Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 186b: Joy Comes in the Morning!
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Mary Magdalene's blinding despair and confusion are turned to blessed joy unspeakable!
Think of this: Mary wept for the wrong reason; she wept because she found the tomb empty. The fact is, because the tomb WAS empty, she had every reason to be rejoicing! THE SAME IS TRUE FOR YOU AND ME!
THIS will be one of your favorite lessons! It will fill your cup to over-flowing with joy, love, hope, and true comfort!
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
You will want to hear this study to find out how the grave clothes appeared (and the folded head napkin) to give the women invited into the tomb by the angel and the Apostle John instant proof that Jesus had, indeed, RISEN FROM THE DEAD!
The grave clothes of the Lord Jesus are a very exciting subject.
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
NOTE: Correction to this message - replace Katherine's words about "Thursday evening" with "Wednesday evening". To understand this change, listen to podcast message entitled, "Passion Week Chronology".
There was so much activity taking place at the Lord's EMPTY tomb early Sunday morning, it is difficult to get the sequence all put together, but it is explained very clearly in this study - and in a very exciting manner! Bible critics who claim inconsistencies in the accounts of the four gospel authors are addressed and easily answered!
This is a fascinating lesson! It is informative in many ways; even humorous in the way the differences between women and men are demonstrated! Did you know it was a group of three women who first announced the full Gospel message - the death, burial, and resurrection! To whom did they make that announcement? The Apostles. What was their reaction? Disbelief. In fact, they thought the women were full of delirious wild talk! How ironic that when they publicly shared the Gospel on the Day of Pentecost, they were accused of being drunk! We should not be surprised when people to whom we share the Good News of salvation in Christ think we are narrow-minded, non-woke, backwoods, ignorant fools - should we? It has always been that way! Nonetheless, the Truth is the Truth and we sow the seed and leave the response of "the soil" to the Lord!
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 185a: The Resurrection Announced
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Without it, there would be no Christian faith: ". . . if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching in vain, and your faith is also vain . . . and ye are yet in your sins". Of all the major world religions, only four are based on personalities instead of philosophical propositions. Of the billions who are Jews, Buddhists, or Muslims, no one claims that their founder came out his grave in a resurrected, glorified body. Christianity alone makes that claim for Jesus Christ, and for a valid reason: because it is true.
In these messages on "The Resurrection of Christ," we give repeated reasons for its truth from Scripture, logical reasoning, post-resurrection historical circumstances, and absolutely changed lives. The women disciples of Christ were the first people in the world to hear and share the marvelous message of His resurrection, and that is a wonderful compensation for the mess Eve began!
Learn, too, about the appearances, messages, and various locations of what we call "the tomb stone angel," "the tomb shelf angel," and "the two standing angels". The angels gave confirmation of the reality of Christ's resurrection in two ways: He fulfilled His own predictions about a third-day resurrection, and the empty tomb ("Come, see the place where the Lord lay" (Matthew 28:6). The women were to compare what they SAW inside that tomb with what the had HEARD from the Lord's own lips - and when they put those two things together . . . BINGO! They believed, and their sorrow was turned to joy, just as the Lord promised (John 16:20)!
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 184c: Sunday Morning Wonder!
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
In this study "Sunday Morning Wonder!" we discuss: (1) the astonishment of the Roman guard at the tomb, (2) the amazing tombstone angel (you can't help but love this guy), (3) the arrival of the women and their conversation about how they would move the giant stone to the tomb when they got there, and (4) the incorrect assumption made by the extremely distraught Mary Magdalene, who figured someone had stolen the Lord's body. It is exciting to travel back in time with us and picture the reaction and responses of the various people just mentioned when faced with the supernatural! One thing is clear: nobody was expecting the third-day resurrection, despite how many times Jesus predicted it.
Interesting to know is that all four gospel accounts mention the condition of the morning sky ("yet dark," " began to dawn," "very early in the morning," and "rising of the sun"), and they together symbolically picture the salvation experience! Here's a question for you, "Who first heard the news that Christ had risen"? This lesson will help you get the Sunday morning chronology of events straightened out in your mind.
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS HEARING THIS LESSON! Not only do we discuss some of the early Resurrection Sunday morning activities at the tomb, but then we get into a deep discussion about what the Lord's soul was doing while His body rested! What exactly did Peter refer to when he wrote that Christ "preached unto the spirits in prison" (I Peter 3:19)? Does this mean unsaved, dead people in Hades were given a second chance for salvation? Who exactly were "the spirits"? What is the Greek word for "preached" (it's not what you might think)? How is this passage connected to some horrific demonic activity that took place before the Flood (Genesis 6)? Did the Lord's body see corruption in the tomb? A LOT of INFORMATION you may never have heard explained before!
In this lesson, we discuss the astonishment of the guard over the tomb, the angel of the tomb, and the arrival of the women at the tomb (to further anoint the Lord's wrapped body with spices). There was a lot of activity at the tomb on that day, and it is only by putting together the accounts of all four gospels (which this study does) that we can learn the proper sequence of events (often not presented correctly).
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Learn of the post-death actions of several women who remained at the crucifixion site of Christ until He gave up His spirit. Learn, too, of the tender post-death acts of two very prominent religious rulers (Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, who boldly emerged from his secret discipleship).
In the early morning hours of the "high day" Sabbath, the chief priests joined with the Pharisees in a further attempt to discredit and destroy the name of Jesus. He was dead, but they still were not satisfied. They were so concerned about His continuing influence, they held an illegal Sabbath meeting and decided to again solicit the help of Pontius Pilate. They wanted to make sure the Lord's followers did not turn His death into something even greater than His life had been. Ha! That was an impossible venture on their part! Find out the extent they went to make sure the tomb was sealed tight (interesting how they did that) and well-guarded - and how all their foolish efforts only backfired on them to be used as further evidence of the reality of Christ's Resurrection!
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 183b: Burial Preparations Fit for a King!
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Two formerly secret disciples of Christ emerge just at the right time to provide the most respectable burial for the body of their Lord - and, of course, one that also fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. If Jesus was not buried in a rich man's tomb, He would not have qualified to be Messiah (see Isaiah 53:9)! Again, we find the amazing providence of Almighty God at work in such specific ways that ensure His Son was buried as the royal Prince He is, but also to fulfill His prophetic word!
There is so much "meat" found in this study on Christ' burial (the method, the strip wrappings, the 100-pound mixture of costly spices, the head "napkin"), but here is just one truth to whet your hunger: Wealthy, wise men (Magi) lavished their expensive gifts on Christ early in His life. Wealthy, wise men (Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus) lavished their rich gifts upon Him at the end of His life! Though "the world" rejected Him, nonetheless, He was and IS THE KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 183a: Post-Death Providential Care
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
There is perhaps no single account in Scripture that gives more evidence of God's providence than the record of the circumstances relating to the after-death care and burial of the Lord Jesus. This subject is often passed over quickly as something necessary, but not significant when compared to Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances. This is a mistake, for the gospel accounts on this matter contain astounding truths that present additional testimony to both the providence of God and the identity of Jesus as His true Son!
If Christ had not given up His spirit when He did, His leg bones would have been broken. He would not qualify as Messiah, for Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, and Psalm 34:20 would not have been fulfilled by Him. If He had not have been pierced through with a Roman spear, we would not know the actual physical cause of His death and how it fulfilled Psalm 69:20 (not the normal crucifixion deaths, which were either by exhaustion asphyxia or hypovolemic shock).
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 182: Responses to Christ’s Death {It is Finished XII}
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
After the Lord Jesus commended His spirit into His Father's hands, there was immediately a series of four responses. There was God's response by way of three miraculous phenomena: (1) the Temple Veil Tore from top to bottom (SO MUCH SIGNIFICANCE), (2) the earth quaked (HEAVEN'S "AMEN" TO CHRIST'S FINISHED WORK), and (3) certain select graves were opened (FOR THOSE INSIDE TO COME FORTH, LIKE LAZARUS, ON RESURRECTION SUNDAY AFTER CHRIST AROSE). These were amazing miracles to testify of the magnitude of what had just been completed by Christ on the cross - redemption for sin!!!
Did you realize there were SEVEN CALVARY-related MIRACLES? Can you name them?
Also discussed in this lesson are three more reactions; human reactions: (1) a Roman centurion expresses belief in Jesus as "the Son of God" (the penitent thief, a Jew, and the centurion, a Gentile, were cross-work "fruit" and witnesses of Christ's saving power); (2) the watching multitude were full of fear over all they witnessed. In fact, they beat their breasts, which was a sign of fear and conviction of sin (good sign). (3) The third human response came from the group of faithful women disciples of Christ who had remained at the crucifixion site (although "afar off") throughout His Passion. They were confused and, needless to say, in deep grief. ALL WOULD CHANGE FOR THEM (and for US) in just a few more days! Halleluiah!
This study in written form is found in our "Caldwell Commentary" series - "Life of Christ Vol. 8" (available through www.scripturetruth.com).
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 181b: The Victor’s Death {It is Finished Part XI}
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Friday Feb 02, 2024
In the first part of this lesson (see Lesson #181a), we discussed "The Victor's Declaration" (John 19:30a); we conclude with this lesson on "The Victor's Death". Included in this great, great study is a look at Christ's final (of seven) cross saying, which, as the first saying, was a prayer. It was significant, not only because it was His last word before He died, but because His use of the term, "Father," tells us He was back in communion/fellowship with His heavenly Father! The "cup" He had been given to drink was fully drained; the storm of God's wrath upon the sins of the world was spent. All was calm. The darkness lifted. The Lord quoted one more verse of Scripture (Psalm 31:5) when He said in a loud voice, "Father, into Thine hand I commit My spirit". He had willingly delivered His body into the hands of His enemies; He now voluntarily delivered His spirit into the hands of His Father.
Discover a number of evidences that NOBODY TOOK CHRIST'S LIFE; HE LAID IT DOWN HIS OWN WAY and ON HIS OWN TIME SCHEDULE (which was exactly the time of day when the Passover lambs were be slain - 3:00 p.m.). Much "meat" for the spiritually hungry in this two-part study!
This lesson is given in written form in "The Caldwell Commentary" book entitled "The Life of Christ Vol. 8 (available through www.scripturetruth.com).
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 181a: The Victor’s Declaration {It is Finished X}
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
For a number of lessons prior to this one, we have been looking at the apparent "tragedy" of Calvary, but, with this lesson, we turn to the reality of the situation: it was a victorious triumph! To the unbelieving world, it seems as though Jesus of Nazareth was the victim of a cruel, but unplanned (by Him) crucifixion. The truth is so very different. Jesus (the Saviour promised the world since Genesis 3:15) was both the Designer and Orchestrater of the entire out-working of events and circumstances that led to Calvary! Everything that took place before, during, and after Calvary was accomplished in absolute accordance with and submission to His Father's will - for His glory and for mankind's good. It was also all prophesied by God, through multiple Old Testament prophets, and was fulfilled to every tiny detail. Calvary was anything but unplanned!
Learn all about the Victor's declaration, "It is Finished!" He did not say, "I am finished," for the fact is it was just the beginning of many new things for Him and for those who put their faith in Him! "Tetelestai" (the Greek word for "It is finished") was not the tragic cry of a victim at all. It was the triumphant shout of a Victor!!! It was the declarative statement of the Eternal Son of God to the entire universe that the redemptive work He came to do on earth for man was accomplished! This means there is not a thing you or I can DO to "help" Jesus "get us saved". The only thing needful is for a person to rest, by faith, in the completed, accomplished, totally performed and "done deal" work of Christ. IT IS FINISHED! Alleluiah; Amen!
The entire Gospel of Christ is essentially wrapped up in that one powerful Greek word, "Tetelestai," my favorite word in the Bible, other than the name above every name, Jesus!
This lesson (with Homework Questions) is found in written form in "The Caldwell Commentary" series "Life of Christ Vol. 8 (available through www.scripturetruth.com).
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 180: The Ninth Hour Thirst {It is Finished IX}
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
"The Ninth Hour Thirst" - Matthew 27:47-49; Mark 15:35, 36; John 19:28, 29. This lesson is divided into three parts: The Devious Deception, The Divine Desire, and The Davidic Drink. Learn of a centuries' long debate about the motive of those who said the Lord was crying out to Elijah when He said, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" ("My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?"). It is an interesting debate; likely the misunderstanding intentionally originated with Israel's religious rulers as a devious deception to maliciously mock Jesus.
There is a lengthy discussion in this lesson about the Lord's fifth saying from the cross, "I thirst". Find out why those words give evidence of His Humanity, but how the reason He spoke them gives evidence of His Deity!
Who was the last person to demonstrate a degree of compassion to the Lord Jesus? Find out! What are some of the obvious similarities between the Passover events concerning Christ's crucifixion and the original Passover of Moses' day? Again, find out (hint: darkness, hyssop, sacrificial Lamb).
This lesson in written form (with Homework Questions) is found in our "Caldwell Commentary" - "Life of Christ Vol. 8 (available through www.scripturetruth.com). See also Amazon.com for other Caldwell Commentaries
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 179: The Sixth Hour Darkness {It is Finished VIII}
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
This lesson begins our discussion of the Lord's second three hours on the cross (from noon to 3:00 p.m., or was called the sixth to ninth hours). This time frame began with an eerie, mysterious darkness over the land, and an intense darkness over the Lord Himself as He was separated, for the first and only time ever, from fellowship with the Father.
What were God's reasons for the darkness that shrouded the suffering of His Son from human eyes for three hours?
If Jesus is Deity (and He is), then why would He ask why God had forsaken Him (His fourth saying from the cross)? Did He not know? Yes, He knew! In fact, His knowledge of that mandatory separation, when He literally became the curse of sin for us, was the whole reason for His agony in Gethsemane! Also, the preincarnate Christ answered His own question in the prophetic preview of His cross-work recorded in Psalm 22. Actually, by asking the question, He fulfilled yet one more Messianic prophecy!
One further point of interest: Jesus asked the question so the world would know He paid the FULL wages of death for our sin, which includes not only physical death, but also spiritual deathm (separation from God)!
Deep, theological lesson made easy to understand and to deepen faith and appreciation for "What Jesus Did for YOU" . . . and for me. Critical lesson for every believer; convicting lesson to use evangelistically with every non-believer.
This lesson in written form (with Homework Questions) is in our "Caldwell Commentary" series, "The Life of Christ Vol. 8 (available through www.scripturetruth.com).
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
"Love: A Personal Concern" - John 19:25-27. John's gospel record of the crucifixion of Christ immediately ushers his readers from the Lord's foes to His friends! He is the only one of the four gospel authors to record Christ's third (of seven) saying from the cross, which was about His mother's care. To the end, the Lord Jesus obeyed the Law, for He honored His widowed mother by providing (as her eldest Son) for her future care. He not only obeyed the letter of the Law, He displayed the spirit of the Law, for He exhibited genuine love toward the woman who gave Him physical birth and an eternal home in her heart.
Ivor Powell (great Bible commentator) said if he were a woman, one of his favorite passages of Scripture would be John 19:25, 26. Why? Because, at the most critical time in Christ's life (as He hung on the cross to pay for the sins of the world), all but one Apostle had forsaken Him. Only young John was present at the cross However, there were four faithful women who had both the courage and love to stand with Jesus in the midst of widespread, open hostility and mockery. Find out who they were, as well as interesting information about each of them.
Was Mary, the mother of Jesus, still at the cross when He died? A lot of religious paintings would lead us to think so! Listen and hear what the Bible actually tells us!
This study is found in written form (with Homework Questions) in our "Caldwell Commentary" series, "Life of Christ Vol. 8 (available through www.scripturetruth.com)
Find Katherine Caldwell Commentaries on Amazon.com
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
The sub-title for this concluding lesson on our mini-series, "It is Finished" (What Jesus Did for You) is, "Faith: A Penitent Criminal". The conversion of one of the two thieves dying with the Lord is a wonderful demonstration of His triumphant victory over the wicked forces of Satan's principalities and powers even when He was seemingly at His weakest (He was really at His strongest). This is the true account of a sinner who experienced the transforming power of God's grace. There are some very significant doctrinal teachings that come to light in the Lord's promise to the penitent thief. What appears to be five short and simple verses (Luke 23:39-43) about a man's dying salvation are actually complex and packed full of deep, spiritual, and eternal truths regarding the Christian faith.
Did you know the thief's salvation was fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy? It was! Be surprised to learn where that prophecy was given.
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
The title of this fifth lesson of our "It is Finished" series concerning Christ's cross-work is "Hate: A Provoking Crowd". As Satan was in the very process of bruising the Saviour's heel (Genesis 3:15), he was also seeing to it that representatives of each First Century "people group" voiced hatred and scorn at his age-old enemy, God's Son (the One Who cast him like lightning from Heaven). The events of this lesson occurred during the Lord's first three hours on the cross, before it became eerily dark. The outline for this study is four-fold: (1) The Scoffer Passing By the Saviour, (2) The Sanhedrin Calling Down the Saviour, (3) The Soldiers Mocking Under the Saviour, and (4) The Sinners Hanging Next to the Saviour.
Please understand this truth: Many people erroneously think the crucifixion manifested the Lord's weakness. The total opposite is true! Christ crucified is the power of God (II Corinthians 13:4)!
This lesson in written form (with Homework Questions) is found in "The Caldwell Commentaries" - Life of Christ Vol. 8 (available through www.scripturetruth.com).
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 175b: The Crucifixion - Part I {It is Finished IV}
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
This is the continuation of Lesson 175a on the Lord's crucifixion. Repeatedly, throughout His earthly ministry, Christ's enemies sought to destroy Him, but they could not. HIS predetermined "hour" had not come. But finally it did, and their desires were granted by the will of God Himself. The Lord Jesus, Prince of Life, willingly yielded Himself into their hands. At any minute - even hanging nailed to a cross - He could have used His power to escape, but He did not. He was fully surrendered to carry through to completion His divinely ordained mission to redeem mankind. Regardless what it meant for Him personally by way of spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental anguish, He would drink the full, bitter cup of His Father's wrath and holy judgment against sin - for you and for me.
As in the first part of this two-part look at Christ's horrific crucifixion, we will see how Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled. Learn, too, who wrote the first Gospel tract and what it said. Also, did you know the Holy Spirit did NOT inspire any of the four gospel writers to record details about the Lord's actual crucifixion! Why do you think that is?
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 175a: The Crucifixion - Part I {It is Finished III}
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
In-depth commentary/study books to ACCOMPANY EVERY STUDY on our podcast are available through Amazon.comuand scripturetruth.com Search under Katherine Caldwell Commentaries)
In this lesson, we engage in the unpleasant task of describing the suffering of the cruelest, most disgraceful death instrument depraved mankind ever invented. We discuss a four-point outline in this two-part study of "The Crucifixion": the Pain of Crucifixion, the Prayer of Christ ("Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"), the Parting of Clothing (a fulfillment of Psalm 22:18), and the Placard of the Cross.
Similar to the lack of any details recorded in the four gospels about the Lord's scourging by the Romans, we also find that none of the four divinely inspired authors wrote anything more about His crucifixion than simply to say, "they crucified Him" along with "two robbers". From the human perspective, we can assume Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John saw little reason to describe the horrors of crucifixion to their contemporary readers, for everyone in that day knew more about crucifixion than they wanted to know.
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 174b: The Way of the Cross - Part II {It is Finished II}
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
An extremely serious lesson (continuation of Lesson 174a)!
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 174a: The Way of the Cross - Part I {It is Finished I}
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
You do not want to miss this two-part study (see also Lesson 174b) on the Lord's "Way of the Cross"! We promise you will be blessed!
In-depth commentary/study books to ACCOMPANY EVERY STUDY on our podcast are available through Amazon.comuand scripturetruth.com Search under Katherine Caldwell Commentaries)
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 173b: Satan’s Hour of Darkness - Part IV
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
In-depth commentary/study books to ACCOMPANY EVERY STUDY on our podcast are available through Amazon.comuand scripturetruth.com Search under Katherine Caldwell Commentaries)
A number of prophecies were fulfilled during "Satan's Hour of Darkness" - in this lesson, Isaiah 49:7, 53:3, and First Samuel 8:5, which all predicted Israel's rejection of her King/Messiah, were fulfilled. Also, the Lord's own prediction in Mark 10:34 and Matthew 27:30 that He would be spat upon by the Gentiles was fulfilled. Isaiah 50:6b, which Jesus mentioned in Mark 15:19, was fulfilled. It said that the Messiah would not hide His face from shame and spitting!
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 173a: Satan’s Hour of Darkness - Part III
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Matthew 27:23b-30; Mark 15:15-19; Luke 23:23-25; John 19:12-16
In this third part of our look at "Satan's Hour of Darkness," we look at a four-point outline (some in this lesson and the rest in the lesson to follow - 173b): (1) The Demand of the Crowd, (2) The Denouncement of a Coward, (3) The Death Sentence of the Christ, and (4) The Depravity of a Cohort.
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 172b: Satan’s Hour of Darkness - Part II
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Satan's enmity against God was manifested throughout the Old Testament era by his continual striving to prevent the Christ from being born! Satan sought to eliminate the ancestral line from which He (the Saviour) was prophesied to come. When he failed in that mission, Satan attempted to eliminate Him shortly after He was born by using Herod the Great's horrific "Bethlehem Massacre". God intervened, and the old dragon was again foiled in his quest. Then, repeatedly throughout the Lord's earthly life, Satan continued in his attempts to destroy Him - either through temptations to sin or premature death. Again, he was always hindered by the Lord from accomplishing his mission.
But during Christ's trials and crucifixion, God no longer hindered the powers of darkness. The hour had arrived when the serpent would bruise the Saviour's heel (Genesis 3:15). Satan fully availed himself of his opportunity to persecute, mock, and kill his age-old Enemy (his very Creator), which he did through his human dupes.
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 172a: Satan’s Hour of Darkness - Part I
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
For all Caldwell Commentary study books go to
scripturetruth.com or htpp://Amazon.com
John 19:1-5 SCOURGED. MOCKED. EXHIBITED. HATED. The horrible atrocities heaped upon the One Who came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost went beyond the bounds of reasonable human understanding. Where was the divinely inspired, Scripturally-based justice of Israel in the Jews' dealings with Jesus? Where was the much praised Roman justice when it came to His civil trials? Why was a bound Prisoner scourged and mocked and condemned to die when "the judge" repeatedly declared His innocence? Why was the Lord Jesus treated in a way that unparalleled the treatment of any other person in history? What is the secret of His gross mistreatment and injustice?
The answer is that divine restraint was removed so human depravity was permitted to demonstrate itself in all its deceitful fulness as representatives of both Jews and Gentiles crucified the Son of God Who came to save them. We are also told by Christ Himself that His unparalleled mistreatment was due to the fact that it was "Satan's Hour of Darkness" (see Luke 22:53). The "hour" had arrived when the serpent would bruise the Saviour's "heel" (Genesis 3:15).
Learn about this "hour" in both this and the following two lessons.
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 171b: The Lamb Before His Shearers - Part II
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Matthew 27:15-21; Mark 15:6-11; Luke 23:17-19; John 18:39, 40
In this second half of our study on "The Lamb Before His Shearers" (see Lesson 171a), we do not so much look at the silence of Christ as we did when He stood before His accusers and before Herod Antipas, but we look at the selection of the crowd. Pilate presented the crowd assembled around the Praetorium with a "Passover Bargain". They could choose to free one prisoner, and the choice was between Jesus and Barabbas, a robber, murderer, and insurrectionist against Rome.
We also discuss "Mrs. Pilate's Precautionary Dream" - one her husband should have paid great attention to! Thirdly, we then look at "The Multitude's Providential Choice". Sadly, they chose to free Barabbas instead of Jesus - but, of course, Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world!
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 171a: The Lamb Before His Shearers - Part I
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
For all Caldwell Commentary study books go to
scripturetruth.com or htpp://Amazon.com
Matthew 27:12-14; Mark 15:3-5; Luke 23:5-16
This is the first of a two-part study entitled, "The Lamb Before His Shearers," speaking of the Lord Jesus, the True Lamb of God sent to redeem mankind from our sin, as He appeared before the official representatives of Rome in a three-phased "civil" trial. After having failed to find a legitimate indictment against Jesus, the Jewish Sanhedrin Council accused Him of blasphemy when He truthfully claimed to be "the Christ, the Son of God". The condemned Him to die. However, since the Jews did not have the legal authority to exact the death penalty themselves, they had to turn to Rome (although this didn't stop them a little later when it came to stoning Stephen to death). They really wanted Jesus crucified because the Old Testament declared any one who hung from a tree to be "cursed"! They figured this would surely disqualify Him as the Messiah in the eyes of the people. Little did they know how He literally became the curse of sin for you, me, and for them!
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 170b: Christ Before Pilate {Pilate with the Prisoner}
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
In-depth commentary/study books to ACCOMPANY EVERY STUDY on our podcast are available through Amazon.com and scripturetruth.com
This is the continuation of our study of the Lord's first "civil" trial, which was before Pontius Pilate (see Lesson 170a and our discussion of Pilate's conversation with the prosecutors of Jesus, the Jews).
In this lesson, we learn why Pilate suspected the Jews' accusations against Jesus to be false (Luke 23:2). We discuss why Jesus answered Pilate's first question with a question of His own (John 18:33,34). We see WHO was really the one on trial, and it wasn't Jesus! We find out what the religious rulers said to Pilate that actually fulfilled the prophecy of Genesis 49:10, proving that Shiloh (Messiah) had come!
We also learn of the "proof" Jesus gave Pilate that His Kingdom was "not of this world" and, thus, no immediate threat to political Rome. Then, too, we discuss Pilate's famous question (asked sarcastically and rhetorically, not expecting an answer), "What is truth?" Little did he know - or care to know - that Truth incarnate was standing before Him (John 14:6)!
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 170a: Christ Before Pilate {Pilate with the Prosecutors}
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
A two-part study that covers: Matthew 27:11; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:1-4; and John 18:28-38
The Lord's prediction of Matthew 27:2 that the Jewish leaders of Israel would turn Him over to the Gentiles (Mark 10:33) came to pass. The Sanhedrin Council and its two corrupt, co-reigning high priests (Annas and Caiaphas) decided it was expedient for them that "one man should die for the people" (John 11:50), so they condemned Him to death and sent Him to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, to execute Him.
There is a great deal of important dialogue to discuss in all that transpired as the Lord's three "civil" trials (they were anything but civil) began. We only cover part of His first appearance before Pilate in this lesson (Part I), so be sure to also listen to Part II (Lesson 170b)!
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 169c: The Alarm Cock Sounds - Part III
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
This lesson concludes our three-part study of Peter's three-part denial of Christ prior to the three cock crows (as the Lord predicted Peter would do earlier that night). It must have pained both the Lord's and Peter's hearts as the two made eye contact right after Peter's third denial. The good news is that Peter repented and was later fully restored by the grace of the resurrected Lord of glory! We discuss the difference between Judas and Peter; between regret and true repentance, among other things.
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
This is the continuation of the biblical narrative concerning Peter's three denials of Christ the night of the Lord's arrest and trials.
Saturday Jan 06, 2024
Saturday Jan 06, 2024
In the first part of this audio, we finish our look at Christ's second religious trial, which was before the corrupt high priest Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin Council. We discussed in the past two lessons (168a and 168b) the trial deadlock and the testimony shock (the wonderful truth of His identity from Christ). Sadly, the trial ended with a terrible mock.
To the fantastic news of Christ's identity, the members of the highest court of Israel revealed their "true coIors" in the way they treated their "Prisoner". It was the highest insult a Jew could give, and they did it to the Son of the Living God! They began by spitting in His face! Little did they realize they had just fulfilled a Messianic prophecy - see Isaiah 50:6! Wow! No matter what they did, they simply kept reaffirming Who He is!
In the second half of this lesson (Matthew 26:71-75; Mark 14:69-72; Luke 22:58-62; John 18:25-27), we discuss the fulfillment of a prophecy the Lord Jesus spoke earlier that night, which was that before the cock crew three times, Peter would deny Him three times (Matthew 26:34; Mark 14:3). Of course, Peter adamantly refuted the prediction, and yet . . .
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 168b: Christ Before Caiaphas {Testimony Shock}
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Matthew 26:63b-68; Mark 14:61b-65; Luke 22:63-65
The Lord Jesus gave a prediction regarding His Second Coming that absolutely shocked everyone listening at His second trial! He affirmed His Deity, calling Himself the Son of God. He likewise affirmed His Messiahship, calling Himself the Son of man by associating Himself with two well-known Messianic passages of Scripture (Psalm 110:1 and Daniel 7:13. His statement was also a prediction of His resurrection, ascension, and return!
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 168a: Christ Before Caiaphas {Trial Deadlock}
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Matthew 26:57, 59-68; Mark 14:53, 55-65; Luke 22:63-66; John 18:24
In this lesson, we look at the second phase of the Lord's religious trial, which was held before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin Council of Israel in an informal setting shortly before dawn. Like the "trial" before Annas, the second one before the co-reigning high priest, was totally illegal. Yet, even though the trial was illegal and the witnesses brought in to testify were false, yet the Council members still could not gain a charge against Jesus! They came to a deadlock of frustration, which we talk about in the first part of our outline, "The Trial Deadlock".
The rest of this study is presented in Lesson 168b.
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Life of Christ Lesson 167: Tied, Tried, and Denied
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
John 18-12-23; Matthew 26:58, 69, 70; Mark 14:54, 66-68; Luke 22:54-57
The threefold name for this lesson, "Tied, Tried, and Denied," is based on the threefold outline of the events that took place the night of Christ's arrest recorded in the gospel passages listed above. We look sequentially at these topics: (1) Jesus being prophetically tied by His enemies, (2) Jesus being tragically denied by Peter (which He had prophesied earlier that night), and (3) Jesus being illegally tried by Annas (the high priest of Israel).
The Holy Spirit's intention in these passages of alternating the reader's focus from the unfair trials of the innocent Lord Jesus to the shameful, sinful denials of Peter is to emphasize the great need for Christ's redemption by ALL men!
Learn a lot about how absolutely ILLEGAL the trial of Jesus held by Annas, Israel's high priest, was! It may shock you, but the illegalities continue throughout the night! Corruption today is not anything new, is it?
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Matthew 26:48-56; Mark 14:44-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:10-12
The single outstanding feature of Jesus Christ in this third and final garden scene (Gethsemane), where He was betrayed by Judas with a kiss, disappointed by Peter with a sword, arrested by soldiers, and deserted by His disciples, is His GRACE. In stark contrast, the one thing that stands out about everyone else in the garden is their GUILT.
This is a loaded lesson with lots of details to learn about matters you may have missed before!
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 165: The Majesty of the Gethsemane King
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Matthew 26:47; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47a; John 18:2-9
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The title for this second lesson on Christ's Gethsemane experience is "The Majesty of the Gethsemane King" because even though that garden on the Mount of Olives was where He was betrayed and arrested, it is also where His divine majesty is displayed in all that took place! In Gethsemane, we find Jesus as the Victor over and the Designer of the circumstances! He was not tricked or surprised what happened to Him. He is the sovereign Son of God Who displayed both His power and authority not only to those who belong to Him (the disciples), but to those who came to arrest Him.
Believe it or not, the Scripture of this lesson reveals the excellencies of the Lord Jesus in a way that few other passages of Scripture do!
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 164: The Mystery of the Gethsemane Cup
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46; John 18:1
The three aspects of this study on "The Mystery of the Gethsemane Cup" deal with the Gethsemane Mystery, the Gethsemane Agony, and the Gethsemane Victory! You will learn about "the Apostles' sleep," "the angelic strengthening," and "the agonizing sweat". The Lord Jesus really won the victory over sin and death for us in Gethsemane. At the cross of Calvary, He yielded His body, but in the garden of Gethsemane, He yielded His will.
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
What the Bible Says About Angels
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Angelology - the study of angels! This lesson contains a lot of information on angels. There is so much disinformation about angels in the world - everything from thinking that "good" people become angels when they die (totally false) to the blasphemous worship angels!
When did God create the angelic host? Did Lucifer fall before or after God's creation of man? Are the total number of angels set forever or can they perish and/or reproduce? When was the last time the Bible records angels singing (a question most get wrong)? Why is it so much better to be a fallen human being than a fallen angel? Are there ranks among the angels? What about spiritual warfare in the heavenlies? How many archangels are there? What is the difference between cherubim and seraphim? Are there male and female angels?
A very fascinating study!
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
John 17:20-26
This is the section (verses 20 to 24) of Christ's High Priestly Prayer in which He prayed for all future believers (if you are a believer in Him, this is what Jesus prayed for you)! What did He pray? He asked for our witness for Him to be successful on earth and in Heaven; for the world and for His glory.
In some of the Lord's last words spoken in the presence of His men, the Apostles heard Him pray for yet-unborn people who would believe on Him because of their witness! He was telling them, through the prayer, that the Gospel would prevail even in the face of the world's hatred and their weaknesses. In the midst of all their confusion and despair, that must have been a blessed comfort to hear. Facing soon betrayal, arrest, and death, Jesus was not discouraged nor did He sound in any way defeated! In future vision, He could behold the faces of the millions of people who would swell the ranks of His current little flock! It was part of the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2)! I hope that flock includes YOU!
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 162: The Lord’s High Priestly Prayer - Part IV
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
John 17:11b-19
The longest recorded prayer from the Lord Jesus in Scripture is found only in the gospel of John; it is called His "High Priestly Prayer" in that much of it is a prayer of intercession on behalf of those He loves. It was actually a pre-cross "sneak" preview of Christ's post-cross intercessory work as High Priest of His Church.
In this lesson, we discuss the Lord's requests made to His Heavenly Father on behalf of the Apostles. He prayed for their unity, for their joy, for their protection, and for their sanctification.
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 161: The Lords High Priestly Prayer - Part III
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
John 17:6-11a
This lesson continues our study of Christ's "High Priestly Prayer" of John 17, which very neatly falls into three outline parts. First, the Lord prayed for Himself (see Lessons 160a and 160b). Second, He prayed for the Apostles. Third, He lifted up His voice in prayer to His Heavenly Father to pray for all future believers.
We talk about the reasons the Son of God prayed for His men (the Apostles), and there were four of them given. The specific requests He asked for them are found in Lesson 162a.
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 160b: The Lord’s High Priestly Prayer - Part II
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
John 17:1-5
In what Warren Wiersbe calls "the Holy of Holies" of the Gospel record (Christ's High Priestly prayer of John chapter 17), the Son of God asked two "petitions" for Himself We discuss those two important requests in this lesson (continuation of Lesson 160a).
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 160a: The Lord’s High Priestly Prayer - Part I
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
John 17:1-5
The seventeenth chapter of the gospel of John is what many great men of God have considered to be "the Holy of Holies" of the Word of God. In this sacred chapter, the veil before the Most Holy Place is pulled aside and we are allowed to listen to inter-Trinitarian communication. The Lord Jesus spoke audibly, in the presence of His disciples, to His Heavenly Father after He concluded His "Farewell Discourse" (John 14 to 16). His special prayer is the longest recorded prayer of the Son of God.
In the first part of His prayer, the Lord Jesus prayed for Himself. We discuss three aspects of this part of His prayer (see also Lesson 160b): (1) the purpose for His prayer, (2) the posture of His prayer, and (3) the petitions of His prayer.
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
John 16:16-33
The eleven disciples to whom Christ spoke the words of this passage from His "Farewell Discourse" were experiencing anything but joy! They were distressed and sorrowful because He told them He was leaving and despite all the fantastic promises He gave them, they were despondent. They wanted HIM, not His promises. However, the many promises He gave them from John 14 to this point DID make a difference in their lives! All their sorrows DID turn to joy - and it was a joy no one or anything could ever take from them.
The words Christ spoke that night to His despondent men CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE, too! YOU, too, can have a joy unspeakable that no one or anything can ever take from you!
In this lesson, we discover what the Lord told His followers about coming joy. He spoke about transformed joy, which is born out of pain; He spoke of transcendent joy, which is found in prayer, and He discussed triumphant joy, which is the peace of being "in Him"!
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 156: The Hatred of the World
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
John 15:18-25
Continuing with the Lord's "Farewell Discourse," addressed to His disciples, first in the Upper Room and then on their way to Gethsemane, we find that after speaking about "The Love of the Lord" (Lesson #155), He then talked about the world's hostility toward Him and His people.
The transition from this lesson to the previous one is a natural one. Jesus had just finished telling His men that He would no longer call them "servants," but "friends". He then furnished them with three proofs of His love for them. Now (in this section of His sermon), He forewarned them of the enemies' hatred; since they were His friends, they could expect to encounter the same hatred He encountered (and was about to encounter, beginning that very night)!
The Lord does not want His followers to be naïve about our opposition. He does not want our spirits quenched by the evil we encounter as we proclaim Him to the world. So, He told us ahead of time (through His words to the disciples), of the hatred we can expect from the world because of our identity with Him.
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 155: The Love of the Lord
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
John 15:9-17
The Lord moved away from His analogy of the Vine and its branches (15:1-8) and focused on love and friendship as He spoke to His men on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would be betrayed and arrested (and knew it). In this study entitled "The Love of the Lord," we discuss (1) The Depth of Christ's Love (15:9), (2) The Demands of Christ's Love (15:10), (3) The Delights of Christ's Love (15:11, 12), (4) The Demonstration of Christ's Love (15:13-16), and (5) The Duplication of Christ's Love (15:17).
Learn about having joy within and peace without! Learn of His Self-sacrifice, His special friendship, and His sovereign selection.
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 154: The Vine and Branches - Part II
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
John 15:4-8
As the Lord and His men were on their way from the Upper Room to the Garden of Gethsemane on the final night before Jesus' death on the Passover, He used the analogy of a vine and its branches to compare His relationship with believers. In the first part of this two-part study on this beautiful metaphor, we considered "The Vine and its Background" and "The Vine and its Branches," where we learned that Christ is the Vine, God the Father is the Vinedresser (Husbandman), and true believers are the fruitful branches. In this study, we look at "The Vine and its Bountifulness" (15:4-8). VERY IMPORTANT discussion on abiding in the Vine and abounding for the Vine!
Did you know that every true believer bears fruit? What about the thief on the cross? He died shortly after he was saved by trusting in Jesus as Lord! He had no time to bear fruit - or did he? Find out!
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 153: The Vine and Branches - Part I
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
John 15:1-3
After the Lord finished comforting His disciples with His words of John chapter 14, it was time to leave the Upper Room to make His way to Gethsemane, where He knew Judas would lead His enemies to arrest Him. His instruction to His men as they made their way to that garden began with an analogy regarding a vine and its branches, which is the subject of this two-part study on John 15:1-8. In this first lesson, we will discuss "The Vine and its Background" (verse 1) and "The Vine and its Branches" (verses 2 and 3).
The Lord Jesus declared Himself to be the Vine of His analogy with His seventh "I AM" statement. He said, "I am the True Vine" (15:1). His Father is the Vinedresser, and believers in Christ are the "branches" who both abide in and abound for the True Vine.
THERE IS A LOT OF DEEP INFORMATION in this analogy! Does verse 2a mean that Christians can lose their salvation? Are the fruitless branches "professing only Christians" (in name only)? Do the discarded branches represent the Christian's works? What about the role of the husbandman (the vinedresser) and the very important pruning process of the Christian? All these questions are discussed - and many others.
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Life of Christ Lesson 152: The Promised Peace!
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
John 14:22-31
In the first part of this lesson, "The Promised Peace," the Lord Jesus answered yet another question from one of His men during His "Farewell Discourse" to them. Peter had asked Him where He was going and why he could not immediately follow Him there (John 13:36, 37). Thomas wanted to know the way to get wherever Jesus was going (14:5), and Philip made the request to get a glimpse of the Father (14:8). Now, Thaddaeus wanted to know how Jesus could manifest Himself to them and not to the world (14:22). We discuss Christ's answer as to how He manifests Himself only to those who love Him.
In the second part of this lesson, the Lord continued giving His men comforting promises to ease the pain of His announcement about His upcoming death and departure from them (after His resurrection). Six of those promises were covered in Lessons #149-151. The remaining two are discussed in this lesson: "The Promise of Assured Perpetuation" (the promise of the believer's undying life) and "The Promise of Astonishing Position" (the union believers have with the Holy Trinity, and Christ's special manifestation of Himself to them).