us from our troubles!

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Daniel Lesson 23: Persecution by Ravenous Liars {Sounds Like Today!}
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
No matter how often you may have read or studied your way through the true account of Daniel's in the lions' den, there are always new depths, insights, and personal applications to discover. That will very likely be the case as you engage with us in this in-depth two-part study on the famous Daniel chapter 6.
The setting for the "lions' den" episode is in the new Medo-Persian Empire. The "lion king" was Darius the Mede (vassal king over the city of Babylon). Daniel was the pre-eminent president serving under the king, who liked and trusted Daniel - but allowed his ego to trap him by signing a decree that put Daniel in serious danger if he continued to pray to the Most High God, which he did (faithfully, three times a day, as he always did). Daniel is an extra-ordinary man - we all can learn so much for his prayer life and his commitment to God! His life definitely revealed the reality of his faith. It is in this lesson that he really encountered his true enemies, and they weren't the ravenous lions; they were the ravenous liars (the tools of Satan)!