
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 141: Broken and Spilled Out
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Matthew 25:1-13; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 22:1, 2; John 12:2-8
It was nearing the end of the busiest record day of Christ's ministry, Tuesday of the Passion Week. After finishing His "Olivet Discourse" (Matthew 24, 25), the Lord specifically told His disciples that, "after two days" it would be the Passover and He would be betrayed and crucified. This is what is discussed in the first part of this lesson, "The Prediction of Death by Jesus". We then move to talk about "The Plan for Death by the Rulers". Ironically, their plan to kill Jesus very specifically stressed the importance of NOT taking His life on the Passover! However, Christ was the One in control, not them. He was born to be the once-for-all Passover Lamb, and He would give His life on Passover, exactly at the time the lambs were being sacrificed in the Temple (3:00 p.m.)!
Finally, after returning to Bethany to spend Tuesday night with His dear friends, Martha, Mary, and the recently raised-from-the-dead Lazarus, we discuss "The Preparation for Death by Mary"! As we do so, we will look at Mary's Worship Expressed and Mary's Worship Examined (first, by Judas; second, by Jesus).

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 140: Olivet Discourse - Part X {Parable of Sheep and Goats}
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
In addition to the very misunderstood and misused "Parable of the Sheep and Goat," this lesson includes the Lord's "Parable of the Talents" (what exactly is the Lord teaching about the man who buried his talent in the ground and how is that man similar to the five virgins in the previous parable who had no oil in their lamps?).
"The Parable of the Sheep and Goats" is about the divine judgment on Gentiles living at the time of Christ's Second Coming! It is a determination as to who among them will enter the Millennial Kingdom (sheep) and who will not (goats); it has to do with how they treated Israel! Do you have any idea how many use this parable to refer to how people today treat the "down and trodden"? Yes, we are to have compassion for and demonstrate love to "the least of these" among us, but that is not the contextual teaching of this parable.

Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Before Jesus spoke the beautiful "Parable of the Ten Virgins," He gave two more admonishments (the first three are discussed in lesson 138). They are "The Sleeping Porter Admonishment" (Mark 13:33-37) and "The Daily Care Admonishment" (Luke 21:34-36). Through all five parabolic warnings, the Lord was warning those living in the Tribulation ("The Time of Jacob's Trouble" - Jeremiah 30:7), "BE READY! I have given you many signs, so although you will not know the exact day or hour of My return, you can know when it is very near! Do not be caught unprepared!"
Included in this discussion is an informative look at the Jewish wedding customs of Christ's day. It is imperative to understand the three phases of the Jewish marriage to rightly interpret this parable (it also gives further proof for a pre-Tribulation Rapture).
Lots of great truths to learn, so click the "play" button!

Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 138: Olivet Discourse - Part VIII {Parable of the Fig Tree}
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
The Lord's "Parable of the Fig Tree" has become a controversial parable; part of the controversy is because it has been viewed as a complicated allegory rather than a simple analogy. A popular interpretation of this parable says the fig tree pictures Israel and her reinstatement as a nation in 1948 is its "budding" in the parable. The conclusion then means the generation that saw Israel's reinstatement will see Christ's return (the Rapture)! Hear the Biblical reasons not to interpret the parable that way and find out how it should be interpreted!
Also discussed are the Lord's "Flood Admonishment" (as in the days of Noah so shall also the coming of the Son of man be), His "Thief Admonishment" (Matthew 24:43, 44), and His "Evil Servant Admonishment" (24:45-51). These are important "warnings" that must be rightly interpreted. Something to continually remember is the Church is not in "The Olivet Discourse".

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 137: Olivet Discourse - Part VII {Signs of Christ’s Second Coming}
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
This lesson brings us to a discussion of the most momentous event of all time: the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus in all His Divine Glory! Did you realize prophecies regarding the Second Coming make-up 1/3rd of all prophecies of Scripture? Do you know of the 333 prophecies regarding Christ Jesus, 109 were fulfilled at His First Coming, while 224 remain to be fulfilled at His Second Coming! Next to the subject of faith, no other subject is mentioned more in the Bible than Christ's Return. One more statistic: for every one time the First Coming is mention, the Second Coming is mentioned 8 times!
This lesson is about one of the 21 times the Lord predicted His Return. In addition to predicting the blasphemous abomination of desolation (lesson 136), He gave a sign that will immediately precede His Return - a great decrease in light from the celestial luminary bodies. At almost the same instant as that decrease in light, "the sign of the Son of man" will appear in the sky! Find out from this study what that final sign might be!

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
To this point in His Olivet Discourse, the Lord Jesus spoke about the end-times' rise of false christs, wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes - all of which will begin to noticeably increase in frequency and intensity (like labor pains) during the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation (Daniel's final 7-year "week" - 9:24-27). He also predicted that, during the second 3 1/2 years, there would be great persecution of Jews and Christians, the rise of many false prophets, and the proliferation of sin and total lawlessness (Matthew 24:9-12).
In Matthew 24:15, Christ gave the specific sign that would divide the two halves of the Tribulation Period. It is the sign that should warn Jews living in Israel, as well as Tribulation saints, that massive persecution (by the Antichrist) is about to begin.
Find out about an historical "abomination of desolation" (Antiochus Epiphanes), which served as a prophetic preview of the even greater "abomination of desolation" the Antichrist will perform as he breaks his "covenant" with Israel (her covenant with death).

Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 135: Olivet Discourse - Part V {The Great Tribulation}
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
After giving the "labor signs" of the beginning of the Tribulation Period, the Lord proceeded to predict the second half of the Tribulation, which is called "The Great Tribulation". It will be a time of unprecedented calamity on this earth; fortunately, it will only last 3 and one-half years. Its culmination comes suddenly with the Lord's Return.
In this lesson, the Lord presented 5 features that will characterize this time period. The first 3 are negative; the last 2 are positive. The negative characteristics are: (1) great persecution of the saints, (2) false prophets, and (3) the proliferation of sin.
The two positive features that will take place in the final half of the Tribulation are: (4) the promise of "salvation" for the one who endures to the end (NOT in reference to spiritual, bt to physical salvation, and (5) the proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom (find out why Matthew 24:14 does not mean the Gospel must be spread to the entire world before Jesus can return for His Church). What is "the Gospel of the Kingdom" that will be "preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations" in the final years before Christ's Return? Answer is found in this study.

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
The first of the four sign-events to occur in the period of the Tribulation Jesus termed, "The Beginning of sorrows" will be a worldwide deception through a proliferation of false christs (see Lesson #3 in this series). The next three sign-events of this time frame are discussed in this lesson. They are massive destruction by way of intensified warfare among the nations of the world, a vastly increased death toll as a result of not only the warfare, but increased famines and pestilences (diseases), and dreadful physical disturbances occurring on land and in the sky.
The four "sign-events" of "The Olivet Discourse" are described by the Apostle John in Revelation 6:1-8 as the first four seal judgments, pictured by four different colored horses with ominous riders upon them, famously referred to as "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse". Although the Church does not look for these four frightening figures, yet it seems we can hear their thundering hoofbeats off in the distance. Be sure you are right with the Lord TODAY!

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
In Jesus' answer to answer the second question asked Him by His disciples, "What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the age?" He gave them a whole series of events that will precede His Coming! In fact, He took them rapidly through the entire seven years of "The Tribulation" on earth (the final week of Daniel's 70 Weeks' Prophecy - see our two podcast lessons tagged "GREAT 70 Weeks' Prophecy).
The Olivet Discourse is Christ's panoramic account of the end-times' events to occur on earth before He returns to establish His earthly Kingdom. In Matthew 24:4-8, He prophesied of the types of events (signs) that will take place during the first half of the Tribulation (also called "the beginning of sorrows"). In Matthew 24:9-14, He went on to predict the events that will occur in the second half of the Tribulation (called "the Great Tribulation"). In Matthew 24:15-31, He had further words of prophecy about specific signs of the end-times. There is more, but we will discuss it when get to lessons 8 to 10.
Describing the first half of the Tribulation, the Lord gave four specific types of "sorrows" those living at that time will experience. The first is that there will be a great increase in spiritual deception! Included in this lesson is a review of some of the 23 major false messiahs who have attempted to deceive Israel and the world into believing in them since the time of the true Messiah, Jesus Christ! It is very interesting!!

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 132: Olivet Discourse - Part II {Destruction of Jerusalem}
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
This second lesson from the greatest prophetic sermon (and the longest) by the greatest Prophet Who ever lived (the Lord Jesus) is Christ's answer to His disciples' first of two questions asked as they rested on the Mount of Olives on their return trip from Jerusalem to Bethany (where they spent the night with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary). The question had to do with when the destruction of the Temple would take place, which Jesus shocked His men by predicting on their way up the Mount.
The disciples had no idea of the coming destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70 by the Romans, much less that it would be a "mini-picture" of an even worse, end-times' desolation of the rebuilt Temple by the Antichrist to occur shortly before the return of Christ at His Second Coming.
In this lesson, we present the four interpretation views of this sermon (and the Book of Revelation), with seven valid reasons why this discourse (and Revelation) must refer to yet-future "end-times' events" and cannot solely apply to either the A.D. 70 destruction of Jerusalem or to events that have already taken place during the Church Age. This view is referred to as pre-millennialism. If you have no earthly idea what the differences are between amillennialism, post-millennialism, and pre-millennialism, this study makes it very simple to understand. Remember: it is very important to know why you believe what you believe and not just trust others to tell you what to believe! Examine the Scripture itself, for it is its own Interpreter!

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 131: Olivet Discourse - Part I {Greatest Prophetic Sermon}
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
It was Tuesday of the Lord's Passion Week. Having departed from Jerusalem, after an extremely trying day, He and His disciples rested on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Holy City. He likely pointed down to the city and prophesied there would not be one stone left upon another. Earlier, as He departed from the Temple for the last time before His death, He had predicted its desolation. The disciples were curious, to say the least. Thus, they asked Him two questions: (1) ". . . When shall these things be?" and (2) "What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 5:3).
The Lord's response to those two important questions launched Him into presenting what is called "The Olivet Discourse," the greatest prophetic sermon by the greatest Prophet who ever lived - and the One Who truly knows the events that will preceed His Second Coming.
It is often said, rightly so, that "The Olivet Discourse" is like a "jet tour" through the Book of Revelation from chapters 6 to 19. It is very important to listen to this introductory lesson before continuing with Lessons 2 to 10. It is critical to understand the two questions asked by the disciples from their JEWISH perspective.

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Angelology: A Biblical Look at Angels {NEW STUDY}
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
This is a "jet-tour" study on the fascinating subject of "Angelology" in which we consider what the Scripture tells us about the other personal, intelligent, emotional, volitional creatures of God's Kingdom (besides humanity). We discuss such subjects as:
Do angels really have wings? Why are the fallen angels unredeemable? Why did God allow Lucifer to rebel against Him to begin with? How many archangels are there? Why are angels called a "host," and not a "race". Have angels ever appeared in female form? What is the only place in Scripture where seraphim are mentioned? How are the cherubim described in Scripture (it certainly is not as chubby little toddlers with wings, holding a bow and arrow or a little harp)? Do we have such a thing as a "guardian angel"? Why are angels also called "watchers" - who and what are they watching? Do people become angels when they die?
THESE and many other interesting biblical truths about God's holy angels are discussed in this lesson that also talks about what the angels learn from us ... and what we can learn from them!!

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4
On a very busy and very trying day for the Lord Jesus - Tuesday of the Passion Week, we have the record of an encounter that must have been like a refreshing oasis in the midst of a spiritually dry desert for Him. A true worshipper entered the scene (He was in the Temple Court known as "The Court of the Women" in which was located the Temple treasury "alms boxes). This person was a widow and her genuine love, humility, and devotion to the things of God served as a striking contrast to the hypocrisy and pride and false devotion of Israel's false shepherds, who had become a tremendous source of anguish to the Lord's heart.
This widow has become one of the best known female characters in the New Testament. Actually, she represents all the unnamed and unnoticed saints of God who give sacrificially of both their time and finances for His name's sake. She represents those who, because they truly love the Lord, obey Him by serving and giving unselfishly.

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Matthew 23:13-39; Mark 12:40; Luke 20:47
Matthew chapter 23 contains the last words the Lord Jesus ever spoke in the confines of the Temple walls. They were the harshest words He ever spoke and, not surprisingly, they were directed at the false leaders of Israel who held themselves out to be God's servants when in reality they were deceivers, hypocrites, liars, murderers, and the children of Satan himself.
The words Christ spoke in His eleventh recorder sermon are often referred to corporately as "The Denunciation Discourse" or "The Woe Discourse" - because He pronounced seven "woe judgments" on Israel's religious leadership. By way of those pronounced "woes," He was giving seven reasons for the judgment soon to fall on Israel. Her judgment came because the false Pharisaic system of Judaism led the nation to reject her long-awaited Messiah!
The outline titles for Christ's "woe judgments" are as follows; He called them hypocrites for: (1) Shutting-up the Kingdom of Heaven, (2) Stealing from Widows, (3) Sending Men to Hell, (4) Swearing for Gain, (5) Straining at Gnats, (6) Scrubbing the Eternals, and (7) Slaying the Righteous.

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Matthew 23:1-12; Mark 12:38 39; Luke 20:45, 46
As our chronological study of Christ's earthly life continues with the events and sermons of Tuesday of the Passion Week, we come with this lesson and the one to follow (Lesson 129) to His eleventh recorded sermon, "The Denunciation Discourse". Before actually getting to that discourse, the Lord Jesus addressed the multitude assembled around Him, as well as His faithful disciples (scribes and Pharisees were within hearing distance). He spoke serious words of warning about the false religious leaders of His day.
There is nothing more directly opposed to the true Gospel than the false teachings of prideful, self-deceived men and women who disguise themselves under the cloak of religion! It is very interesting to learn that the Lord's first public sermon and His last public sermon consist almost entirely of warnings regarding false spiritual teachers!

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Matthew 22:34-46; Mark 12:28-37; Luke 20:41-44
The third of a trilogy of "loaded" questions asked of Jesus on Tuesday of the Passion Week came from a lawyer (a "scribe" - Mark 12:28). It was not a political or doctrinal question, but a theological one; it had to do with the greatest commandment in the Old Testament Law.
After supplying the lawyer with the perfect answer, the Lord Jesus asked the man a question of His own (as He often did). His question dealt with the most important personal issue facing every person, past, present, and future! It was essentially, "Who is Christ? Whose Son is He? Is He merely the son of a man, or is He the very Son of God?"
The Lord Himself supplied the answer to His own question, and it was a very LOADED answer! As He always did, He used the Word of God as both His final authority and His proof text. Learn how Christ used Psalm 110:1 to prove that the Messiah (Himself) is also Adonai (Lord God)! THIS IS AN IMPORTANT APOLOGETIC TOOL FOR PROVING CHRIST'S DEITY!

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Matthew 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40
Following the completely failed attempt by some Pharisees to ensnare Jesus with two politically loaded questions - due to the profound wisdom of His responses, another group of men quickly took over where the Pharisees left off. This second group consisted of Sadducees, and they also had a "loaded" question which they were sure would put Jesus in a "no win" situation however He answered it. How wrong they were! Their question was doctrinally loaded and was intentionally created to make the doctrine of resurrection (which they did NOT believe) look ridiculous.
The Lord's answer to their sarcastic and jestful question about a woman who had seven husbands - and whose wife would she be in the resurrection is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! Everyone who heard it was astonished at His teaching. In fact, after He spoke, we read these words about His enemies in Luke 20:40, " . . . they durst not ask Him any question at all".

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Matthew 22:15-22; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:20-26
It was Tuesday of the Lord's Passion Week. Following His series of three judgment parables (see Lessons 124 and 125), the religious rulers of Israel confronted Jesus with what we are calling three "loaded" questions. They were "loaded" in that they were purposely and maliciously designed to trap Him into condemning Himself by His responses. Little did those rulers realize how their "loaded" questions were actually fulfilled the divine purpose of examining the Passover Lamb!
As we look at these questions - in this lesson it is a politically loaded question asked by some Pharisees - and the Lord's amazing answers to them, we will see even His worst enemies could find NO FAULT in Him!! He was the SPOTLESS Lamb of God, Whose death and shed blood would totally satisfy the Father as the righteous payment for the sins of the world!

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Matthew 22:1-14
In this lesson, we discuss "The Lord's Answer" to a question that a delegation of religious rulers posed to Him in Matthew 21:23 regarding His authority to present Himself to Israel as her Messiah and to cleanse the Temple of the religious "robbers" who had made it their "den" of iniquity.
Christ's answer challenged His enemies' four-fold rejection: (1) their rejection of John the Baptist and his authority, (2) their rejection of God the Father (which He taught via His "Parable of the Two Sons"), (3) their rejection of God the Son (which He taught by way of His "Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers") and (4) their rejection of God the Holy Spirit. It is this fourth subject to which we come in this lesson. Again, the Lord spoke by way of a parable: "The Parable of the Wedding Banquet for the King's Son".

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Matthew 21:28-46; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-19
While Jesus knew the religious rulers were insincere in their request to know the truth about His authority, He never failed to give an honest answer. Furthermore, there were others in the crowd (as well as future readers of the written record of this time) who needed to hear His answer. So, rather than evading the matter of His authority (to claim Messiahship and rightfully cleanse the Temple), He proceeded to tell three parables that effectively supplied the information requested - but in such a way that they (the rulers) could not stone Him! The first two of those parables are discussed in this lesson. They are: "The Parable of the Two Sons" and "The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers".

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 124a: Judgment for Rejection - Part I {Mountain-Moving Faith}
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Matthew 21:20-23; Mark 11:20-28; Luke 20:1, 2; 21:37, 38
In this first of two-part lesson entitled "Judgment for Rejection," we discuss the events that occurred on Tuesday of the Lord's last pre-resurrection week on earth. The day began with "The Disciples' Amazement" over the fact that the fruitless fig tree Jesus cursed the previous day (Monday morning) was already dead and completely withered. In response to their surprise, He told them about having faith to be "mountain movers" (speaking spiritually).
When they arrived at the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus and His men were immediately met by a delegation of chief priests, elders, and scribes who demanded to know by what authority He had not only proclaimed Himself Messiah by His act of riding into the city on the colt of an ass on Sunday (fulfillment of Messianic prophecy), but had then - on Monday - single-handedly (for a second time) cleansed the Temple. In doing so, He had also accused them as being "thieves" (Matthew 21:13). This an more is discussed in the second outline division of this lesson, which is entitled, "The Ruler's Antagonism".

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
John 12:37-50
With this lesson we conclude our two-part study on John 12:20-50, an important passage of God's Word that contains "The Lord's Last Public Appeal" to the people of Israel of His day. After this, we find Jesus concentrating almost entirely on teaching His twelve Apostles. In this first part of this study (Lesson 122), we learned of some "seeking Greeks" who had desired to see Jesus. To their request, the Lord gave a reply that contained two prophetic forecasts of His upcoming death by crucifixion, as well as a beautiful prayer of submission to His Father's will.
Following His last public appeal to the Jewish people in John 12:22-36, John wrote some verses to summarize the Lord's 3 1/2 years of ministry to Israel. He wrote, first, of "The Reasons for Jewish Disbelief" and then he gave a "Recapitulation of Jesus' Discourses" - and these subjects are what this lesson is about.

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
John 12:20-36
In this lesson and Lesson 123, we learn of Christ's last public words of testimony regarding Himself and His offer of eternal life. The three outline divisions for this lesson are entitled, "Visit of Greeks," "Voice of God," and "Vacating of Grace.
Interestingly, the desire of the Greeks to see Jesus was prophetic of all that would occur during the 2,000+ years of the Church Age! Unlike the Jews, who wanted to see "a sign," the Greeks (who picture all Gentiles) wanted to see Jesus!

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 121b: Two Acts of Judgment {Monday of Passion Week}
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Matthew 21:12, 13, 18, 19; Mark 11:12-18; Luke 19:45-48
Early on Monday of the Lord's Passion Week, He engaged in two very uncharacteristic acts: He cursed a fruitless tree and cleansed a filthy Temple! Both events symbolically revealed the hypocrisy and spiritual lifelessness of Israel!

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
In this lesson (Part III of our look at "Prophetic Palm Sunday"), we look at events that transpired as the Lord Jesus rode into Zion on the back of an ass's colt. Matthew tells us, ". . . all the city was moved". Everyone was stirred about Jesus and what His entrance signified - at least to them. Some people were stirred by the boldness of such a public act and Jesus' acceptance of Hosanna's to His Messiahship. Other people were stirred with unspeakable joy, believing (at least at that moment) He was the Deliverer Who would set them free from Rome. The Roman soldiers in the city were probably stirred with laughter over the seeming foolishness of the whole thing - a "king" who enter the capital city on a donkey, followed by a ragtag bunch of Galilean fishermen! It was too funny!
Then there was the Pharisaical crowd; those religious rulers who were so stirred by jealousy and self-righteous indignation that they rebuked Jesus for allowing young children to hail Him as "the Son of David," a clear reference to the Messiah. We cannot but wonder if there was anyone present that day who was stirred to the core of his soul because he realized it was the very day prophesied in Daniel's Seventy Weeks' Prophecy for "Messiah the Prince" to make His official presentation to Israel!!
This study is found in our "Caldwell Commentary" series - Life of Christ Vol. 5 (available from www.scripturetruth.com).

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 120b: King’s Triumphant Entry {Palm Sunday} - Part II
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
This is Part II of our study on "The King's Triumphant Entry". We continue to discuss a number of fascinating facts and prophetic fulfillments about one of the greatest days in the Lord's life: Palm Sunday. If you think you know everything about that special day, you will likely be very surprised to learn something NEW, which is what an in-depth Bible Study like ours is all about! Get your Bible and pen in hand; you will want to take notes!

Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
It was the beginning of "The Passion Week". Christ was about to fulfill the purpose for His incarnation. Within the week, He would voluntarily lay down His life for the sins of the world. Sunday of this important week was one of the most remarkable days in the Lord's life; it is commonly known as "Palm Sunday" or "The Triumphal Entry".
Most people are familiar with the basics of Palm Sunday (i.e., Jesus on a young colt, multitudes waving palm branches, crying out, "Hosanna" to the King), but few understand the significance of the prophetic fulfillments that occurred that day. Did you know the Jews could have known to the very day when Messiah the Prince would officially present Himself to Israel (in Jerusalem) if they had done their homework with the amazing "Seventy Weeks' Prophecy" in Daniel 9:24-27 (listen to our podcast messages on "Daniel's Great 70 Weeks' Prophecy")?
Find out why Jesus wept over Jerusalem as He looked at the city from the Mount of Olives before entering on the colt of an ass (fulfillment of another prophecy). It will utterly amaze you and make you weep with Him for His people and for everyone else who fails to understand the importance of Old Testament prophecy that verifies WHO JESUS IS!

Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Luke 19:11-27
Instead of looking for a Messiah/Deliverer Who was a political answer to their physical bondage to Rome, the people of Israel would have been looking for a spiritual answer to their bondage to sin. The Lord knew the people were expecting Him to march into Jerusalem (He was on His way to celebrate His final Passover there) and use His miraculous powers to defeat the Romans and take over the city and nation. As He was getting ready to depart Jericho and embark on the 6-hour walk to the Holy City He again attempted to prepare His disciples for what was ahead, and He did so by another parable, "The Parable of the Pounds". It taught them the nature of the position He was about to take up and the position they, His servants, must soon fill. He would be departing; they would be left behind to carry on His business in His absence. He would return one day to set up the promised Messianic Kingdom, but until then there was much to be done through His people. He wanted them to think of their present responsibilities instead of wasting time basking in thoughts of personal glory in the future.
The outline for this lesson is: "The Departure of the King," "The Dut of the Servants," "The Disdain of the Citizens," and "The Day of the Return". We talk a lot about the difference between saving faith and saying-only faith.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 118: Zacchaeus: A Short Man Grows
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Luke 19:1-10
On His way to offer His life a ransom for many, the ever-Selfless Lord Jesus (the Good Shepherd), continually took the time to demonstrate His concern and compassion to those in need of His mercy and grace. In the previous lesson (117), He extended His helping hand to a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, who He met and healed outside the city of Jericho. In this lesson, He extended His gracious mercy to a tax collector ("a wee little man") named Zacchaeus inside the city of Jericho.
The story of Zacchaeus is a truly beautiful story of the spiritual conversion of a lost soul. Like the stories of Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well, the account of Zacchaeus is one that should be examined carefully and frequently by Christians, for it serves as an encouraging reminder that even those who appear to be the most difficult cases to win to a saving knowledge of Christ (pharisaic-types, promiscuous-types, and publican-types) can be actually the "most ripe for the picking"! ". . . All things are possible with God"!

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 117: Bartimaeus: A Sightless Man Sees
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43
The Lord Jesus and His men were on their way to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. They were with a large group of Passover pilgrim when they reached Jericho, some 12 miles northeast of the Holy City. Christ was only a matter of days away from His betrayal, arrest, suffering, shame, and crucifixion, yet He was always focused on those who needed Him. He was never in such a hurry He could not stop to heal the afflicted, which is what He did with two needy men He met along the road to His own ultimate rejection. They were named Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus.
In this lesson, we look at the Lord's healing of the blind Bartimaeus. As we do so, we cover four outline divisions: "The Controversy" (according to Bible critics - which turns out not to be a controversy at all), "The Cry," "The Call," and "The Cure".

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Selfishness always results in dissension and division, which is exactly what happened when the other ten Apostles heard about the proud and self-ambitious request of the two "sons of thunder," James and John. All Twelve were in dire need of some instruction on humility and servanthood! Thus, Christ took them aside to teach them about true greatness as God sees it, not as the world sees it. He told them there are two ways one can choose to be great: the Gentile way, which displeases God, or Christ's way, which is the only way God is pleased. His way is the pattern for believers to follow. Servanthood and genuine humility are the pathway to greatness before God!

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Matthew 20:17-28; Mark 10:32-45; Luke 18:31-34
This is the first of a two-part study entitled, "Crosses and Cups Before Crowns". The disciples were growing very apprehensive because the shadow of the up-coming cross was beginning to fall on their Master, and a nameless dread was taking hold of their hearts. That apprehension was verified when the Lord again announced, in specific detail, His soon approaching time of suffering, shame, crucifixion, and resurrection. This is what we discuss in the first part of our three-pronged outline, "The Suffering Announcement".
Their nerves already frayed, it did not take much for the disciples to give way to their carnal natures. James and John revealed their selfish ambition by getting their mother (Salome, the Lord's aunt) to request the "best seats" in the Kingdom. This caused the other disciples to turn on them in indignation, which is what is discussed in the second outline division, "The Selfish Ambition". It was not one of the better moments for the disciple/Apostles, but it is one we can learn from!

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Matthew 20:1-16
For all Caldwell Commentary study books go to
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In this lesson, we look at the Lord's 34th recorded parable, entitled "The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard". We look at the parable itself and then the parable interpreted. There is a lot said in this study about rewards, motive for Christian service, salvation, sovereign grace, and an explanation of the Lord's words, "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first" (Matthew 19:30; 20:16)!

Friday Sep 29, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 114: The Rich Poor {The Peril of Trusting Riches}
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Matthew 19:23-30; Mark 10:23-26; Luke 18:24-27
In the previous lesson (113), we learned about "A Rich Poor Man" in the account of the rich young lawyer who departed from Christ very poor (tragically so, for he swapped eternal life for "mammon"). Following that episode, the Lord turned to His disciples and elaborated on the danger of trusting in riches. He also elaborated on the spiritual rewards for those will to forsake the things of this world for His name's sake. The first focus of this lesson is on "The Peril of Trusting Riches" (Matthew 19:23-26) and the second focus is on "The Promise of True Riches" (19:27-30).
Discussed in this lesson is a lot of information about the time of "the Regeneration" (19:28) mentioned by Christ in response to a question posed by Peter. "Regeneration" literally means "rebirth" or "new birth," and it speaks of the "rebirth" of the earth that will take place at the time of Christ's Second Coming (during the Millennial Kingdom on earth).

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 113: The Poor Rich Man {The Rich Young Ruler}
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Matthew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23
This is the account of Christ's conversation with a rich young ruler who wanted to learn what he must do to inherit eternal life. Unfortunately, the young man was not willing to do what the Lord requested of him to gain all the blessings and riches that accompany salvation. The reason is that he served another "master" named "mammon" - money. He wanted eternal life, but not at the expense of being separated from his "god" of wealth. Trusting the false "god" of earthly riches inevitably makes one eternally poor.
Does being saved mean a person has to sell everything he has? Absolutely not. Jesus was testing the young man's heart! Listen and learn more. Important lesson!

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Luke 18:10-17
In this second half of the Lord's teaching on the characteristics of those who enter God's Kingdom, particularly with regard to prayer, we will discuss His famous "Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican". Prayer is much more than just the words of our mouths; it is the desire of our hearts!
Also discussed is the Lord's use of small, precious children, who He called to Himself, took in His arms and blessed, saying, ". . . of such is the Kingdom of God" and "Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein" (Luke 18:16, 17). It was a powerful lesson for everyone (and still is)!

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Matthew 19:1-15; Mark 10:1-16; Luke 18:1-17
The verses for this study primarily come from Luke chapter 18, where we find three examples of people whose characteristics represent those who enter God's Kingdom. The first two examples were given by Jesus by way of parables. The two parables were used to teach His men (and us) about the kind of praying true believers exhibit. In the first parable, "The Parable of the Persistent Widow," He taught about the need for persistency in the life of the child of God. In the second (see Lesson 112b), "The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican," He taught about the type of righteous, humble, penitent prayer that allows one to initially enter God's Kingdom (exemplified by the publican - certainly not by the self-righteous Pharisee)!

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 111: Two Returns {The Gratitude Quotient!}
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Luke 17:11-37
Learn about something called "The Gratitude Quotient". The Lord withdrew to Ephraim, 15 miles north of Jerusalem to avoid the Sanhedrin Council, now determined to kill Him (it wasn't yet His time). On His way, He was met by ten lepers, and He cleansed all ten. However, only one former leper RETURNED to thank Him! This is the subject of the first part of this lesson entitled "Two Returns" (the return of a leper).
In the second half of this lesson, we discuss what the Lord said to some questioning Pharisees as well as what He had to say to His disciples about His RETURN at the time of His Second Coming. He gave three very specific prophecies.

Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
John 11:17-54
In the first part of this two-part look at the raising of Lazarus from the dead (Lesson 109), we found nothing but death and despair, from the human perspective. Lazarus was dead, the disciples could only think of Jesus' death at the hands of the Pharisees, and Thomas (Didymas) spoke about all of them dying! When this lesson opens, Martha and Mary are only thinking of death, for their dear brother had died. All this focus on death, the desolation it brings, and man's hopelessness in the face of it, divinely served as the dark and gloomy contrasting background against which the Lord Jesus could all the more brilliantly display His glory and power as "The Resurrection and the Life"!
What an amazing site when a four-day dead Lazarus, still bound in grave strips like a mummy, came walking forth out of his tomb in response to the words of his Saviour, "Lazarus, come forth"! The greatest news ever given to human ears were spoken to Martha in John 11:25, 26 by the Lord Jesus, "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die"!
The greatest news men can ever hear is that death need not be feared! The One Who made that possible is Jesus Christ!

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
John 11:1-16
This is the first in a two-part study on a spectacular miracle - the raising of a four-day dead man named Lazarus (brother of Martha and Mary of Bethany). This miracle took place within weeks of the cross. It was a climactic testimony of Christ's Deity given - the mightiest work He performed apart from His Resurrection (infinitely greater, for He arose in a new glorified body; Lazarus rose in his old human body).
If Jesus could not defeat death, we would remain forever hopeless. But He did defeat it, both totally and permanently! Because of that, we who believe are NOT the most miserable of men (see I Corin. 15:19); we are the most blessed and should be the most thankful, the most joyful, and the most HOPEFUL of all people! It is most appropriate the greatest miracle Christ performed was against man's greatest enemy, death!
In this lesson, we discuss the "Saviour's Delay" and "Skeptical Didymus". GREAT TWO-PART STUDY YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS.

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Luke 17:1-10
For information regarding the contents of Luke 17:1-6, refer to Lessons 81, 82, and 79 on this podcast.
As Jesus taught on the Christian's responsibility to be a good steward of that which God has entrusted to him, He used another parable to emphasize the need for faithfulness to duty no matter what the demands might be. The parable is about "The Unworthy Slave" (17:7-10).
We are all unworthy servants, and when we serve God and invest our time, treasures, and talents to Him for His glory, we must realize and remember we have only done "our reasonable service"! We are to realize that the very best we can do is but the very least we should do!

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Luke 16:19-31
Continuing with His teaching on the responsibility of Christians to be good stewards of that which is entrusted to them by God, the Lord Jesus gave the very famous, "Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus" (likely NOT really a parable - we explain why).
In this study, we get into a discussion about Hades (and the two sections). We talk about the false teaching of "soul sleep," and how the Old Testament (Moses and the prophets) revealed to sinners how to repent and be saved.

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 108a: Life is a Stewardship - Part I {Parable of Shrewd Steward}
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Luke 16, 17:-10
This is the first of a three-part study on the Lord's instruction regarding wise Christian stewardship. Stewardship is defined as the management or administration of another person's property, finances, and/or other affairs. Christians are to function as administrators of God's wealth on earth. We are to realize we don't really own anything, but that everything we are privileged to enjoy in this life belongs to the Lord and we are to use it profitably for the furtherance of His Kingdom.
In this lesson and the next two, the Lord - through three parables - presented His listeners with illustrations to present the rights, the wrongs, and the responsibilities of stewardship (that is our 3-point outline for this study). He began by teaching about RIGHT stewardship, using "The Parable of the Shrewd Steward" (16:1-13).

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Luke 15:1-32
Luke chapter 15 opens with Jesus affecting two groups of people in two different ways - He attracted sinners, but repelled the religious rulers (who were also, of course, sinners). The rulers "murmured" about Him because He received sinners and did not even object to eating with them. Their accusation of Him only revealed their own attitude toward "sinners," not the Lord's attitude. They revealed their hearts of pride and self-righteousness, which caused them to have very little concern or compassion for others.
In response to the murmuring Pharisees, the Lord masterfully spoke three parables so as to reveal "God's Attitude Toward Sinners" - which was in direct contrast to the Jews' attitude. The parables discussed in this lesson are: "The Parable of the Wanted Lost Sheep," "The Parable of the Woman's Lost Silver," and "The Parable of the Wasteful Last Son" (aka "The Prodigal Son").

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Luke 14:25-35
There are only 11 verses in this lesson, but they are critical for those who take the Christian life seriously. The "cost" to be considered ("counted") is the cost of discipleship. The Lord made a distinct difference between salvation and discipleship. Salvation is open and free to all who accept His invitation by faith. Discipleship, on the other hand, is not free. It is only for those believers who are willing to "pay a price" as they follow, learn from, and serve the Saviour. This is the primary point of Christ's "mini-sermon" of Luke 14:25-35. His desire is for all Christians to be His disciples, but He knows not all His sheep are willing to sacrifice and suffer for His sake.
In this lesson, we look at "The Call to Discipleship," "The Cross of Discipleship," "the Cost of Discipleship," and "The Characteristics of Discipleship". Two parables were also given by the Lord in this sermon: "The Parable of the Tower Builder" (14:28-30) and "The Parable of the King Going to War" (14:31-33).

Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Luke 14:1-24
This is the last recorded Sabbath in the earthly ministry of Christ prior to His final arrival in Jerusalem (for the Passover). Included in this lesson, "Instruction at a Pharisee's Table" are the Lord's healing of a man who had dropsy, "The Parable of the Seats at a Wedding Feast," and "The Parable of the Great Banquet".
The Lord's instructions were given to four people or groups of people. With each person or group, He address a different subject matter. Thus, our four-point outline looks like this:
- Jesus Instructs the Religious Leaders about Sabbath Hypocrisy
- Jesus Instructs the Guests about Sincere Humility
- Jesus Instructs the Host about Selfish Hospitality
- Jesus Instructs an Unidentified Man about Salvation Hindrances

Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 104: Lost Opportunities {Very Serious Lesson!}
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Luke 13:22-35
During the Lord ministry among the Pereans, He was asked the question, "Lord, are there few that be saved?" (Luke 13:23). Part of His answer to the man contained these words, ". . . for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able" (13:24). The reason many will be unable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and the reason people should give the utmost attention to this matter of God's eternal Kingdom is because the opportunity does not continue forever! There is an opportunity-limit to enter through "the strait gate" that leads to life, for there comes a time when "the Master of the house" shuts the door (13:25) - just as there came a day when God shut the door (after a long period of grace) to Noah's ark. THIS IS A SERIOUS LESSON.
Included are three prophecies by Christ and they deal with: (1) Gentiles in the Kingdom of Heaven, (2) His death in Jerusalem and His third-day resurrection, and (3) the desolation of Jerusalem (A.D. 70), but also her eventual belief in Christ at His Second Coming.

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
John 10:22-42
In this lesson, we give a great background, history lesson about "The Feast of Dedication," more commonly known as Hanukkah! It is a miraculous true story about the rededication of the Temple to God after it had been horribly desecrated by the Syrians under the wicked leadership of Antiochus Epiphanes, who served very definitely as a prophetic type of the coming Antichrist.
Learn about Jewish history during the inter-Testimental period between Malachi and Matthew. Learn about the Maccabees and their great heroism! Most excitingly, learn about the MIRACLE of the cruz of oil that lasted 8 days, when it was only enough for one day! Also learn about the Lord's answer to the direct question, "If Thou be the Christ, tell us plainly" (10:24) and His crystal clear answer, which caused them to pick up stones to kill Him. That answer was, "I and My Father are ONE" (10:30)! Wow. It couldn't be any clearer than that!

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 102: The Need to Repent {Parable of the Barren Fig Tree}
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Luke 13:1-21
The Lord again used a parable ("The Barren Fig Tree") and a miracle (healing a woman bent over for 18 years) to symbolically illustrate the spiritual condition of the nation of Israel.
The two main outline divisions for this lesson are: I. The Need to Repent of Fruitlessness (13:1-9) and 2. The Need to Repent of Faithlessness (13:10-21).
We get into a very important discussion of the Lord's words, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish," which is much needed in our day when repentance of sin is not always included when witnessing to people about salvation. TWO things are absolutely necessary for salvation: repentance and faith in Christ. Without repentance toward God of our sin and faith in His Son, no one can be saved.
It is also important to understand the significance regarding Israel revealed in the Lord's "Parable of the Barren Fig Tree" by cutting it down, but leaving the roots. There will again, you see, be a budding fig tree, as Christ spoke about in His "Olivet Discourse" (Matthew 24:31)! The fig tree pictures Israel. Yes, she was cut down because of her fruitlessness and faithlessness, but she will spring forth life again, from her roots, in the latter days prior to Christ's Return!

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Life of Christ 101c: Five Warnings - Part III {Parable of Faithful Servants}
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
This is the third part of the Lord's "Five Warnings' Sermon" in which He warned against hypocrisy, covetousness, worry, and exhorted believers TO BE watchful and discerning. Also, included is another one of Christ's predictions of His upcoming crucifixion and death (Luke 12:50).