
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Genesis Lesson 42: The Friend of God {Abraham’s Distinct O.T. Title}
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Genesis 18:1-33
Abraham is referred to in Scripture by a number of names and titles ("father of many nations," "father of the faithful," "a prophet," "a mighty prince," a man "strong in faith"), but the most cherished title is "the friend of God". Because he is the only individual in the Old Testament to have this compliment specifically said of him, we want to know why he "earned" this distinction. The almost unanimous answer is derived from the intimate conversation between the Lord and Abraham in Genesis chapter 18, as well as the confidence in Abraham the Lord demonstrated in this same chapter.

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Genesis Lesson 41: El Shaddai {All-Sufficient God}
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Genesis 17:1-27
This is the chapter in which Abram becomes Abraham and Sarai becomes Sarah - name-changes made by God! This is also the chapter in which 90-year old Abraham laughs (in joy) when the Lord tells him that Sarah his wife will bear him the promised son (not some younger woman, like Hagar), and his name shall be Isaac (which means "laughter")!
One of the great names for God is "El Shaddai," meaning "the all-sufficient God"! He was "all-sufficient" for Abraham, and He is "all-sufficient" for us today! Amen! Learn the context for the first time in Scripture God is referred to by this marvelous name!

Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Genesis Lesson 40: The Fruit of Impatience {The Conception of Ishmael}
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Genesis 16:1-16
This is the sad account of the conception of Ishmael, and how Abraham wrongly heeded the suggestion of his wife to conceive an heir through her Egyptian handmade Hagar.
In our discussion of this event, we look at: (1) The Scheme Proposed, (2) The Scheme's Problems (Hagar's pride, Sarah's anger, and Abraham's lack of leadership), and (3) the Servant Pursued (Hagar's wilderness encounter with the pre-incarnate Christ).
This is an important lesson about waiting on God and not taking matters into our own hands, "in the flesh". This serious mistake committed by Abraham has consequences that still disrupt the peace of our world today in the on-going animosity between the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac.

Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Genesis 15:1-21
Following his physical battle against Chedorlaomer (king of the four-king coalition) and his spiritual battle against the temptations of Bera (King of Sodom), Abraham was concerned the wicked invaders he humiliated by defeating them with his much smaller band of men might return in vengeance. He was getting old and still had no child or land, as per God's promises (12:2-7). Lot returned to live in Sodom (a great disappointment), and Abraham was drained, physically and emotionally. He needed some divine assurance, and the Lord delivered! He graciously answered every one of Abraham's concerns.
In this powerful lesson, we discuss (1) A Mighty Shield (the first of God's great "I AM" statements), (2) A Multitudinous Seed, (3) A Monumental Statement (the doctrine of justification by faith is set forth for the first time), and (4) A Mysterious Ceremony (to seal the Abrahamic Covenant).

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Genesis 14:17-24
It is often the case for a believer to encounter a great temptation and/or danger after winning "a battle". Abraham experienced a miraculous victory over a powerful four-king coalition from the East (which had just defeated a five-king confederation near the Dead Sea). He outrageously rescued Lot from captivity, but as he was returning home from the physical battle, he was unexpectedly faced with a spiritual battle. He was tempted with great wealth and acclaim by the King of Sodom.
But, in God's providence, Abraham first encountered "the King of Salem" (meaning "Peace"), who is also called "Melchizedek," which means "King of righteousness"! This mysterious man (the pre-incarnate Christ?) brought bread and wine (first mention of these elements in Scripture) for Abraham and his men. Melchizedek was "the Priest of the Most High God" - the very first Priest mentioned in Scripture!
We discuss 5 interesting truths concerning Melchizedek: His Provision, His Priesthood, His Proclamation, Abraham's Payment (to Him), and His Person (identity). This is intriguing, to say the least!
The lesson concludes with a detailed discussion of Abraham's meeting with the King of Sodom (named Bera) and how Abraham (like Christ) resisted temptation!

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Genesis Lesson 37: The Dead Sea War {Aka ”Ten-King War” - First War in History!}
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Genesis 14:1-16
We discuss the very first recorded account of war, not only in the Bible, but in all ancient literature! It is called "The Dead Sea War" or "The 10-King War" (it was a rebellion of five kings against four kings, and the tenth "king" was Abram. Also, after the war, a mysterious eleventh King appeared from seemingly nowhere. His name is Melchizedek).
Through this encounter, Abraham faced three more "tests": (1) "The Compassion Test" - in which he risked his life to rescue his nephew, (2) a "repeat" on "The Courage Test," which he failed in Egypt, but passed with flying colors in his rescue of Lot, and (3) "The Completion Test," which he also passed with flying colors.
For more on the fascinating truths and prophetic aspect of this first recorded war of history, see Lesson 9 "The 10-King War and Melchizedek" under "CHRIST in GENESIS" on this podcast.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Genesis Lesson 36: Abram and Lot Separate {Being a Peacemaker}
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Genesis 13:5-18
This lesson provides us with a sharp contrast between Uncle Abram and nephew Lot. Both men had journeyed down to Egypt (out of God's will), but one returned wiser, while the other returned worldlier. Abram learned his lesson, through Divine chastisement and by way of great humiliation, to walk by faith in God's Word. He learned not to use circumstances or even self-preservation as his guides (although he would later slip in this area by repeating his sin about Sarah). Evidently, Lot did not learn any significant spiritual lessons while in Egypt. When Abram departed Egypt, there was no place for Egypt in his heart. On the other hand, when Lot left Egypt, he took "Egypt" with him in his heart.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Genesis Lesson 35: Abram; Canaan to Egypt {His Lie about His Wife}
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Genesis 12:10-13:4
We continue Abram's journey of faith with God as he traveled from the land of promise (Canaan) to Egypt (picture of the world). In the situation we discuss in this lesson, we (hopefully) learn from Abram's mistakes and his lie! The four main divisions of our look at what some would call a "backsliding experience" are: (1) the famine, (2) the falsehood, (3) the failure, and (4) the return to fellowship!
It never pays to step out of God's will by devising our own schemes on how to handle difficult situations. It never pays to doubt God in times of trials, and self-preservation is never an excuse for disobedience! Time spent "in Egypt" is wasted time! These are just some of the important spiritual lessons learned from Abram in this lesson.

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Genesis 12:1-9
We begin the spiritual journey of the man called Abram (Abraham). His walk began where our walk with God begins, which is with God taking the initiative! God spoke, and it was the revelation from Him that pierced Abram's soul and began to break the hold the world, the flesh, and the devil had over him! It was the Word of the God of glory that generated a response from Abram and began leading him down the path to eternal salvation. It is fitting that God began His summons to Abram with a call to separation! He was not only to leave his country (idolatrous Ur of the Chaldees), but also his idol-worshipping family!

Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Genesis Lesson 33: Introduction to Abram {Preserving the Promised Seed}
Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Genesis 11:10-32
Generation after generation following the dispersion at Babel was given opportunity to repent and turn back to God, but unfortunately the degenerate condition of man soon came to resemble pre-Flood days. Tragically, the spiritual decline even affected the Messianic line. But God had made a promise, and He keeps His promises. He would send the Promised Seed of the woman, the Messiah/Saviour into the world to crush Satan and pay the wages of sin so those who believe on Him could be forgiven and saved.
Thus, because God is the God of love, mercy, and grace; the God Who keeps His promises, He reached down to call a man out of a Shemite family; a man whose family worshipped idols; a Gentile living in Ur of the Chaldees (area of modern-day Iran). His name was Abram.
In this lesson, we begin studying the life of a Abram - whose name was later changed to Abraham by God (17:5). It was from Abraham's seed that the Messiah would come. God would indeed preserve the lineage of the Messiah, Jesus Christ!

Friday May 31, 2024
Genesis Lesson 32: Tyrant, Tower, and Tongues (Babel)
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9
There are four main subjects found in Genesis chapters 1 to 11: (1) the Creation, (2) the Fall, (3) the Flood, and (4) the Tower of Babel. This lesson is on the Tower of Babel and the Lord's miraculous intervention at the time of its building, which was almost as critical as His Flood intervention.
As we learn of the humanistic reasoning of the ancient people to deliberately disobey God and eagerly, instead, follow a proud and wicked man named Nimrod "to make a name for themselves," we see a reflection of our own society at large. Man has not changed since ancient times. In fact, from the Babel of Nimrod (Genesis 10, 11) to the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 5:30) to the one-world "Babylon" of Antichrist (Revelation 17, 18), natural men remain focused on the same goals: to gain their own fame, to find a "security-utopia" on Earth without from God, and (if he is religious) to attain Heaven by his own effort. Those are all efforts in futility.

Thursday May 30, 2024
Genesis Lesson 31: Table of 70 Nations {Fascinating!}
Thursday May 30, 2024
Thursday May 30, 2024
Genesis chapter 10 contains the earliest "Table of Nations" know to man! This is a remarkable historical document that even the Bible's most hostile critics confess is of extraordinary importance and reliability. No record of the origin of the ancient nations can even remotely compare. It is not only incomparable in its age, but also in its comprehensiveness and accuracy. Genesis 10 is an ethnological table. It tells us where the various nations and people groups of the world originated. It is the historical record of the expansion of the people that descended from the three sons of Noah.
This chapter is the single bridge or link that takes us from "pre-historic" antediluvian times (history for which we have no written historical records or documentation other than what is found in Scripture and ancient "traditions") to the historical times of Abraham and the nations of antiquity. "The Table of Nations" is a genealogical record, a geographical atlas, and a history book all in one!

Wednesday May 29, 2024
Genesis Lesson 30: Noah, Drunk and Naked {What?!}
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Genesis 9:18-29
It would have been "nice," humanly speaking, if the Bible's account of Noah had ended with the beautiful rainbow placed in the sky as God's token "sign" of His covenant promise with Noah and the perpetual generations of mankind. But, this is not where Noah's story ended - it moves from rainbows to shadows because Scripture does not conceal the "spots and blemishes" of men, including the "heroes" of faith, such as Noah (and Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Moses, David, Peter, Paul, etc.). It presents the truth about man, which thereby demonstrates to us that no individual is above sin. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), which is why we so desperately need a Saviour!
In this lesson, we look at (1) The Descendants of Noah, (2) The Drunkenness of Noah (three parts - Noah's Disgrace; Ham's Disrespect; Shem's Decency), (3) The Declaration of Noah {fascinating prophecy about the descendants of his three sons), and (4) The Death of Noah (the third longest living member of the human race).

Tuesday May 28, 2024
Genesis Lesson 29: The Noahic Covenant {True Meaning of the Rainbow}
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Genesis 9:8-17
Noah and his family members had no doubt been "wounded" in their souls from the traumatic encounter with God's wrath upon sinful man. Knowing they, too, were sinners, they needed reassurance that they and their descendents would survive and still have the wonderful prospect of the coming Savior Who would redeem them from their otherwise hopelessly lost condition. These concerns were addressed by God to Noah in what theologians called "The Noahic Covenant". As we discuss this important covenant, we will look at its substance and its sign (the rainbow).

Monday May 27, 2024
One Thing is Needful! {Tale of Two Sisters; Martha and Mary} NEW STUDY!
Monday May 27, 2024
Monday May 27, 2024
Luke 10:38-42
Although the two sisters are often contrasted, Martha being the pre-occupied worker-server, and Mary, the pensive worshipper-student (always seen in Scripture at Jesus' feet), this in no way indicates the Lord wants believers in Him to be either one or the other. Personalities and spiritual gifts are different. We are to do what we can with what we have and to do it wholeheartedly. The sisters do not represent an either/or situation. They represent a composite balance. Discipleship is a balance of both Martha and Mary; we should imitate Mary in our worship and Martha in our work! "As the days unfold before me, may this ever be my part, to serve with Martha's busy hands, and love with Mary's heart!"
However, it is apparent from the situation presented in Luke 10:38-42 that there is an appropriate time to work and an appropriate time to worship. Mary chose the good part when Christ visited their Bethany home on this particular occasion! She chose the one needful thing that could never be taken from her - feeding her soul on God's Word, the eternal "Bread of Life"!
This is a serious and very practical lesson for all of us, whether women, men, or young people. It is also good to be able to sometimes laugh at ourselves, and so this is what we could call "a fun lesson". There is a surprise ending that may tell us something about these two sisters (particularly Martha) during the days of the Early Church! Click "like" if you enjoyed this lesson!
This is a subtle matter, for it seems good and right to provide for our own and to attend to household responsibilities, family businesses, our communities, and to our local churches. But it is in these good things that the danger lies, for they can become snares to our hearts if they draw us away from time spent with God in worship and in fellowship through His Word and prayer. We must hold the things of this world with a loose hand, not allowing anything to overtake God in our hearts. Everything else is a blessing for which to be thankful, but we should not let other matters so fill our mind, time, and energy that we trample the holy things. They are dearly purchased if they cause us to put eternity from our thoughts, forget our Bible reading, shorten our prayer lives, or cause us to become careless hearers of the Word of God. "A little earth upon the fire within us will soon make the fire burn low." (R. C. Ryle,

Sunday May 26, 2024
Joanna; A Unique, Fascinating Female Disciple NEW STUDY!
Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
Probably few people know much about the unique New Testament woman named Joanna. Her story, learned by piecing together just a few verses of Scripture, all found in Luke (and possibly a greeting given by the Apostle Paul in the Book of Romans), is intriguing and convicting! This audio lesson is shorter than most of our studies, yet it is rich with nuggets of truth you possibly never thought about before!
Do you know that Joanna was somewhat like Moses, Joseph, and Daniel? How? Listen and find out. Did you know that she was privileged to not only witness all three vital aspects of the Gospel message (the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ), but was one of the first of just a few women to share that message (to the Apostles, who initially did not believe them)?! Do you know that Bible scholars credit her as one of Luke's valuable resources for his gospel record of Christ's ministry?! Listen! Learn! Be encouraged and edified by this woman whose name means, "God is gracious," for indeed He is!

Saturday May 25, 2024
Saturday May 25, 2024
From this well-known account of Christ's "Divine appointment" with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well (John 4), learn some very interesting information about the importance of certain numbers in this story (i.e., especially "6" and "7"). Learn from the Lord how to wisely and smoothly witness to someone by going from the physical realm to the spiritual. See how "Samaritana" progressively advanced in her perception of the 7th Man in her life and how He (the God-Man) broke down four cultural barriers in just a matter of minutes!
There is a fascinating look at the three famous Old Testament "well encounters" (Eliezer, on behalf of Isaac, and Rebekah; Jacob and Rachel; Moses and Zipporah) and how they were picture-types of Christ's "well encounter" with Samaritana - which, in turn, is a beautiful picture-type of Him and His Bride, the Church!
Did you know this is the longest recorded conversation between Jesus and someone in Scripture? Did you know that Jesus HIMSELF
first revealed His identity to this woman (half-Jewish/half-Gentile) as both Messiah and the great "I AM"? Did you know that she was the first "non-Jewish" convert of His earthly ministry? Did you know that she was the first witness/evangelist to "non-Jews" regarding the arrival of the long awaited Messiah? Did you know that Samaritans were the first people to proclaim Jesus as "the Saviour OF THE WORLD"? There is all this and much more in this "must" hear-to-get-it-all lesson on the changed life of a lonely, immoral, confused woman who finally met the "perfect" seventh Man in her life - the God/Man, Jesus Christ, Who truly came to seek and to save the lost!

Friday May 24, 2024
Anna; Prophetess , Witness, and Evangelist - NEW STUDY
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
Anna is the only named "prophetess" in the New Testament. She was also one of God's two "mighty witnesses" to His Son's Identity as the long-awaited Messiah (on His first "visit" to the Temple at only 40 days of age). She and Simeon (both in their 100's) pictured the transition of the Old Testament to the New Testament (fascinating to realize). She is an amazing example, in many ways, of how to turn tragedy to triumph; how to be "happy" in spite of "sad" circumstances; to be faithful and consistent and patient and to trust in God's absolute Sovereignty over all things. Her name is significant; her father's name is significant; her tribal lineage is significant - in fact, everything about her is significant. And then there is this: she was the first evangelist to the good news of Christ's arrival in the Holy City of Jerusalem!

Friday May 24, 2024
Genesis Lesson 28: A New World Order
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
The world Noah and his family saw on their disembARKment was drastically different from the world they knew before the Flood. The world, as Noah had known it, had "perished" (II Peter 3:6). It was God's grace that provided the human race a new opportunity for a new beginning in an essentially new world.
In this lesson on Genesis 8:20-9:7, we will look at a significant altar Noah built to rightly worship God through an extremely generous burnt offering! We also discuss three promises made by God to Noah and four new conditions presented to Noah for "the new world order" of the post-Flood world. Those conditions had to do with (1) protection regarding animals, (2) permission regarding meat, (3) prohibition regarding blood, and (4) punishment regarding murder (capital punishment).

Wednesday May 22, 2024
Genesis Lesson 27: The Ark on Ararat {The Date it Rested is FASCINATING!)
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
In this lesson on Genesis 8:1-19, "The Ark on Ararat," we learn again of the incredible faith of Noah, as evidenced by his great patience in waiting to hear from God for the proper time to exit the ark. We also learn of the faithfulness of God in keeping His Word by "remembering" those who belong to Him. We discuss (1) the remembrance of God, (2) the recession of the flood waters, (3) the rest of the ark (on Ararat), (4) the restraint of Noah, and (5) the replenishment of the earth.
Did you know that the ark of Noah came to its rest on Mount Ararat on the very same day Christ, after going down into the deep "waters of judgment" for us (His death), resurrected from the dead! [For a deeper study on the Ark as a type of Christ, see lesson #6 from our study on "Christ in Genesis" on this podcast.]
We discuss the significance of the raven and the dove sent by Noah out of the ark, as well as the importance of the word "ruach" (Hebrew) for "wind" in Genesis 8:1. These facts, plus a whole lot more in this study!

Wednesday May 22, 2024
Genesis Lesson 26: The Noahic Flood {Three Sources of Evidence the Flood was Global}
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Genesis 7:1-24
"Mabbul" is the Hebrew word for the Noahic Flood. Many teach that it was merely localized. Not so! The Flood was global, and presented in this study is lots of evidence to support that claim!
Did you know God predicted the beginning of the Flood through the name "Methuselah"? Fascinating! Do you know when Methuselah died and what occurred right after his death (fulfilled prophecy). Why do you think Methuselah lived longer than any person "on record"? What attribute of God does his longevity demonstrate?
We discuss the geological, Biblical, and the "tradition-legend" worldwide evidences that support a global Flood.
Think how today's world is similar to the pre-Flood days of Noah's time, and and you will realize how close we are to another out-pouring of God's wrath on the entire globe! Not another Flood (per God's promise), but definitely a time of global, unprecedented Tribulation!

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Genesis 6:9-22
In this lesson, we first have the joy of studying all about God's man, Noah. There is a lot we can learn from Noah living in our quickly degenerating world today! Against a hostile, godless, mocking world, Noah persevered for 12 decades! He did not bail out on his service to or his faith in God. He did not grow weary in well doing. He did not grow faith when, year after year, he was labeled a "fanatic" and a "lunatic". He only cared what God thought of him, not the opinions of evil men. We also learn from Noah HOW TO HANDLE LIFE'S STORMS!!
After discussing "God's Man," we look at "God's Plan" (6:11-13) by discussing seven sub-divisions: (1) the Corruption of that day, (2) the Craft Noah was instructed to build - learn the interesting detail of the Ark, (3) the Cataclysm that God was going to bring upon the earth, which he shared with Noah in verse 17, (4) the Covenant God made with Noah to protect him and his family (in the ark) from the coming "flood of waters," (5) the Christ, as He was prophetically portrayed by the ark (more ways than you can imagine!), (6) the Cargo (how could all those creatures fit in the ark? Find out. The fact is, they could fit with plenty of extra space! (7) the Concurrence; Noah did according to all that God commanded him (6:22)!

Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
THIS IS A VERY INTERESTING LESSON!!! YOU WILL WANT TO LISTEN! We discuss FALLEN ANGELS and their impact on the world of the pre-Flood days.
Sin grew rapidly more widespread and wicked as a proud and godless society developed from Cain's descendants. In time, the degeneracy of Cain's descendants spread to the descendants of Adam and Eve's other children. Finally, even Seth's lineage (with the exceptions in the Messianic lineage) allowed the great vileness of their inherited sin natures to rule their lives.
We discuss the very perplexing passage in the opening verses of Genesis chapter 6 about "the sons of God" seeing the fair "daughters of men" and "taking them wives of all which they chose" and how the result of that "union" was "mighty men which were of old, men of renown" and there is even the mention of "giants in the earth in those days". What is this all about? We discuss the three primary interpretations of the passage - and, believe me, it is fascinating!

Sunday May 19, 2024
Sunday May 19, 2024
Genesis 4:25-5:32
We discuss what Scripture says about Seth (son of Adam and Eve) and his godly line of descendants (up to the time of the Flood). When Seth was born, Eve understood he was the son (in replacement of Abel) from whom the Promised Seed of the woman (the Saviour/Messiah) would come. With Seth's son, Enos, we read of the first spiritual "revival"; Genesis 4:26 says men began to call on the name of the Lord, recognizing their dependence on Him (quite the opposite of Cain's descendent Lamech, who boasted of his self-sufficiency).
We discuss the antediluvian (pre-Flood) patriarchs: Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech (not the same Lamech of Cain's descendants), and Noah. When we look at the Hebrew meaning for the names of these 10 men, we AMAZINGLY FIND A DESCRIPTION OF JESUS CHRIST! We also learn about four antediluvian prophets (amazing men): Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah.

Saturday May 18, 2024
Saturday May 18, 2024
Genesis 4:17-24.
In chapters 4 and 5 of "the book of beginnings," we learn of the two ancestral lines of Cain and Seth. Cain, of his own choice, was the firstborn spiritual seed of the serpent (see Genesis 3:15). We learn about Cain after he murdered his brother Abel and was cursed by God to be a fugitive and vagabond all his life. We discuss a topic that has provoked the curiosity and criticism of more people than on almost any other Bible-related subject: who did Cain marry?
We also discuss some of the primary descendants of Cain mentioned in Scripture, divinely selected to give insight into the Cainitic society that developed from Cain to the time when the Lord's toleration of ungodliness came to a head, and He sent the Flood. We learn a great deal about the antediluvian period of history (pre-Flood) from the information provided in Scripture about Cain's descendants (and Seth's descendants discussed in Genesis 5). We find a culture far removed from the brutish cave-men invented by the imaginations of modern evolutionists. That culture, however, was piled high with sin. Seven generations from Cain, we are given the first prophetic type of the coming Antichrist in a powerful, lawless, boastful, lustful, proud man named Lamech (also the first to break God's ordained principle of monogamy).

Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
Genesis 4:1-16
In this study of "Cain and Abel," we discuss why Eve selected those names for her first two sons, why God accepted Abel and his offering, but did not accept Cain and his offering, why Abel is referred to as a prophet (Luke 11:49-51), when Scripture does not record a single word he ever spoke, how Abel is a type of Christ, and how Cain (though he believed in the true God) established the first false religion - "the way of Cain" (Jude 11).
It is critical to understand why Abel's sacrifice is referred to in Hebrews 11:4 as the "more excellent sacrifice"; it is important to understand God's three divine rules of acceptable atonement for sin, and how Jesus Christ alone met the criteria for the "once-for-all" acceptable sin-Substitute to permanently atone for the sins of the whole world (cleanse them completely, not just cover them temporarily - as the animal sacrifices of Judaism did in anticipation of the coming Saviour). Of course, one must repent and believe in His finished work on the cross (His burial and third-day resurrection) to receive His cleansing and forgiveness!

Wednesday May 15, 2024
Genesis Lesson 20: The Deliverance of Man {Banishment from Eden - a Merciful Blessing}
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Genesis 3:20-24
Did you ever realize the first time the Gospel was given (Genesis 3:15), it was by the Lord directly to Satan? But it was not for Satan's benefit (he is unredeemable); it was for man to hear before the Lord pronounced judgment on his sin (3:16-19). It is always easier to take "bad news" when we first have "Good News"! The "Good News" (salvation freely available by faith in the Promised "Seed" of the woman, the Saviour, Jesus Christ) tells us that no matter what may happen to us, everything will be all right in the end!
In this lesson, "The Deliverance of Man," we discuss: (1) A New Name (Eve's name reveals Adam's faith in the Promised Saviour), (2) New Clothing (the clothing God provided to cover the naked sin of Adam and Eve revealed the method by which the Promised Seed of the woman would redeem man?), and (3) New Home (God's banishment of Adam and Eve from Eden was actually a tremendous act of mercy?). A lot of great information in this study! Join us!

Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Genesis 3:15
THE MOST IMPORTANT PROPHECY IN SCRIPTURE is something for which all mankind should TRULY BE THANKFUL!!
This entire lesson is on one verse, called "The Proto-evangelium" (meaning "The First Gospel"). It is God's promise to mankind after the Fall of the ultimate coming and victory of a Redeemer, born of a virgin (a woman's "Seed"). This single verse contains the beginning and the germ of all Biblical prophecy! It is critical to an understanding of the "conflict of the ages" fought both in the heavens and on earth. It is this conflict that provides the key to unlocking the mystery of the ultimate purpose of history.
Look with us in this study of Genesis 3:15 at (1) Two Enemies, (2) To Seeds, and (3) Two Bruisings. Also included is a "jet tour" history lesson from the Fall to the Resurrection!!

Saturday May 11, 2024
Genesis Lesson 18: The Judgment of Man {Adam Plays Hide-and-Seek and the Blame Game}
Saturday May 11, 2024
Saturday May 11, 2024
Genesis 3:9-19
We look at the attributes of grace, mercy, and unconditional love manifested by the Lord God as He began His redemptive work of seeking and saving that which is lost! We begin our discussion of what is commonly referred to as "The Curse" - God's judgment for the sin of Adam and the impact of his sin on the animal kingdom, on all his human descendants, and on nature itself.
Note: God's curse on Satan is discussed in Lesson #19.
Learn about "the hide-and-seek" and "blame" games played by our first parents! Learn the specifics of God's "curse" on the woman, the man, the serpent (not Satan), and nature. Learn also about "The Regeneration" (aka "The Times of Restitution of all Things") and when it will occur.

Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
In complete contrast to the theory of evolution (that man is slowly evolving upward from the insignificant, microscopic piece of protoplasm from which he supposedly began), the Bible teaches that man has devolved from initial perfection. In fact, the Biblical principle concerning man's devolvement is that evil men wax worse and worse (II Tim. 3:13).
In Lesson #16, we discussed the fall of Satan to earth; in this lesson, we discuss the Fall of man on earth. In Lesson #16, we talked about the temptation of Eve; now we consider the tragedy of Adam, for it was his fall that resulted in the curse of sin and death that has affected the entire world and mankind.
From the Christological perspective, it is fascinating to see why Adam deliberately sinned against God, for he WAS NOT deceived, as Eve had been (see I Timothy 2:14).

Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
No one can understand human nature without taking into consideration the most basic law of humanity, "The Law of Sin". Genesis chapter 3 contains the record of man's Fall. It is the only reasonable explanation for the depraved human nature and life in a sin-cursed world full of evil, decay, and death. Genesis 3 presents the only adequate explanation for the universal presence of sin.
This is A MUST lesson for every serious Bible student. Why did God permit Satan's entrance into the Garden? Who is Satan? Why would a wise, good, loving God create the Devil? Why doesn't He simply destroy him? [Answers to those last two questions, "He didn't, but He will".]
In this lesson, we discuss "The Devil in Eden" (His descent to Earth and His disguise in Eden) and "The Dialogue with Evil" (Eve's spiral downward as she doubted and distorted God's Word and listened to Satan's flat-out denial of God's Word and his false depiction of God's character).

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
"Woe! Man!" was (in effect) Adam's response to the Lord's amazing birth day gift to him!
The Lord God did not declare everything He created to be "very good" until He created woman (examine the text if you don't believe me). Man was only half His plan for the human race; Eve was in the mind of God long before she was in the arms of Adam!
There is no way on earth to compromise the theory of evolution with the Biblical creation account of woman, so those who try to push their ideas of what they call "Progressive Creationism" or "Theistic Evolutionism" need to absolutely rethink their position.
We discuss the Christology of Adam's deep sleep and the Hebrew meaning of the word "rib" - out of and from which came his "bride" - and the institution of marriage (think of Christ and His Church)! This is a fascinating lesson with a lot of truths you may never have thought about previously.

Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Genesis 2:8-17
A Special Paradise (with one special Garden, two special trees, and four special rivers), a Specific Project, and a Single Prohibition!
The name "Eden" comes from "edhen," a Hebrew word that means "delight". A "garden" is a place enclosed, protected, and sheltered. Eden was the place in which the garden was planted. It had a special delight for man, not so much because it was more perfect than the rest of Earth (which was all perfect at that time), but because God specifically made it for man's delight. Matthew Henry said, "God did not put man in a palace made of silver and gold, nor in a house made of ivory, but in the most beautiful and artful place of all: nature - a Garden furnished and adorned by God Himself".
We discuss so much more it is impossible to put it all down in this brief description! You just need to listen yourself.

Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
Genesis 2:1-7
The second chapter of Genesis is not only a record of the seventh and final day of the Creation Week, but it provides some details about the prehistoric earth and the creation of the first man and woman not included in the first chapter. The chapters do not contradict, as some have claimed - and we discuss why they do not.
We also discuss the timing of Lucifer's fall. We talk about why God created everything in stages, rather than all at once, and the answer is interesting and another testimony to His care and concern for man. From this look at Genesis 2:1-7, we talk at length about the Sabbath rest. Also included in this study is a brief look at how wondrously the human body is - and what a testimony to the Creator we are!

Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Okay, you HAVE to listen to this message, "No More Monkey Business"! In this critical lesson, we give documented evidence about the various hominids or "ape men" (aka "missing links" between apes and humans) that have been used by evolutionists in their attempt to disprove the Biblical account of man's origin, from God. We discuss, with documentation, the truth about all these pieces of "evidence" (i.e. Ramapithecus, Australopithecus, Peking Man, Homo Erectus, Java Man, Piltdown Man, Neanderthal Man, Nebraska Man, etc.). This is AN EYE-OPENER, for this world has been greatly "hoaxed"!
We also discuss and analyze another great hoax that has been put upon the world - the age of the earth!
This is a lesson for you, your children, and grandchildren! It is time for the truth to be known!

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Genesis 1:26-41
This is the account of the crowning summit of God's creation, man. We discuss the inter-Trinitarian conversation of Genesis 1:26 ("Let Us make man is Our image," which proves God's multiple Persons in One Godhead (we analyze why He was not speaking to anyone outside Himself). Then, we look at His creation of man, His commission to man (i.e. man's privilege to reproduce and his privilege of responsibility, called "the cultural mandate"), His cuisine for man, and His closing creation comment (1:31).
Included in this study are four ways in which man differs from the animal world. We discuss what it means that we (humanity) are made in the image of God.

Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Genesis 1:24, 25a
This is Part I of the sixth day's creation activity regarding land animals. We discuss all kinds of amazing creatures and how they testify of an Intelligent Creator. Share this lesson with the whole family - together learn how God's creatures, from the smallest to the largest, testify against evolution! Learn about the incredibly complex self-defense system of the Bombardier Beetle, the mimicry phenomenon of many creatures, which baffle evolutionists and testify to a Creator. Learn about the sophisticated vibration sensors of moles, the upside-down pouch of the female wombat, the communication frequencies of frogs, the hibernation process of ground squirrels, the duckbill platypus, the elephant's built-in cooling system, the incredible neck of the giraffe, fire-breathing "dragons," and much more!

Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Genesis 1:20-23
In this lesson on God's fifth day of the Creation Week, we discuss how the Biblical record of creation clashes "head on" with the naturalistic theories of origins. There can be no compromise between the two. We talk about Louis Pasteur (a creationist) and his work to prove the fallacy of the spontaneous combustion concept. We also discuss the important Law of Biogenesis!
How does the creation account of Genesis, as well as the Book of Job, tell us dinosaurs did not live on millions of years before people? And how does the fossil record provide evidence that men and dinosaurs lived contemporaneously?
We discuss the amazing DNA super-molecule, which stores all the coded hereditary information for every living organism (and how it defies evolution). Ever hear of the cleaning symbiosis arrangement between certain creatures? It is a process that would never have "survived" the "trial and error" process offered by evolutionists! What about the migratory instincts of many fish and fowl? Again, it totally disallows a piecemeal "trial and error" evolutionary process over millions of years.
If man wants to truly understand where life came from, he merely has to look around at creation; it will tell him in abundant ways! "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will explain it to you!" (Job 12:7, 8).

Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Genesis 1:14-19.
God created the heavenly bodies on the fourth day of the Creation Week. This means the sun was created after the earth according to Biblical Creationism. This directly contradicts evolutionary teaching that the earth was either thrown off from the sun or that both the earth and sun condensed from a huge "protosun" of whirling dust and gas billions of years ago. We discuss why any attempt to compromise creationism with evolutionism does NOT work!
Also discussed in this lesson are the following Cosmogonies (evolutionary theories about the origin of the universe): The Big Bang Theory, The Fission Theory, and The Steady-State Theory". We also discuss how the two laws of thermodynamics, "the Law of Mass-Energy Conservation" and "the Law of Energy Decay" refute any theory that the universe somehow randomly created itself - that matter and energy came from nowhere.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Genesis Lesson 7: Creation vs. Evolution {Third Day} Filling the Earth!
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Genesis 1:9-13.
God finished His formation work and began His filling work! See what He filled it with in this lesson!

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Genesis 1:6-8
This lesson is on the Spirit's inspired account of the second day of the Creation Week. We discuss how absolutely perfect this planet we call "Home" is! Everyone should be thankfully amazed about the incredible details that had to "come together" for Earth to be a livable place. Forethought, planning, and design are everywhere abundantly evident! We talk about the creation of the atmosphere and hydrosphere of our uniquely designed planet.
We also mention more "tri-unities" in our world - you will be excited to realize how MANY there are! I guarantee you won't hear about them from the secular world, for they present too much obvious evidence of their Tri-une Creator!

Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Genesis 1:3-5.
We discuss God's first set of "Ten Commandments" and His principle of separation (found from day one of creation until the end of Revelation), and the "Day-Age Theory". We discuss what the light of day one was, since the sun was not created until day four. We also discuss some of the vast differences between belief in Creationism from Evolutionism and how it is literally impossible to attempt to compromise the two in such ways proposed by "The Gap Theory," "Progressive Creationism," and "Theistic Evolutionism".
The stages of creation found in Genesis chapter one follow a natural sequence; each creative act was necessary before the next creative act could take place. It was all done in a precise and orderly process. Man could not have survived if the order of creation was rearranged or in a different sequence.

Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Genesis 1:1b and 1:2.
We discuss the creation of the heavens and Earth, giving a serious critique of two creation theories: 1. The Gap Theory and 2. The Unshaped Earth Theory. Also discussed is the Holy Spirit's part in the creative work - the movement of the Spirit is extremely fascinating when we discover the meaning of the Hebrew word for "move" in Genesis 1:2.

Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Genesis Lesson 3: Creation vs. Evolution {In the Beginning}
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Genesis 1:1a
This is the first in our "Creation versus Evolution" series. It is packed with interesting and informative vital information found in simply half a verse: Genesis 1:1a. If we are going to understand anything else in Scripture or in the world, we need to first understand the teaching of the first sentence of the Bible, for it answers the two most basic questions of humanity: when was the universe created? and where did the universe come from?
Learn how the first of many names for God used in the Scripture is a uni-plural proper noun - the name Elohim. Elohim is plural, but is used with a singular verb ("created"); this testifies of a Tri-une Godhead. We discuss how there is simply one alternative to believing in a Self-existent, eternal Creator God, and it is to believe in eternal matter. However, the concept of eternal matter cannot go "hand-in-hand" with the scientific law of cause and effect, since random particles of matter could never, by themselves, generate a complex, orderly, intelligible world and universe, much less generate living persons who are able to apply intelligence to the understanding of the complex order of the universe! Scientifically, the concept of eternal matter is impossible.

Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
In this second half of our Introduction to Genesis, the book of beginnings, we discuss the three main purposes for the book: the historical purpose, the spiritual purpose, and the Christological purpose (we have an entire series of finding "Christ in Genesis" - see podcast tag). We also discuss many special features of this unique and all-important first book of God's Word (i.e. it is the book of the Creation account, of human ancestry, of the patriarchs, of Israel's beginning - and it begins to teach us about God's grace, His covenant promises, and man's pilgrimage of faith).
In this study, we do a fascinating comparison between the first and last books of Scripture - the Book of Genesis and the Book of Revelation, and that amazing comparison surely shows how the whole of Scripture has one Divine Author!

Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Genesis Lesson 1: The Foundation of History
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
This is the first lesson in our study of the Book of Genesis, "the book of beginnings". Genesis lays the foundation of history; it gives us the critical information needed to know about origins. Genesis is "the seed plot of the Bible" because all "the forests" of Scripture find their beginning as "seedlings" in it. Actually, it presents the beginning of everything in existence except God Himself (i.e. the origin of the universe, of order and complexity, of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, of life, of man, of marriage, of evil, of God's plan for salvation, of government, the nations and people groups, of the nation of Israel).
In this Part I of our Introduction to Genesis, in additional to discussing how the book is foundational to history, we talk about the author of the book (we discuss "The Documentary Hypothesis" which teaches that Moses was not the author - and why we disagree). We also discuss the method involved in writing Genesis and the dating of the book (when it was written).

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Ruth - Part II {An End Times’ Prophetic Perspective!}
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Since Israel's return to her land, the Book of Ruth is now seen with even deeper prophetic significance than ever before. It is far more than a picture of Christ and His redemptive love for His mostly-Gentile "Bride," the Church. There are two additional "love stories" in this account; they are between Naomi and Ruth (i.e., Israel and the Church) and Boaz and Naomi (Christ's love and eventual restoration of Israel). Find out the importance of Leviticus 23:22 - a verse that does not seem to belong in the middle of God's instructions regarding the seven Jewish feast days; yet it does fit - plus it connects us to the Book of Ruth! SO MUCH NEW INSIGHT TO AN OLD, FAMILIAR STORY - YOU WILL LOVE THIS STUDY!

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Book of Ruth - Part 1 {Three Love Stories in One}
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Although you may be very familiar with the small Old Testament Book of Ruth, you will come away from this two-part study of it with a brand-new understanding of its prophetical significance. There is so much more to be "gleaned" than a romantic, redemptive "love story" between Boaz and Ruth and how their relationship pictures Christ and the Church! As history has progressed, new revelation from an old book has come to light!

Monday Apr 15, 2024
Acts Lesson 26: Stephen’s Martyrdom {A Standing Ovation!}
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Stephen's message of Acts 7 was the masterpiece of a skilled artist painting pictures of Jesus Christ from Old Testament characters; it was the discourse of a Scriptural scholar, the keenly selective historical dissertation of a Spirit-filled prophet, and the work of a lethally skilled warrior using the two-edged sword of truth! It was also Stephen's death warrant. He had lived like Jesus, he had spoken like Jesus, and he was to die for Jesus.
Stephen, whose face glowed like that of an angel, was bound for Heaven. There are causes worth dying for, and Stephen found the best. He died for the sake of the only message on earth that saves the eternal souls of men, the Gospel of Christ. Stephen was the first person to die for the truth of Jesus' atonement work. When his spirit was about to depart from his body, he looked up to see the resurrected Lord standing on the right hand of God! He was not in His seated "finished-work of redemption" position! It was the body language of the Redeemer saying, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"! Stephen finished his course; he ran the race to the finish line and was the first to cross - and the Lord gave him a standing ovation!

Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Acts Lesson 25: Stephen’s Message VIII {Israel’s Indictment}
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
Sunday Apr 14, 2024
This is the conclusion of the longest sermon in the Book of Acts - and likely the most important. Stephen had reviewed Israel's history and the great contributions of some of her most honored leaders (Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and Solomon). The High Court of Israel had gotten a quick overview of her history, which the men permitted Stephen to present because they loved to hear about themselves. However, slowly, his selective presentation started to get uncomfortable as they began to realize where his focus on their "rejection of deliverers" pattern of behavior was going. Was he really going to indict them for having rejected (and killed) Jesus?! Would he dare to go that far!?
Yes, he would, even though he knew it would likely cost him his life. Realizing his listeners were reaching the end of their tolerance of him and were about to make him stop, Stephen catapulted into his application-rebuke - and it was BOLD and BLUNT! After calling them "stiff-necked" and uncircumcised in heart and ears, He told them, ". . . ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye" (Acts 7:51)! He also accused them of the betrayal and murder of "the Just One" - and they knew he spoke of Jesus and used for Him a title only reserved for God!
Stephen's phenomenal use of his two-edged sword, the Word of God, hit its target. The Sanhedrin Council members "were cut to the heart" (7:54). Their hypocritically pious masks were torn off and they were exposed for the false shepherds they were. Yet, rather than repent, they gnashed their teeth in seething anger. THEY had been the ones on trial, and they were guilty of having blasphemed everything God had ever given them! They could not defend themselves, so they decided they would silence the one who spoke the truth about their depraved hearts. Saul of Tarsus was among them; little did they know he would soon pick-up where Stephen left off! Truth cannot be silenced, much as men might try.